What is wrong with some people?

Jan 17, 2004
I don't really know who this Tila Tequila is, apparently she has some kind of show, but i don't know why. Either way, this is just ridiculous. If they disliked her, they simply could have booed her, but no....of course not.

The following photos of Tila Tequila were taken after her appearance at the Gathering of the Juggalos in Illinois this week, an event that featured the likes of Insane Clown Posse and Kottonmouth Kings. Tila had this to see about what happened:

"I went onstage and immediately, before I even got on stage, DUDES were throwing HUGE STONE ROCKS in my face, beer bottles that slit my eye open, almost burnt my hair on fire cuz they threw fire *******s on stage, and they even took the sh*t out of the port-0-potty and threw sh*t and piss at me when I was onstage.

"These people were trying to kill me. So then after the last blow to my head with the fire******* they threw at me exploded, my bodygaurd and the other security grabbed me and ran as fast as they could to the shitty trailor. Since their security SUCKS, the 2 thousand people ran after us, trying to kill me. They almost got me so they finally reach the trailor, blood all over myself, cant stop bleeding, then all of a sudden, all 2 thousand people surround the trailor and busts the windows!!! Even the guys INSIDE with me were shaking! Their hands were shaking cuz they were so scared! So 3 guys inside the trailor had to grab a table and push it over the broken windows and grabbed all the chairs they could find so hold the people from outside back. It was scary as hell!"






Really nice idea of fun/having a good time he has, jesus christ what an idiot.
Yeah, she's trashy and totally awful, but that's no reason to try and stone her to death. Some people are just totally divorced from common sense. Expressing your disapproval of someone is fine and all, but not when the measures taken to do so could possibly (in this case certainly) endanger lives.

This unfortunate incident just shows how dangerous mob mentality truly is. Most of these guys probably act like normal people in other situations, but inside they're all sociopaths, and when they get together and alcohol is involved, they can be deadly...

Humans scare me.
do you know why? because there is this ever increasing number of people who have become minions for the media. it said a couple of bad things about her so there are people who think it's ok to do that to her. the media has become these people's religion, and they are evil.
Even though the girl SERIOUSLY needs mental help....there really is no reason whats so ever to do this to another human being.....the world is a terrible place....there is more bad than good out there...to bad this girl keeps finding the bad..
Even though the girl SERIOUSLY needs mental help....there really is no reason whats so ever to do this to another human being.....the world is a terrible place....there is more bad than good out there...to bad this girl keeps finding the bad..

Mental help? Why is that? I haven't been following any news on her or whatsoever.
do you know why? because there is this ever increasing number of people who have become minions for the media. it said a couple of bad things about her so there are people who think it's ok to do that to her. the media has become these people's religion, and they are evil.

I disagree to an extent. The media can only do so much. Like you said, their negative coverage on Tila Tequila (or whoever else) is a sort of influence, but that's about where their responsibility ends. I feel like blaming this incident on the media is relieving the guilty parties of the responsibility and guilt they deserve to bear. YES, the media does slimy reporting, but they never forced anyone (or told anyone) to throw rocks at the girl, etc. In the end, the guys who did this to her are all responsible for their own actions. They haven't been given a lobotomy, and they appear to be relatively functional if the guy on the video is to serve as a specimen (low standards for this one, just work with me lol) therefore, they are free to choose what to listen to and what to discard as far as media reports go.

I would like to believe the very best about people too and blame their bad actions on some evil monster like "media religion." Yet the truth is self-evident in this case: these people are obviously sociopaths. They have always had it in them to do stuff of this sort. They only needed to be under the right conditions (alcohol+mob=classic combo) for their internal monsters to arise.

What those guys did to that chick is purely sadistic. They ENJOYED doing what they did, like a rush, if you go by what the guy says. No remorse on his part, not even a trace of it. I don't know what others would like to make of that, but to me it's pretty clear. The guy clearly lacks empathy and obtains pleasure from hurting others. He's a sociopath. People like him need to be removed from society and placed somewhere where they do not present a danger to themselves or to others.

People who aren't sociopaths would never do something of that sort, no matter how much they disapproved of the other person. For example, I dislike Lady Gaga for her arrogance, yet I would never do something like this to her. It's just not in me. I'd rather save myself the energy and go do something productive instead.
I disagree to an extent. The media can only do so much. Like you said, their negative coverage on Tila Tequila (or whoever else) is a sort of influence, but that's about where their responsibility ends. I feel like blaming this incident on the media is relieving the guilty parties of the responsibility and guilt they deserve to bear. YES, the media does slimy reporting, but they never forced anyone (or told anyone) to throw rocks at the girl, etc. In the end, the guys who did this to her are all responsible for their own actions. They haven't been given a lobotomy, and they appear to be relatively functional if the guy on the video is to serve as a specimen (low standards for this one, just work with me lol) therefore, they are free to choose what to listen to and what to discard as far as media reports go.

I would like to believe the very best about people too and blame their bad actions on some evil monster like "media religion." Yet the truth is self-evident in this case: these people are obviously sociopaths. They have always had it in them to do stuff of this sort. They only needed to be under the right conditions (alcohol+mob=classic combo) for their internal monsters to arise.

What those guys did to that chick is purely sadistic. They ENJOYED doing what they did, like a rush, if you go by what the guy says. No remorse on his part, not even a trace of it. I don't know what others would like to make of that, but to me it's pretty clear. The guy clearly lacks empathy and obtains pleasure from hurting others. He's a sociopath. People like him need to be removed from society and placed somewhere where they do not present a danger to themselves or to others.

