What is Your Favourite Thriller Podcast So Far?


Proud Member
Nov 2, 2006
Hi Everyone:

This morning I listened to the 10th Thriller Podcast w/Nelson George. It was a good start to the day. I think it's my favourite podcast so far if I hade to choose only one. My other favourites are the ones from Will i am, Adam Curry, and Darryl from Run DMC. I think I've preferred these over the others because they have been able to give some background information. It was good hearing Nelson talk about his book from 1984 The Michael Jackson Story. I had tried to find it a few years ago but it's not as easy to find as others.

What is your favourite podcasts so far?

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I think the Nelson George and Adam Curry Thriller podcasts are by far the best. Those to guy's are intelligent and really know what they are taking about. The Will.i.am and Darrly from Run DMC are cool, when though Darrly's voice is a bit irritating.

I think a lot of the other podcasts are pretty pointless, as a lot of the other people don't appear have a clue what they are talking about regards Michael Jackson as an artist. Also a lot of them seem to have been born just before or after Thriller was released to they have no idea what the impact of Thriller was like in from late 1982-84. Another thing is a lot of the other people on the podcasts are people that aren't of any note.

Nelson George's biography The Michael Jackson Story was the first ever book on Michael that I ever bought (which I still have). I swear it was released in 1983 because that's when I remember my mum buying it for me at a train station.
Yeah, I thought it was '83 too until he said it was the year Michael got burned. I agree with what you said, benscarr. I've wondered why some of the people were asked to give their responses, at least this early on. BTW, what are the pictures like in the MJ book by Nelson? Are there any rare ones?
my favorite so far is the last one featuring nelson george. the most insightful to date probably because he was around and had been following MJ for a long time already. i just love that "ass power" which he described that separates michael from the rest :)
I love Nelson's too, he offers very interesting insights :punk: :punk:. He obviously has been following Michael for a long time :punk: :punk:
BTW, what are the pictures like in the MJ book by Nelson? Are there any rare ones?

The photos in the Michael Jackson Story aren't rare. The book is just a thin paperback, with around 4 pages of black & white publicity photos of Michael from 1970-83, which have been featured in many magazine and books on Michael before and since that book was published.

A book I would recommend is by Geoff Brown call Michael Jackson: Body & Soul, which is an illustrated biography with a lot of photos and text about Michael's life and career with the book mainly focused on Michael's career. This book is much better than Nelson George's The Michael Jackson Story.
"Michael Jackson: Body & Soul". That sounds familar. I think I've seen it mentioned somewhere else, possibly Adrian Grant's Visual Documentary book.
I've just listened to the latest Thrillercast featuring Quincy Jones. I thought "This sounds exciting, a shame it's only 7mins". Anyway I listened to it and I was really disapointed, because it's just an edited version of the Quincy Jones interviews that are already on the Thriller (Special Edition) from 2001.
I just started listening to it and so far yep, it's the 2001 SE stuff. I was wondering how many fans will start lip syncing through it LOL :)
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I was extremely disappointed with Quincy. I feel he let the project down by not contributing something fresh.
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This week's podcast is one of the best: Vincent Paterson. I always enjoy hearing what he has to say.
The Vincent Paterson podcast was brilliant and I enjoyed listening to it very much. But I thought he talked about Michael Peters too much on the first half of the Thriller Podcast even though it was interesting and relevant to Michael's the Beat It and Thriller videos.
The Vincent Paterson podcast was brilliant and I enjoyed listening to it very much. But I thought he talked about Michael Peters too much on the first half of the Thriller Podcast even though it was interesting and relevant to Michael's the Beat It and Thriller videos.
I agree.....
I agree with that too. When i was listening to it i was thinking ''Wait a sec, is this a podcast about Michael Jackson or is this a podcast about Michael Peters'' lol but aside from that it was a great Thrillercast and much better than the last one
i really liked vincent paterson the best so far but i also loved adam curry. i agree in the begining vincent talked about michael peters alot.:smilerolleyes:
I enjoyed the Vince Patterson one the best. I kinda understand about the Michael Peters extended speech because Michael Peters is no longer here with us and is unable to give his own Podcast. I rather liked the insight of Vince sorta speaking for Peters. I hadn't know that Michael Peters was from the Alvin Ailey modern dance troop and that explains a lot to me as I am very familiar with their work and have studied modern dance myself. I am thankful because his comments allowed me to understand where they came up with some of their most creative dance moves like the ones in Smooth Criminal.

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Yeah, I'm glad Vincent shared Michael Peters part in Thriller. I don't think he talked about him too long. This week's podcast with Chris Botti, the trumpet player, wasn't bad, by the way.
the one with nelson george and adam curry... i have them all on my ipod! :D
Has the Thrillercast come to an end. As there doesn't appear to be a new podcast, as one normally appears on Monday night or very early Tuesday morning at GMT.
I'm replying so I can see the last post in this thread. Strangely enough it doesn't show when I open this thread.
Weird Al talked about MJ in on the Biography channel or maybe VH1 Classic. I saw it about 6 months ago, so I don't remember what the program was exactly. It might be on You Tube.

I haven't even had a chance to check if there is a podcast. I'll check later.
Weird Al talked about MJ in on the Biography channel or maybe VH1 Classic. I saw it about 6 months ago, so I don't remember what the program was exactly. It might be on You Tube.

I haven't even had a chance to check if there is a podcast. I'll check later.

What was the programe called?
I'm really not sure what the title of the programme was. I saw it in America. It might have been a bio on the E channel. If not then it was on the Biography channel or VH1 Classic.
vince peterson was the one i liked most !
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