What Michael did for me, what about you?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Miami, Fl
I am an American Citizen... because of Michael...

I am working in Hotel Business, because of Michael...

Since I was 12 years old, I was a michael jackson fan... I was pushing my mother to send me to the USA... but never got to go till I was 19... I saw and met Michael in paris, France... without even knowing I would meet him....

Since Michael stayed in a Hotel in Brussels, Belgium where I was living at the time, I said to Myself : Work in Hotel, you may one day meet him....

I did... today, I am living in Miami, I am since 2 weeks ago an official American Citizen... I got my Oath ceremony the same friday that we finally got to know what killed Michael...

I don't do drugs because of michael.... I went to the courthouse to support him and met him few times (Paris, Amsterdan, California) and saw his concert.

I am a fan, dedicated one, I am here cause of him.

What has Michael done for you? He has had a big influence on my life....
I'm so happy for you.

Because of Michael people compliment my clothes. I've been wearing Balmain-style clothing since April and only now (since his death) have I see other people in my area wear the similar clothes, too. I know I was one of the first to wear the jacket and the jeans and people have noticed this. Most clothing stores are promoting the Balmain and shoulder blade jackets now.

Thank you Michael :angel:
Michael has taught me to believe in myself alot more and to just go for what i want with my life and not let anybody get in my way or put me down.
After reading Lisa Marie's blog I have learnt that it's not good to keep grudges against people. You have to put things behind you sometimes and break that ice between you and an old acquantance or a past lover who you have had a disagreement with in the past. Life is too short.
Michael taught me all about love. He's the reason why I am able to look into the eyes of the people I love and tell them how much I love them.
Michael has also been a major influence in my life! if it wasn't for him i dont think i would be doing hip hop dance.
Like Michael I lost my childhood and MJ thought my how to never let me Inner Child die.Thought me about charity, caring for the earth, learned me how to dance and more.
I felt MJ was my firend, teacher and brother I never got to meet.
wow congratulations, im so happy for you! michael has taught me to go for my dreams no matter what :cheers: he was so inspiring and also it does not matter what people think of u, as he was misunderstood and people rediculed him same as christ..
He is like a father to me, I never had one though, I also found that I am am very talented. His music inspired me and I started drawing.
He made me who I am today. I know I was a horrible person before cause of the things I had to go through, but I learned from him I should never give up and much more, but that's the most important thing to me.
He taught me about love, about music, about fashion, about honesty, about being who you want to be, living your dreams and let nobody tear you down from it. He made me want to show off my own style, be unique.
He made me love this life, give people a second chance, let me see not every man is cruel towards woman, gave me back my believe in my ambitions, passion and talent. He is like a father, since mine is never at home, he made me do good things to heal this world, to help people and to be more than an average person, to enlighten this world.
He is the one that makes me dream, makes me live.....makes me want to follow his footsteps.
He shines through my whole personality....:angel:
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The main thing that comes to mind when I try to answer this question is the conviction to stand up for my own beliefs and not listen to popular opinion of be swayed by negative opinion or mockery.

I was mocked often during my Secondary school years, as well as my College years, for listening to Michael Jackson. People would tease and ask why I listened to that "fr**k" ... and even when Michael got to No.1 with Blood On The Dance Floor and I came into school the next day with a smirk on my face, their comments of "The song is shit" and "The charts don't mean a thing" became more like the fuel to defend and support Michael further.

What made them even sadder is that they tried to knock Michael's music despite them going on about the chart "success" of bands like Oasis and Blur at that time. While the charts now mean pretty much nothing as they fill up with one-hit wonders and X-Factor/American Idol winners who come and go, back then there was more emphasis on them due to the lack of iTunes and downloads.

Being a Michael Jackson fan, and Michael's awesome music, definitely gave me the belief and willpower to stand up for my own views. I've always been a strongly opinionated person, but during younger years it's easy for negative views formed by a popular group of people to put you off ... but I was proud enough of Michael to defend him, and defend him I did at every opportunity.

I just wish he was still around to defend ... that's the biggest tragedy and, being honest, those early years feel like mere training now ... because the real fight has begun in earnest.
Michael has inspired me to get in touch with my inner self and my spirituality. To be more in touch with the world and the surroundings/people in it. Not everything gets to revolve around 'me'.
Michael made me interested in music when I was 14 years old. His music helped me go through highschool, which wasn't a pleasant experience for me. He made me stand up to the people who had hurt me in the past. I also became interested in law because of him. I just love him, and forever will.
He has inspired me to be a better person, be more sensitive and kind towards others, appreciate the beauty of nature, made me more open spiritually, become more fearless about death, taught me it's ok to stay a kid at heart, respect people more, smile and laugh naturally, among other things. I feel I really owe a lot to him. I love him so much. :wub: :)