People who aren't sociopaths would never do something of that sort, no matter how much they disapproved of the other person. For example, I dislike Lady Gaga for her arrogance, yet I would never do something like this to her. It's just not in me. I'd rather save myself the energy and go do something productive instead.

i agree with you. problem is, i always see a correlation between what media says and what sociopaths do. and i've heard people in the media talk as if they were aware of their influence. never mind that it may not seem to make sense..but it's a cold reality. the weak minds are easily influenced by what they see and hear on tv. i once asked a person, if they let the media think for them. and that person said 'yes'. and that person was offended by the very notion, that i had a problem with that. so..while that may seem to defy some physiological or mental law...it has to be forgotten, how much sense it doesn't make..because it's just a cold hard reality. and, the fact that it doesn't make sense, is what makes it all the more unfortunate, because people will dismiss it. yeah..there are people who will not let it influence them..but..there are people who will. and the fact that it doesn't look like it should make sense, makes it worse.
That's just what happens at Gathering of the Juggalos; I don't think they necessarily had a problem with Tila. For some reason, they attend performances just to pelt the performer with projectiles. Here's a video of Andrew WK performing there, it got so bad they had to take him off stage.
i agree with you. problem is, i always see a correlation between what media says and what sociopaths do. and i've heard people in the media talk as if they were aware of their influence. never mind that it may not seem to make sense..but it's a cold reality. the weak minds are easily influenced by what they see and hear on tv. i once asked a person, if they let the media think for them. and that person said 'yes'. and that person was offended by the very notion, that i had a problem with that. so..while that may seem to defy some physiological or mental law...it has to be forgotten, how much sense it doesn't make..because it's just a cold hard reality. and, the fact that it doesn't make sense, is what makes it all the more unfortunate, because people will dismiss it. yeah..there are people who will not let it influence them..but..there are people who will. and the fact that it doesn't look like it should make sense, makes it worse.

I agree that there are a number of people who truly are impressionable (not just by the media, but by general suggestions as well), and I think it is fair to say that those people clearly have mental issues of some sort. This is because it is simply not normal (by the numbers) to be influenced by an outside source to such a degree that it completely obscures reason and takes over your mind. That's not very average at all, but it exists. While some people may truly be like that, their numbers are small. The majority of us have control over our mental faculties and can choose whether to act or think one way or not. Sure, we may be influenced by propaganda/culture/media to some degree, but in the end we can choose whether to follow along with a trend or thought or to reject it.

As I said, I do think some people are genuinely impressionable and deeply influenced by what they see (or think they see.) Some of them may even be sociopaths as well. The number of people who truly suffer from such a gross lack of original thought are small (in comparison with the general population), however, so I don't think the idiots who did this to that girl should be lumped in with that small group. The dude (our specimen) seems pretty in control of what he thinks and does, and as I said earlier, is nothing less than a sociopath. Moreover, most average to intelligent sociopaths aren't influenced any more than the rest of us by the media.

I just saw the guy on the video confess to some heinous crap in regards to Tila. That guy is an IDIOT. He will be lucky if they don't trace his upload, knock on his door and book him.
He literally confessed to it all with no remorse what so ever, on video... What a monster.

Tila..not a very inspiring person. And I definitely do not like her. But this is monstrous.
And she has done some pretty shady things in her life. Maybe this is bad karma.
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That is disgusting, these people are sick, she might not be an angel I don't know, but look at her, she doesn't diserve that, does she ?
She's definitely a nut job. I read up an article in the past where she actually hoaxed a suicide (for attention no less) and posted pictures of her arms slit open with blood. When cops came to her door, she denied any of it. And it was quoted she went off on Twitter with this to say.. “Calm the f— down! I aint trying to commit no suicide you dumbf—s! Well that’s the last time I will EVER share something w/u idiots!” ... -idiots- referring to her last few remaining fans.
As "trashy" or "nutty" as she is, she didn't deserve that...nobody does..
The guy in this video is one of the thousands of reasons why I am ashamed being a human.
Apparently a stabbing also happened...wow, what a great concert it must have been...sigh.


Also a video of Tila's 'performance' at that event...you see the crowd throwing stuff onstage...but she keeps going and doesn't seem 'scared as hell ' at all to me...the whole 'performance' is horrible anyway..she keeps saying i don't give a **** several times for no reason...indeed she is TRASH. I am not condoning what happened to her though.

wow..partying is really overrated these days. party too much and you'll likely get bored..or worse...end up in a situation like that.

not the best song or attitude..but...horrible crowd. man..feels like this life right now is something out of a dark movie..except it's real.
The guy in the video is mental anyway.. "rapeandkillpeople" is his youtube name. Come on..
do you know why? because there is this ever increasing number of people who have become minions for the media. it said a couple of bad things about her so there are people who think it's ok to do that to her. the media has become these people's religion, and they are evil.
do you know why? because there is this ever increasing number of people who have become minions for the media. it said a couple of bad things about her so there are people who think it's ok to do that to her. the media has become these people's religion, and they are evil.

that video was kinda fun to watch, i seen that allot with rock concerts i been, he also tells that he loves them and they keep throwing bottles, we had the same thing going, i always hope they don't get hurt and that people stop, but sometimes when a band sucks with there music, this is then what you get.

About the girl, its a shame that people do that to her, i don't know the girl and never heard of her, but some people in the world really have twisted minds :(
What is wrong with the world. It's full of hate. ... I don't like her, but I don't think she derserve this. Poor girl. These people are crazy.
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