What is true about these things?

Jan 17, 2004
I'm talking to someone who first all (i'm glad as hell he is, so i don't have to open the can of whoopass on info, on that guy,lol) does NOT believe MJ
was guilty of any wrongdoing. So that's a good start.

The guy is doing law-school, or so he says. But i choose to believe him.
He says that i am very selective though, in choosing what is right and wrong
about MJ news. I am a fan and convinced of his innnocence he says, he says that i try to find confirmation and find articles that support my opinion.
All negative rumors about him are 100% untrue in your eyes, and just because you found a few rumors that happen to be untrue about him....you choose to never believe any other kind of rumor. He said.

I told him that i got my info from court documents and from this forum, where i know that the people do alot of research. But he says that is NOT where i get my info from...what he says is " No that's not where you get your opinion from. You form your opinion on what fans on forums say. Forums and other computernetworks are just as much a media source.

You select information that suppports what you believe in and what you think is credible. I'm doing law school at the moment, and from experience
i know that in these court documents, there's a whole lotta 'hoopla' talk in there that many people don't understand. Also....those kind of papers
from such a case, are a huge dossier , and i know 100% that not every fan
has read it and fully understood it. Maybe a few...who have too much time
or do law school as well.

We then talked about the stupid nonsense in the media...and that Michael has nothing to gain with such stuff. Things like the elephant bones and
oxygen chamber. I told him that when MJ was out of the hospital when his hair had cought fire...and with the money he got from Pepsi , he had a building made...a helping-center for burn victims. He then tried out a
oxygen chamber and it was photographed..next day, papers say he sleeps in oxygen chamber so he can breath better and doesn't have to breath in our 'air' or whatever.

THAT is what i told him...i always believed this.

But he said this :

" MJ actually has alot to gain with that, it will get him in the spotlight again, so that he gets the attention from the media, and eventually that
more people buy his music. Exactly the reason why after his death, peolpe are fan of him again, en listens to him...so the sales of his cds rise and he gets media attention.

Also, in a interview with MJ's former manager, he said that the stories about the oxygen chamber and elephant bones were made up by him and MJ themself, to get more media attention. He also said that he and MJ had to laugh about how stupid the media was, to actually believe this story and print it."

What is ya'll view on this, and what is true about what he said? I always scoffed at the media for that stuff, and even in Mike's song Tabloid Junkie, it's about the oxygen chamber. Did his manager ever say that?
Mike did used to plant fake stories, but that blew up on him later. Like the old saying, "be careful of what you wish for". Many celebrities (or their people) have placed fake stories out there for publicity.
The stories are said to come from Mjs camp and were a publicity stunt
they didnt hurt MJ at the time - they only helped his publicity of being unique,
mysterious and also helped him write some awesome songs about it .. fans seem
to think Michael was not awarebut Im sure he knew of it _ he was a pro at getting
attention and publicity and knew what the media wanted ..

the media embelished the stories exagerated them as they always do.
then as Michael became less available to them _ they turned on him
with a vengence and started being hateful and attacking in the stories
trying to make him seem derainged .. the term ***** ***** was started
in the UK Tabloids ..

becuase of Mj being so different and unique they used him as a scapegoat
for sensational stories _ MJ was bigger than life _ and his life was like no others
NEVER dull, mundane or boring _ nothing compares to him even in death.

when he wasnt around _ they just started fabricicationg stories just to
use his name as his name has always been a HUGE draw .. and still is ..

The media and MJ have always had a love ... hate relationship

they were just starting to embrace him again when he died :(
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I don't believe a law student is any better placed to comment than anyone else is at this point in time.

To some extent its right - we will believe what we want to believe and read into stories what we want to read in to them to suit that cause. I'm as guilty of that as the next person and have a law degree too which backs up my point.

