What is your greatest MJJ memory?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
this would have to be something Michael has done to forever change your life or a specific event that lives with you forever. Maybe you met him? Maybe you went to a concert? Maybe it was just camping out side of hhis house or hotel room and got to get a glimspe of him from the window? maybe his limo ran you over?" Maybe you saw him on tv for the first time?

I really would have to think about mines because I have so many. But I'd love to hear yours.
When I spoke to Michael himself on the phone and got a signed autograph from him:wub:
When I spoke to Michael himself on the phone and got a signed autograph from him:wub:
You spoke to Michael on the phone? :wild: How amazing! You have some special memories to treasure.
When I kind of ran into him in The Natural History Museum in London when I was 8 years old. I was too scared to actually say anything though which is my biggest regret :( for years and years afterwards I would often boast about it or drop it into a conversation including one with a policeman when he came round about an incident (long story) about a month before Michael's passing. I was quite upset and he was trying to calm me down by talking about other stuff, and asked what my plans for the week were. I said I planned to visit the Natural History Museum....and then 'mentioned' about seeing Michael there which kind of instantly cheered me up.

Seeing him there has always been a precious memory right through my childhood to my adulthood...and even more so now. I just wish I had said something....ANYTHING :(
He ran me over once. I refused to go to the ER, citing the fact that I wanted to treasure the wounds (forever and ever and ever.) That way, I'd think of him every time I had to drag myself across the room (which is often.) ?

....Just kidding. I never had the pleasure to meet him, unfortunately. I live on the other side of the country, and have never traveled anywhere he's been. :( My story wasn't entirely made up, though--I do drag myself across the room, on occasion, but that's due to my being a pathetic wretch. :p

MJ~And~Me, you're so damn lucky! You spoke to him on the phone, and you've got his autograph! You've got one very precious memory and an equally valuable memento.

Spoonie, don't regret. You got to see him, and that memory alone has given you great solace, as you cite in your post. There's nothing to regret, then. I understand you would have liked to speak to him--I would have, as well, had I been in your shoes, however, the memory as it is sounds beautiful and amazing.

Actually, it isn't exactly a 'memory,' but shortly after he passed, I 'saw' him. It's a long and uninteresting story, and my hypothesis is that my mind must have been so distraught at his passing I hallucinated his image for whatever reason, but yes--one summer night, when I was out walking (my way of dealing with life is by going on great walks, a la Nietzsche), I felt someone was behind me. You know that 'feeling' you get when someone's behind you or following you? Well, I thought maybe it was some thug or something, or a random person, since I was heading to the store to buy a beverage to quench my thirst after the long walk. When I looked behind me, I saw him. I had been listening to his music non-stop on my music player while on my walk, crying as I went, so I felt 'connected' to him in a way by doing that. 'Seeing' him was so unexpected--I expected to find some random schmoe, but to be met with what I saw that night, I gasped in surprise, and before my eyes, he vanished. I still can't explain that, to this day. I was fully awake, as the incident took place at approximately 9 P.M., just after dark.

That changed my life, in a way, because more than ever I felt as though I wasn't alone. Michael is so dear to me, and I don't know what to make of that night, but that memory makes me so happy.
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