What more can I give- 9 yrs on


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
I searched for threads relating to this subject, but didnt find.
Mods feel free to move this if a thread has already been made about it.

Michael Jackson was so moved and affected by the terrible act of mans inhumanity to man 9 yrs ago today, that he made his song with other artists. ''what more can I give''.

Just another example of Michael's heart for the hurting.

Thinking and praying for all the familes who lost loved ones that terrible day 9 yrs ago. :(

Here is a link to MJ's song showing the tragedy.



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'What more can I give' is such a truly moving song...I absolutely love this extremely touching, truthful, inspiring song created by Michael! I cry everytime I hear it. Yes, this is another of the many, many songs and acts of Michael to bring peace and love back into this world and to unite people all over the world as one family! Sony sabotaged the release then, but I so hope and pray that this beautiful song can be released now and benefit the victims of Sept 11 terrorist attacks just like Mike wanted! May God bless our dearest King Michael Jackson, the entire MJ fan community and our precious Planet Earth:angel: