What is wrong with this idiot?

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Jan 17, 2004

I was just checking out youtube, and for some reason it recommended me to watch this. How closeminded is this guy to even think anything of this painting? Aren't they even just cherubs? sigh.....
uggghhh....just another moron...i don't expect narrow-minded, ignorant fools to really understand the meaning of the painting....I don't even bother....
Dont even pay attention, that guy has trouble in his head, this is one of the many type of people i talk about when i talk about their own heads beeing the dirty ones... he's sick to even think that angels are sexual... i would stay away from him....
TheAmazingAtheist! This dude sucks..I can't stand him!

is that what that is? oh. i didn't even know that.

well..anyway...the anger is quite evident. first, the guy is off his meds. and he had to have them, ever since MJ got successful. second, it's amazing how haters think they know every step Michael made to do something.

and third, that is extremely obvious envy anger.
is that what that is? oh. i didn't even know that.

well..anyway...the anger is quite evident. first, the guy is off his meds. and he had to have them, ever since MJ got successful. second, it's amazing how haters think they know every step Michael made to do something.

and third, that is extremely obvious envy anger.

He is just full of hate. There are many people like this..I think we shouldn't waste our time hearing what they have to say. I know I wasted to too much time on these idiots. NO MORE!
This guy in an idiot of the worst kind. He's uneducated with the power to express himself. As someone who went through too many years of art history it's just slightly infuriating to realize this is how people view classical paintings and lack any true knowledge of their history. What are they teaching these people nowadays?!
First of all that guy is a skank,,..and second this thread should be closed...this is very offensive to Michael..and this stuff should NOT be posted here. This is considered slander and I dont think it has any place on a MJ forum.
Guys do we really need threads about this kind of ignorant BS? Really don't think so.
Closing this.
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