What Parts of This Is It were filmed at the Staples Center? Which were filmed at The Forum?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have seen This Is It several times and I think I have figured out which scenes/outfits were filmed at The Staples Center in downtown LA and which were filmed at The Forum in Inglewood.

The Forum:
Silver Jacket and Orange/Red Pants "Wannabe Startin' Something"
Sparkly Pants - Human Nature

Staples Center:
All red shirt/gray blazer scenes
Jackson Five medley

Not sure above and beyond that. I just know that The Forum has yellow vinyl seats and you can see them when he is wearing the outfits mentioned above. Anyone else have any insight/thoughts. I love you more Michael.
I am sorry if I got any of the references to colors of the outfits wrong. I am almost completely color-blind here!
Whenever you see Michael wearing sunglasses, he's at the Forum. No glasses = Staples.
and also if they are orange seats in the background this is the forum and if they are blue they are at the staples centre.someone who once worked at the forum pointed this out,
While all non-sunglasses footage was from Staples, that doesn't mean all sunglasses footage was from The Forum.

The baggy puffy black jacket and the baggy black pants are from the last day at Staples.
What's the "Forum?" Can anyone put some pics please??

Do you want pics of Michael at the forum or just The Forum itself?

If it's just of The Forum then I think this it. It's what Google threw up anyway. Looks to be a similar layout to the o2 aswell.