What Michael I Think May Have Wanted


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.

I've noticed a lot of threads like "where have all these new fans come from" and lots of negative comments, and threads about what's wrong with Oprah, Martin Bashir and Uri Gellar I don't want people to take this the wrong way.

But now he's died isn't it our job now to carry on what's good. All these new fans coming onto the forums, doesn't mean their bad people, maybe they just hadn't joined the forums before.

And the stuff about Martin Bashir, Oprah Winfrey and Uri Gellar, what does it matter what they think? We as dedicated fans who have stuck by Michael for years know what the truth is.

I know I've made a lot of mistakes since he died seeing the negative threads and posting to them, but from today I cant anymore.

All I'm saying is, why do we even post this stuff anymore its irrelevant to what we know already. Michael Jackson had people pushing, picking at him all his life and in some ways I think its time now for us to just not let all this bad stuff around us, affect us.

The press keep jabbing at Michael because people respond to the negativity.

I know this wont cure what they say, do etc... but it will be so much better for us.

It's a dreadful time for everyone and the best thing we need to do right now is stick together not fight against each other. Michael was a person of peace, forgiveness and what we're doing at the moment is going against that.

I don't want people to think I'm having a go i'm not but us fans need to carry on the tremendous legacy of his music and the message of the peace he tried to create. I needed to get this off my chest because this on going feud to do with tabloids, journalists and fans is something that is not necessary.

I hope you understand what i mean :)
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I completely understand what you mean Olivia Michael would want us to carry on his legacy for sure
Brilliant post!!!
That is so true, I have been guilty of getting so wound up by all of it. I know in my heart I have to keep my mind pure of all the negative stuff because that's what these people want us to do, get angry and I have not been brought up to be like that.

I dearly love Michael with my whole heart and the career he has helped me to be so successful in is something I will never forget. Those 6am starts to learn his routines before school was the best thing I ever did.

It is hard when you care and love someone not to get wound up. Also it's only been few weeks since he went to heaven. We all miss him and so the tension at the moment is very strong.

People get over their grief in different stages and anger is a huge part but I believe God is good. He is looking after Michael now.

I know people have a hang up about new members but for me that's just silly. We all love him and some of us moved from other fan sites because I know for myself I found this website after watching the news and thought it was great!!!

Maybe there are some bandwagon jumpers but to be honest I'd rather them here showing the love than buying into the garbage media side of lies and hate. If we are trying to get people to be on our side we should not slam them down when they come to their senses!!!

I really like this thread, It's all about spreading the love!!!
Brilliant post!!!
That is so true, I have been guilty of getting so wound up by all of it. I know in my heart I have to keep my mind pure of all the negative stuff because that's what these people want us to do, get angry and I have not been brought up to be like that.

I dearly love Michael with my whole heart and the career he has helped me to be so successful in is something I will never forget. Those 6am starts to learn his routines before school was the best thing I ever did.

It is hard when you care and love someone not to get wound up. Also it's only been few weeks since he went to heaven. We all miss him and so the tension at the moment is very strong.

People get over their grief in different stages and anger is a huge part but I believe God is good. He is looking after Michael now.

I know people have a hang up about new members but for me that's just silly. We all love him and some of us moved from other fan sites because I know for myself I found this website after watching the news and thought it was great!!!

Maybe there are some bandwagon jumpers but to be honest I'd rather them here showing the love than buying into the garbage media side of lies and hate. If we are trying to get people to be on our side we should not slam them down when they come to their senses!!!

I really like this thread, It's all about spreading the love!!!

Aww thanks so much :)

Ah the 6am starts of learning the routines hehe the memories!!!!

Life is too short no matter how much we kick, scream doesn't bring Michael back. Every evening me and mum from about 7pm-11 we watch listen to Michael its so nice and just talk about all the good things.

Michael spent most of his time, energy and heart and soul into creating serenity, peace, love why spoil it? surely we should carry it on.

