What song would MICHAEL dedicate to.......you/them/etc???


What song would MICHAEL dedicate to.......you/them/him/etc???

I know there is a thread somewhere around here with songs folks could dedicate to Michael. Like the idiot full of ideas that i are, some time ago a strange lil' thought crossed my potato brain - how bout we make an exercise of imagination and reverse things a bit...

Just imagine - if Michael was here now and he knew and cared, what song would he dedicate, either from his own catalogue or other people's music?

I can very well image those of you goin' through a rough and difficult time would expect to hear something along the lines of Keep the faith or Smile. For others yet he is your Best of joy. I know there are countless women who would like to have The lady in my life, Butterflies or Break of dawn on their playlist, but then again maybe Michael would have deemed more appropriate for them Billie Jean, Dangerous or Dirty Diana.

Given the current state of affairs i'd hate to think what songs some of you believe Michael would dedicate to his family, but i think it's safe to presume he would dedicate
Privacy and Tabloid junkie to the media and the ever-so-curious public and You are my life to the children.

And before anyone asks what song he would dedicate to me, i'd say there is only one possible answer - BEAT IT.


And since i are such an obedient little solider, i'll do just that - i'll take my ramblin' behind outta here and beat it cause there is plenty of stuff i need to get busy with.

I hope at least someone will join in on the game cause it sure is 'fun and harmless'. It's not like you're invading the man's brain or intruding in the man's long lost life and if u were ain't nothing new about it - it's not like critics, the media and the general public haven't done it for decades. Why couldn't his own fans?

Tiny lil'
EDIT 1- another song he might wanna dedicate to a good part of the world's bad media might also be Breaking news.

I know that so-called album two years ago almost caused a rift within the fan community and i know how upset some of you still are about that whole debacle. I also know how 'small' Michael's intervention in this particular tune is, but to quote a really good friend of mine, the beat is 'on point' and the message is indeed interesting. But then again, considerin' the fake voice, maybe the words are taken from the same chapter as well. After all, how on earth could the 'pre-sexual' one fall in love....with a girl of all things??? How completely outrageous and utterly inconcievable!!! Outta this world kinda notion,
logical phallacy, factual impossibility all rolled up into one........

Oh, and be4 i go - MANY THANKS to all the lovely folks who took part in this lil' game of mine all them many months ago. Much appreciated!!

P.S. My not so humble excuses. Even though i think, talk, pray, read, write and cuss in it,
English ain't my native language. Therefore i are bound to make some grammar mistakes and have some (un)intended typos here and there. Hopefully the puritans of every focus and kind won't hang me in the agora 4 it. They might have far more serious reasons for that...

EDIT 2 I figured i left someone out. How on earth could i be soooo forgetful and not include my 'man' in this lil' thread??? If i had to make a wild guess i would say Michael would dedicate Can't let her get away from his own catalogue, Tell her about it from Billy Joel and that awesome new joint from Aerosmith Lover alot. And if not even his own idol won't be enough, i don't know who or what will....
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To me: Smile

To his fans: Tabloid Junkie

To Media: Scream

"Do not judge a person, do not pass judgment, unless you have talked to them one on one, I don’t care what the story is, do not judge them because it’s a lie".
Umm.. Lol TBH I never thought of anything like this :p

Few songs I can imagine.

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Oh wow.. lol. I shouldn't let my brain run wild.. but yeah let's see

Me: Countless songs cross my mind, obviously personal favorites but I know Michael had his faves, and he mentioned that the Bee Gees made him cry at one time.. so I would say More than a Woman would be a fantastic choice, and I would totally expect that from him, moving on to other songs probably Mrs.Jones would pop into his mind but then again songs from his own catalogue could surprise me, I mean he wrote many and I would MELT if he dedicated Liberian Girl to me... I want you, I love you baby :shifty:

His fans: Mmmh.. maybe Smile? or.. We are the champions :punk:

Media/PPZ: Another one bites the dust, Tabloid Junkie, Leave Me Alone, and They Don't Care about Us

nice little exercise, trying to figure out Michael's brain.
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I have some for his family-not including his children
Putting out fire with gasoline

Let it be