What Michael has done right the last few years..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
As we are about to enter yet another defying moment in MJs career so lets look back at the things we had done right over the past few years. Really i think his comeback started in 2006 at the WMAs. Now, finally three years after that he is about to take over the world again..

So, the things MJ has done right..

WMA 06 - Okay so the 'performance' itself may have been a disaster as some people call it but i think it was a great thing to see MJ back on stage again, and it was even better he was there to accept a very prestigious award, the diamond award. Not only did it remind people of his greatness, it also showed people he was still very much alive and well, not to mention his fan base (did you hear the reaction when MJ came onstage - incredible!!)

MTV Japan - Like the WMAs it was terrific to see MJ being honored with another prestigious award, the legend award. Also showed his fan base in japan hadn't diminished at all.

Thriller 25 - Regardless of what you think of the remixes releasing T25 was a GREAT move by MJ. It again reminded people of the music legend that he is/was and attracted a new region of younger fans to his music.

Ebony Magazine - Great interview, and the magazine shot some of the best photos i have ever seen of MJ. Great, positive publicity.

Thriller 25 Superbowl Add - It wasn't much, but it gained a hell of alot of viewers. This definately would of helped increase the sales of T25, thus gaining him even more fans etc.

The Curls - The MJ so many of us (including myself) grew up with is back! This was a FANTASTIC move by MJ. He looks so much younger because of it, and as somebody said recently it reminds people of the old Michael. Not the Michael known for court troubles, the legal battles etc but Michael Jackson the ENTERTAINER.

And so..

THIS IS IT!!! - Michael Jackson is back and ready to return. He looks the best hes looked in years. He is healthy. He is strong. And thank god after all he has been through he finally seems HAPPY. Finally...the worlds GREATEST ENTERTAINER IS BACK!!!
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lol..well..i wouldn't think that a hairstyle would remind me of court. lol. if anything, straight hair reminded me of the 'Remember The Time' video.
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The curls coming back was THE best move in my opinion! :lol: Plus, it compliments his face really nice. Besides, straight hair always reminded me of bad times unfortunately...
About the WMA 2006 performance. Why do you say it was a disaster? Because he did no perform Thriller? Michael was never meant to perform anything, just to get the award.

It is the media who made everyone think he was going to perform Thriller, when it was Chris Brown who performed it and always was meant to perform it. Michael agreed at the very last minute to join the stage during the We Are The World performance from the choir, and never agreed to make a full performance. So naturally the media say Michael backed out from the Thriller performance, just to make him look bad.

I don't like that fans do not know this fact.