What is wrong with Australia?


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
Placating a crowd of black people with a bucket of chicken is considered good marketing by Kentucky Fried Chicken in Australia -- but it's causing a bit of a fervor here in the States.

The ad shows a very distressed white guy, surrounded by a crowd of black people at a cricket match, who wonders, "Need a tip when you're stuck in an awkward situation?" He gets out of the "awkward situation" by handing them a bucket of chicken.

A rep for KFC Australia told a local paper, "It is a light-hearted reference to the West Indian cricket team ... The ad was reproduced online in the US without KFC's permission, where we are told a culturally-based stereotype exists, leading to the incorrect assertion of racism."

UPDATE -- We just got this statement: "KFC Australia is removing the television advertisement that was being run in conjunction with the Australian cricket season. We apologize for any misinterpretation of the ad as it was not meant to offend anyone."


I just don't get this. I know it wasn't meant for us, but first of all, why is it an awkward situation being around a bunch of black people? Secondly, if you want to appease them, what makes the first thing that comes to your mind chicken?

Isn't this the same place that had the black face of the J5? What is wrong there? Are Australians really so unaware of sterotypes against blacks. or is it just so engrained in culture, that to view them this way is no big deal? I'm not trying to offend. I'm just curious.
Wow. It is what it is.

The inconspicuous racism of today is worse than it's ever been. Nowadays it isn't so obvious but the deep messages are sugar-coated followed by instant apologies which mean nothing because what's been done already has been done. Cant change anything about it really.
just when u think pl cant get anymore stupid
...or when somebody mentions KFC and people laugh....whats so funny about eating fried chicken? its like when you say stereotypical koolaid, watermelon, and KFC its racist ''funny''. and i honestly do not get the joke with fans and michael liking KFC. if michael liked steak......would people be laughing so much? i guess only in the U.S. we are sensitive to it, apparently. but racism is racism anywhere, and im tired of the excuses to obvious racism like this.
Well, as an Australian...I'd like to point out that not all Aussies are like this, so the the title "what is wrong with Australia" is a bit offensive.

I thought the J5 skit was ridiculous and this ad is pretty much the same.

I know you're not trying to be offensive by saying what you said, but yeh, just wanted to say that. Australians get stereotyped by Americans all the time - an example is with Steve Irwin.

I'm not bothered by either or, if people want to look like jackass's impersonating others, well then - so be it! It makes them look more stupid for being so disprespectful (and I direct that to the dumbasses who did the J5 skit)

And also, we always have dealt with race issues here too, with the Indigenious Australians. So we are sensitive to it. Just happens to be some people who don't care, I guess they ruin our image for all the nice Aussie who actually do give a damn about hurting people's feelings.

Just my two cents. I just hate how everyone thinks the whole of Australia has a race issue as soon as something gets media attention.

Said with love :)
Well, as an Australian...I'd like to point out that not all Aussies are like this, so the the title "what is wrong with Australia" is a bit offensive.

I thought the J5 skit was ridiculous and this ad is pretty much the same.

I know you're not trying to be offensive by saying what you said, but yeh, just wanted to say that. Australians get stereotyped by Americans all the time - an example is with Steve Irwin.

I'm not bothered by either or, if people want to look like jackass's impersonating others, well then - so be it! It makes them look more stupid for being so disprespectful (and I direct that to the dumbasses who did the J5 skit)

And also, we always have dealt with race issues here too, with the Indigenious Australians. So we are sensitive to it. Just happens to be some people who don't care, I guess they ruin our image for all the nice Aussie who actually do give a damn about hurting people's feelings.

Just my two cents. I just hate how everyone thinks the whole of Australia has a race issue as soon as something gets media attention.

Said with love :)

Well glad to hear. And no offense taken by your post at all. I have been hearing so much lately about Australia. And when they do these things that are obviously racist (at least to me) they always use the same excuse, "That they had no idea it would be perceived that way". To me, I think, "How else can it be perceived. It is so blatant". So that's why I was wondering if it really was insensitivity or innocence.

Well at least now that I know better, I don't have to wonder. :yes:

And for the record, KFC is a global corporation that kills countless black people every day with its grossly unhealthy "food".

It certainly doesn't speak for or on behalf of Australia. And even as a "racist Australian" I'm outraged that a corporation that thrives on African Americans as a large proportion of their consumer base would then turn around and make fun of them.

Where is all the hate for KFC?

Let me clear some things up before people jump to conclusions about the ad.