Why don't we prove the media wrong and show all his best moment, I don't think retaliating to the press is helping anyone.

Spread the love, spread the peace and spread the Michael awesomeness!! If we want people to come into our world then shouldn't we welcome them into our world not reject them.
There are actually threads questioning all the new users? I've been an MJ fan for YEARS, just haven't ever posted on an MJ-related forum. I was perfectly content just browsing and following Michael on my own. The very fact that I needed support from fellow fans is why I finally ended up joining. So it really is a shame that there are people doubting the loyalty of the newcomers. Most of us are actually not that 'new' :rolleyes2:
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There are actually threads questioning all the new users? I've been an MJ fan for YEARS, just haven't ever posted on an MJ-related forum. I was perfectly content just browsing and following Michael on my own. The very fact that I needed support from fellow fans is why I finally ended up joining. So it really is a shame that there are people doubting the loyalty of the newcomers.

I know how you feel, but I'll welcome them with open arms lol. I joined a few mjjboards in 2003 and was rejected by many fans saying oh how can you come on here now where were you when were you when he needed you.

Whatever they say ignore it! We should be spreading peace and love like Michael tried to achieve. There is so much fighting out in the world and the world doesn't need us creating more.
I didn't know that people were bashing new users, a lot of these people aren't necessarily 'new' fans but they probably never posted on a Michael Jackson message board before. After MJNO closed, I never thought of joining another MJ message board, until I heard he had died and I felt like I needed support for what had happened..
I can say that I am one of those new users to the forum since his death but I have been a fan all my life so people can't hate new "users".

New fans is a whole other issue. We shouldn't hate them either... It's a wonderful thing that Michael has new fans to keep and spread his legacy. So what if someone slandered him before, so long as they honor his name now?
Being an MJ fan asks a lot from us and i think it's OK for us to feel defensive and on-guard at times. We need this mechanism because we have had to endure a lot of negative responses from people, so it's natural that we seem a bit reluctant in certain situations such as these ' new fans ' or whatever.

I think it's good that there are new fans, but i don't appreciate the fact that these new fans only sprouted post-humously. I know there are n umerous arguments against what i just said, but it really still annoys me how all of a sudden because he is dead, there is all this new found admiration for him. I hate that.

However on the other hand, good for them for discovering Michael, it's a well deserved and wonderous journey being a part of his music and his life.
I think it's good that there are new fans, but i don't appreciate the fact that these new fans only sprouted post-humously. I know there are n umerous arguments against what i just said, but it really still annoys me how all of a sudden because he is dead, there is all this new found admiration for him. I hate that.

However on the other hand, good for them for discovering Michael, it's a well deserved and wonderous journey being a part of his music and his life.

I agree 100%, I find it extremely irritating that many of these people are the same ones who judged him without knowing him, making him a joke at every chance they could, called him names, and the list goes on, and now they're jumping on the bandwagon now that he's no longer here..that is what I find annoying!
I can understand why a lot of you fans would be frustrated by all the new fans after his death. There do happen to be a lot of "fakers" out there. Then again, you have to remember that there are kids out there, like me, who were born in the wrong generation. lol. My parents are more of rock people, so they're more into bands and that "rock" genre. So they usually played that stuff when I was growing up. I was never into that hard rock stuff, I was always a pop person.

My mom would briefly mention Michael here and there saying how amazing he was at performing and would try to get me to watch the Thriller video. At that time, it scared the crap out of me. lol But I knew his name and his face and I was familiar with a few of his songs. When he was insanely popular, I wasn't even born and when all the controversy surrounding him came out I was too young to understand any of it. Even with the whole trial thing. I remember hearing about it but I had no idea what any of it meant. If I could have, I definitely would have been there for him without a doubt.

I do feel guilty that I wasn't a majorly huge fan when he was alive. I appreciated him and I had a huge amount of respect for him, I just never considered myself a "real" fan. I never had any negative words about him. I only really knew him as a singer and dancer. I also never got to experience all the craze and hype about him until his death so that really helped show me his importance and amount of greatness.

