What really Happened to Michael : The evil side of the Entertainment Industry


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
New York, United States
I just came across this book today. Haven't read it yet, just saw this on that Jetzi site today. It's a booked I never heard or saw in Amazon called What really Happened to Michael Jackson: The evil side of the Entertainment Industry by Leonard Rowe.

I skinned through some chapters and it seems interesting and truthful. Has anyone else read it if so, was it worth reading?
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^^ Just warning you, you can't post a link to Jetzi's site on here :) But thanks for the heads up!
yes the industry is dark and evil but i can't read anything that man has written
I don't know this guy's backstory...what did he do to Michael Jackson? Cliff notes anyone?

I hope he didn't betray Michael...

I found his book to be pretty good and he defended Michael in it...unless I am missing something?
Thanks for deleting the link. Just to let you know no sharing of links to downloading/streaming/publication of released material is allowed on here. And Leonard Rowe :puke:
I just came across this book today. Haven't read it yet, just saw this on that Jetzi site today. It's a booked I never heard or saw in Amazon called What really Happened to Michael Jackson: The evil side of the Entertainment Industry by Leonard Rowe.

I skinned through some chapters and it seems interesting and truthful. Has anyone else read it if so, was it worth reading?

I have just started reading, interesting so far. After I read more, I'll update.
I don't know this guy's backstory...what did he do to Michael Jackson? Cliff notes anyone?

I hope he didn't betray Michael...

I found his book to be pretty good and he defended Michael in it...unless I am missing something?
me too! can anyone provide me info that can help educate me better? perhaps a link or two?
can someone comment on the book? if this is a good book then i might need to start counting my savings and rush to the bookstore.
No, I can't read anything that may be close to the truth of what occured...it pains me that he is gone, he did not get the help he needed with aggressive actions and how the media had it's cast of demons who plotted along with the DA to ruin this man's soul. It makes me sick, sick sick. I just can't deal with that mess right now. Im not sure if I ever will be able to read and know half truths, fantasy or the real thing.

I just want this to all be a freakin nightmare that he is gone.
No, I can't read anything that may be close to the truth of what occured...it pains me that he is gone, he did not get the help he needed with aggressive actions and how the media had it's cast of demons who plotted along with the DA to ruin this man's soul. It makes me sick, sick sick. I just can't deal with that mess right now. Im not sure if I ever will be able to read and know half truths, fantasy or the real thing.

I just want this to all be a freakin nightmare that he is gone.
I think the book should have been called The evil side of The entertament Industry. because that is what it's focus is. and so many other artists than just Michael Jackson. I feel that using King of Pop Michael Jackson is helping sale the book.

Edit: I have not finished reading the book so this is not my final thought(s)
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Hey guys, I just started reading this book today and it is very interesting.

LR starts off talking about how he feels there is a conspiracy in the entertainment industry against African American concert promoters, and how he feels that he was "blackballed". At first I felt he talked too much about this, but when he starts talking about how AEG had Michael "trapped", it all kind of made sense.

LR also talks about how the contract between AEG and Michael ridiculously favors AEG and he even includes a copy of the contract, dated January 2009. The contract only talks about 31 shows, and LR claims that there was never a signed contract for the 50 shows (which I find strange that this is not mentioned in the lawsuit). He also talks about many things that he finds strange, such as Frank DiLeo and John Branca being called to work with Michael just a few weeks before his death.

In general, altough I have not finished reading the book, it has been a tough read because Rowe talks about people who could have saved Michael, including his mother.

Something that bothered me, is that Rowe refers to Michael being "frail and sick", which can be denied after reading the autopsy results. Also, I know that it is a very sensitive subject with most fans, but Rowe also talks about Michael having drug problems.

I am trying to read this book with an open mind, just to see what Leonard Rowe has to say. As some people have written on these boards, we just want the truth of what happened to Michael, as much as that hurts. We will probably hear/read many things that we won't like, but at least we'll know the truth. With this I am not saying that Leonard Rowe's claims are true. All I'm saying is that we need to be prepared because we still have a long road ahead to find the truth.
again they used MJ to sell the book,however it impacted so many. so many haters in that industry it ain't even funny.