What MJ did on his last night...beautiful article.

it was beautiful, yes, but mello1 is right, it is very painful to read..
I so wish he could've shown the world.. like that one chance.. just one concert to show. But Michael has shown and given so much to this world already. Rest in sweet paradise, Mike.
:cry: Thanks for posting, but why??? Why did he have to go then? He was so excited, so ready for this, so ready to show the world what he could do, and then this. I just don't understand. I really don't.
The world just doesn't seem good enough some times.
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Meetings, after midnight? Who with!

Thanks for the article - it's good to see some positivity and truth. xx
he was ready to take the world back...words failed to describe what we were gonna see.....so sad. DAMN!!!!

But one thing is becoming more and more clear...he was so happy (look at the new 4 pics and read this article) he was energetic, he really was ready; he can't possibly have decided to 'go away' . No way. What it IS...i have no idea...but it's not that.
This is a tragedy within a tragedy, not only are we grieving for what had been, but we have to grieve for what could have been, and never was.

Just why did this have to happen now is something that just turns over and over in my mind.
So wonderful to hear. Honestly, I can live with this. Obviously we don't have much of a choice, but I think it's doable. If I just keep hearing from dancers, singers, producers, managers who worked with him one on one at the rehearsals, I think I'm gonna get through this. Their words are the ones that are helping me the most. To know that he felt so happy about these upcoming concerts is what gets me through.

Yes, we will never see them, but this is obviously what's on the table for us to deal with. I wont worry myself thinking "what if". We can kill ourselves doing that.

"MITM" is playing loudly in the background as I write this, lol, maybe that's why i've had a sudden positive spirit!
So wonderful to hear. Honestly, I can live with this. Obviously we don't have much of a choice, but I think it's doable. If I just keep hearing from dancers, singers, producers, managers who worked with him one on one at the rehearsals, I think I'm gonna get through this. Their words are the ones that are helping me the most. To know that he felt so happy about these upcoming concerts is what gets me through.

Yes, we will never see them, but this is obviously what's on the table for us to deal with. I wont worry myself thinking "what if". We can kill ourselves doing that.

"MITM" is playing loudly in the background as I write this, lol, maybe that's why i've had a sudden positive spirit!

I feel the same way. For 2 days I WAS killing myself thinking about what could have been and why now, but after these new pictures and the possibility of the last rehearsal being released some how, I kinda feel like there's some closure. Hearing about how happy he was makes me feel a lot better. He gave it his all one last time...
My God.....all this was robbed from Michael and its all so unexplainable......you guys realize this could've been the best live show ever????