However, what IS drummed in to you right at the start and throughout is to learn to separate the facts from everything else and to base assumptions on the facts available. The other key learning point is to consider what the "reasonable man on the street" would believe. That one's somewhat more difficult because the media provides the fodder for that one right now so the "reasonable man's" belief would be pretty much manipulated if based on that and that alone without all the facts of the case being before them too.

Wading through and weaning out the extensive amount of hearsay that abounds too and there is very little hard fact to go on right now.
Oh boy, now he's talking about the witnesses during the 2005 trial. Who claimed the saw things...but he did say that's just 'hearsay' and no concrete proof. We will never really know it..he said.
Well, witnesses in the trial claimed to have seen Michael do things to Macauley Culkin, and Macauley Culkin got up on the stand and said flat-out that it never happened. They tried to insinuate the Brett Barnes and Wade Robson was molested, they too got on the stand and said it was all bullish. People claiming to have seen things always had an axe to grind, and were ex-employees trying to get back at their former boss. THAT information came from the court transcripts not from the forums.

The whole thing with the oxygen chamber and the elephant man bones was to capture the media's attention. It was just a publicity stunt, but it back fired on Michael later. When he stopped feeding them stories, the media began to look for their own stories and it got out of hand.
where you get your opinion from. You form your opinion on what fans on forums say. Forums and other computernetworks are just as much a media source.

You select information that suppports what you believe in and what you think is credible. I'm doing law school at the moment, and from experience
i know that in these court documents, there's a whole lotta 'hoopla' talk in there that many people don't understand. Also....those kind of papers
from such a case, are a huge dossier , and i know 100% that not every fan
has read it and fully understood it. Maybe a few...who have too much time
or do law school as well.

so ask him where u are suppsoed to get info from? tabloids tv shows? where do ppl on non mj boards get their info from? nancy grace?. there is no better source than actual court documents and testimony if u are intrested in debating the facts.this guy sounds up his own ass cause hes doing law. just cause you are doing some course at college doesnt mean u have common sense this person is a prime example of that
so ask him where u are suppsoed to get info from? tabloids tv shows? where do ppl on non mj boards get their info from? nancy grace?. there is no better source than actual court documents and testimony if u are intrested in debating the facts.this guy sounds up his own ass cause hes doing law. just cause you are doing some course at college doesnt mean u have common sense this person is a prime example of that

He's talking out of his.... agreed.

The huge dossier on that case will not be available in any law library for the casual perusal of any tom, dick or law student who wishes to look. He's talking rubbish. In depth reports and judgements of the case there may well be but no huge dossier.
MJ did put out those stories of the elephant man's bones and the oxygen chamber himself, to create a 'mysterious' image for himself.

He was giving the chambers to a burns unit and decided to pose in one for a photo and make up the story. In actual fact you can't spend the night in one of those - or you would die!

Some fans might be selective about info they read - automatically dismissing anything showing Michael in a negative light, but I think most fans should be given more credit than that. They dismiss certain reports and stories, because they are knowledgable about Michael and just know that certain information in the reports is false.
Well, witnesses in the trial claimed to have seen Michael do things to Macauley Culkin, and Macauley Culkin got up on the stand and said flat-out that it never happened. They tried to insinuate the Brett Barnes and Wade Robson was molested, they too got on the stand and said it was all bullish. People claiming to have seen things always had an axe to grind, and were ex-employees trying to get back at their former boss. THAT information came from the court transcripts not from the forums.

The whole thing with the oxygen chamber and the elephant man bones was to capture the media's attention. It was just a publicity stunt, but it back fired on Michael later. When he stopped feeding them stories, the media began to look for their own stories and it got out of hand.
That ís exactly my point. I don´t see how anybody can think that was credible. Also a lot of MJ fans were actually there during the trial and really did a lot of did a lot of reacherch. Probably spent a lot more time than the media who didn´t spend much time at all. But maybe that i not what he mean. He reminds me a bit of Judgingnoone. Where is she anyway? I have not seen her since MJs death.