What is helping me get throught this..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi i don't post often here, i had an old account that got deleted, so hello again.
I used to have phases periodically where i'd visit here everyday for a few weeks, i guess i have a cyclical MJ infatuation.
Anyways i wanted to share this with you guys, and was also wondering what is helping everyone else get through this dark time.

When MJ passed, i suddenly had the urge to listen to Janets music. She reminded me of him alot already but as i familiarized myself with more of her music i found an unusually great comfort. Her music is bittersweet to me and listening to her old hits remind me of better times past. She has a very similar voice, and her shyness reminds me so much of michael. Later, strangely enough, i read in brett rattner's blog that MJ used to put on his sisters music when they had dance offs.

But what makes me feel the best is when i am amidst like minded Michael fans, and admirers, enthusiastically conversing about the genius of MJ, talking about our favourite songs, moments and just flat out worship really makes me feel like he is alive.
Yeah I've listened Janet's music, too, lately. She's becoming my other favourite artist! I've always liked her music but only now I'm really starting to listen to it on daily basis.

What is also giving me comfort is writing. I've written so far I think 3 letters to Michael.. it may sound silly but it really helps me. I write every single thought on paper and I tell how muuuch I love him and after I've told everything that's on my heart I feel refreshed and breezy.
pleased janets helping for you

for me, it makes me miss him more... sorry but her terrible vocal range and breathy voice just grates...

i do like HER tho - shes MJs sister!
Well, I like some of Janet's songs, but in my opinion she's not even a 'one' on a Michael scale of '10' - I really don't mean to offend anyone, each to their own.
Peeweelulu, whatever helps you through this, honey, if it's Janet's music, then go for it! Michael loved Janet's music, especially the song "Rhythm Nation", he always gushed about the great rhythm of it and used to dance to it in his theatre at Neverland.
Michael loved his little sis very much.

"...What is also giving me comfort is writing. I've written so far I think 3 letters to Michael.. it may sound silly but it really helps me. I write every single thought on paper and I tell how muuuch I love him and after I've told everything that's on my heart I feel refreshed and breezy..."

It doesn't sound silly at all, The One, I do that as well - free-flow writing, whatever's in your head at the moment and who cares if it makes sense...
It's amazing how helpful it is in ridding yourself of all the pain and frustration, it helps gain perspective too, it's a great thing to do - I think everyone should try it. :)