I feel I will forever be a fan of his though. I'm rarely ever this attached to an artist. I've never cried over any celebrity death either, so that's really saying something. But no matter what, I think he will always been gaining fans of all generations.
If someone is a fan, it does not matter when they became a fan, just that they are one.

His death will open many people's eyes to someone they may not have known much about before so you will get lots and lots of people becoming fans. Michael would be happy about that.
There are actually threads questioning all the new users? I've been an MJ fan for YEARS, just haven't ever posted on an MJ-related forum. I was perfectly content just browsing and following Michael on my own. The very fact that I needed support from fellow fans is why I finally ended up joining. So it really is a shame that there are people doubting the loyalty of the newcomers. Most of us are actually not that 'new' :rolleyes2:

Ditto to that - I completely agree, and I am in the same position as you. I have been an MJ fan my whole life - grew up with him and have always idolised him. Same goes for Bon Jovi; who is also a very, VERY special part of me and I am not on any Bon Jovi forums!

The support I have recieved since joining this forum and speaking to all of you has given me the strength I so despretely need in order to to deal with Michael's death and celebrate his life, and legacy. I am thankful beyond words to all of you for that. However, I would be upset and dissapointed to know that some of you feel that just because we have only recently joined that we are not 'true' MJ fans - totally NOT the case!

Either way, I will not be judged. I love Michael Jackson, always have and always will...those who know me know the truth. :)
I guess yet again im ambivalent.
I think it just boils down to the individual. Fans are fans that is true, but fans that used to mock and ridicule him i cannot stand and i've seen it happen.
I get so angry at this. I hate it so much.
I understand that others may find it frustrating for those of us who weren't there from day one.

I was a 90's baby and so were a lot of others and they didn't understand what was going on.

But you know ultimately Michael has been going for 45 years and has fans from 2 to 82. Michael will still have fans. Michael = music, vision, creativity, innovation all these things. Like Michael said the bigger the celebrity the bigger the target its so true. Half of these so called "journalists" are tabloid papers, and shows how tabloid they are the ink on their newspapers leaks on your hands lol tells you about how serious they are.

I still go by what I said about spreading peace. This to fans all the boards are like our homes in a way. When you go to a home with other close friends you expect to get along and that's what Mike tried to do.

I know it's hard but maybe find ways of dealing with anger and not on fans. When i'm angry I write poetry even if you cant write poetry and you just feel like going "Ahhhh" it don't matter.

I'm not saying bottle it up, talk to people, fans know if they need someone to talk to I will listen, I just want it all to be ok thats all :)

I don't care if this sounds corny cheesy it don't matter,

Just hope people take notice for Mikes sake!!
I know it cant be ok because that one person who created it, isn't here but we can do things in the future to show what an inspiration he was!!
I never felt the need to join a community or forum before he died, I HATE being part of any club, far too rebellious!
I joined because I had been reading here for while after his death to take comfort in being around other fans.
While I can kinda understand the pause that some members feel about new ones, I do think that hearts need to be opened a bit. Do you think Michael would have rejected us as fans because we didn't have +1000 posts to our name on here before he died?!
I never felt the need to join a community or forum before he died, I HATE being part of any club, far too rebellious!
I joined because I had been reading here for while after his death to take comfort in being around other fans.
While I can kinda understand the pause that some members feel about new ones, I do think that hearts need to be opened a bit. Do you think Michael would have rejected us as fans because we didn't have +1000 posts to our name on here before he died?!

Omg Michael would have never, of rejected you!!!!!

I wanted to create this thread to welcome you!!!

I understand what you mean, I was in your position of being a new fans on the boards 6/7 years ago

Michael loved his fans, just because you don't go on the boards doesn't make you inadequate as a fan.

It doesn't matter if you listen to his music religiously, watch his videos or spend every day on the boards. Celebrate mike how you wish, he knows your a fan and loves you for it!!