What is this, Red Shirt HIStory Tour?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I've always wondered what performance this is from. MJJ PICTURES.COM says these pictures are from Blood on the Dance Floor. It's definitely not because he wore a shiny blue shirt for BOTDF. In the early first leg of the tour he wore a Red Jacket for Come Together/DS, but this can't be where these pictures are from because that jacket was more shiny like Thriller or Beat It and he is wearing a necklace; MJ only wore the necklace in the late part of the second leg like starting from around August with Leipzig (as seen in Munich performance he has a necklace only in the Leipzig bug segment), Copenhagen, Gothenburg etc.

Does anybody know what performance it is?
Those pictures are actually from the BOTDF performance, but he only wore that red jacket (like in the short film) during the 1st concert of the second leg of the HIStory World Tour, which was in Bremen on May 31, 1997

As for the necklace, he wore it before august, i'll post a picture of the concert in Paris (on June 27, 1997) and he was wearing it.
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ok thanks.

That's so interesting. I wish there was video of the Bremen Concert. There's only a few stuff about Scream and Billie Jean (synced with Helsinki audio) etc. and professionally recorded audio from another concert on June 6. Tad listed this on his website but it has not been uploaded.
the red shirt looks so nice on him...I wonder if he changed it cuz it aint glittery enough ha ha....
I love the Blue BOTDF jacket ... any HQ pics ?