KFC Australia is sponsoring the Australia vs West Indies cricket test series. Once you understand that, you understand the ad and why it's not racist. A couple of Australian supporters have gone to see a test match but have been seated with West Indies supporters. West Indies supporters are probably 99% black. There's nothing racist to that, that's just stating the obvious. So all the people seated around the Aussies are black. The black West Indies supporters are rowdy because they are at a cricket match supporting their team (just like the Aussies would be if they were seated around fellow supporters), but the Aussies are subdued because they're amongst supporters of the other team. Now, it just so happens that the Aussies have some KFC with it. And since this is a KFC ad, they want to sell the idea that everyone loves KFC, so when the Aussies take out their chicken the West Indies supporters want to get in on that. I don't understand how that's racist. I mean, this is Australia not America. They are West Indies supporters not African-Americans. We don't have the stereotype of black people (African-Americans) liking fried chicken. That's not in our culture. We have other racial stereotypes directed at ethnic groups that are actually prominent in Australia. African-Americans aren't prominent at all in Australia. Get it? Not racist.
Well glad to hear. And no offense taken by your post at all. I have been hearing so much lately about Australia. And when they do these things that are obviously racist (at least to me) they always use the same excuse, "That they had no idea it would be perceived that way". To me, I think, "How else can it be perceived. It is so blatant". So that's why I was wondering if it really was insensitivity or innocence.

Well at least now that I know better, I don't have to wonder. :yes:


No probs :)

As far as I know, there has only been 2 things lately, which was mentioned. You said you've been hearing so much lately, just curious what else there was??

Anyhoo, Sadly there are racist people all over the world, from every single country - not just Australia. Seems that some things make better news headlines than others. I never once heard a word about that stupid movie 'White Chicks' when it was realised...But that's already been mentioned on here before!

And yes, as someone mentioned. The ad was made and approved by KFC, an international comapany, not Australia. And they are sponsors of the cricket. So yeh, hardly the country's fault!

As always, with love :)

Oh yes. There are racist people all over. Definitely! The question was more so if it was Australia being unaware of these sterotypes towards blacks or is it just insensitivity. Because many would say they didn't see the big deal.
When I went on websites, they were just fussing about the racism in autrali. I was just complaining that I heard.

I guess that would be a good question would be What is wrong with KFC.

I'm glad this is a global community where you can ask questions and be set straight with your views before starting to perpetuate stereotypes

Again thanks for being patient and just being nice.:)
Let me clear some things up before people jump to conclusions about the ad.

KFC Australia is sponsoring the Australia vs West Indies cricket test series. Once you understand that, you understand the ad and why it's not racist. A couple of Australian supporters have gone to see a test match but have been seated with West Indies supporters. West Indies supporters are probably 99% black. There's nothing racist to that, that's just stating the obvious. So all the people seated around the Aussies are black. The black West Indies supporters are rowdy because they are at a cricket match supporting their team (just like the Aussies would be if they were seated around fellow supporters), but the Aussies are subdued because they're amongst supporters of the other team. Now, it just so happens that the Aussies have some KFC with it. And since this is a KFC ad, they want to sell the idea that everyone loves KFC, so when the Aussies take out their chicken the West Indies supporters want to get in on that. I don't understand how that's racist. I mean, this is Australia not America. They are West Indies supporters not African-Americans. We don't have the stereotype of black people (African-Americans) liking fried chicken. That's not in our culture. We have other racial stereotypes directed at ethnic groups that are actually prominent in Australia. African-Americans aren't prominent at all in Australia. Get it? Not racist.

This is 100% correct. :yes: Anyone else who thinks otherwise is just out to make trouble. It offends me as an Australian when people assume we're (as a country) racist due to their own perceptions.

For example, If someone were to mention a joke referring to African-Americans and fried chicken over here, nobody would get it! As it's not a talking point at all.
and i honestly do not get the joke with fans and michael liking KFC. if michael liked steak......would people be laughing so much?

Honestly I just think you're being oversensitive. I never connected Michael liking KFC and Michael being black in my mind, and I don't think others think the KFC thing is funny because of his race. It's more to do with the fact that it's such a normal, junky thing to eat, you wouldn't expect it of 'giraffe-money' Michael Jackson who could have spent his money eating steak instead as you said. Especially unexpected since we were hearing for so long about how Michael liked to eat healthy food and that he was a vegetarian for however long, then it pops up that he actually eats very unhealthy fried chicken.
This is 100% correct. :yes: Anyone else who thinks otherwise is just out to make trouble. It offends me as an Australian when people assume we're (as a country) racist due to their own perceptions.

For example, If someone were to mention a joke referring to African-Americans and fried chicken over here, nobody would get it! As it's not a talking point at all.

I don't think anyone thinking different is out to make trouble. I thinkk they are probably just unaware of the perceptions of blacks in your country. That is why it is good to educate people. So that they are aware.:)
Honestly I just think you're being oversensitive. I never connected Michael liking KFC and Michael being black in my mind, and I don't think others think the KFC thing is funny because of his race. It's more to do with the fact that it's such a normal, junky thing to eat, you wouldn't expect it of 'giraffe-money' Michael Jackson who could have spent his money eating steak instead as you said. Especially unexpected since we were hearing for so long about how Michael liked to eat healthy food and that he was a vegetarian for however long, then it pops up that he actually eats very unhealthy fried chicken.

exactly it was funny cause the guy litterally ate it for breakfast lunch diner as siad by the air hostess during the trial. the jokes mainly came/started from that.
And for the record, KFC is a global corporation that kills countless black people every day with its grossly unhealthy "food".
Sure, KFC is unhealthy but people choose to eat it.
Similarly, it's stupid how people sued McDonalds for their own weight problems. I mean, come on. -_-