What is expected of you when you're 20 years old?

Black Loafers

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden Currently Shanghai
OK, So I've been recently thinking about life. I am 20 years old and I still sit at home infront of the computer and I do not know what I want out of life and by that I mean what kind of occupation I want..

I am still extremely childish (I still wach Disney movies - especially Pocahontas which is my faveourite) and I loove sitting around on MJ forums reading fanfics and writing about Michael and just wante my life that way. You can call me a hedonist.

I still love waterballoon fights and doesn't wanna work. I feel like staying with my mum for the rest of my life. So what is really expected of you? Are you supposed to have a job and a boyfriend and an own car or apartment and live all by yourself and have a job that expects you to work all the time so you just can't fool around anymore?

I don't wanna stop fooling around anymore. I just wanna goof off all the time. But on the same time I have plans for the future in the back of my head which I really want to pursue..

Am I wierd? An I the only one?
I don't know....I can't remember back that far, lol

When I was your age I was a trained nurse, married and a morgage....but Im still a kid at heart and hope I will never loose that childlike quality in my personality. I love Disney and my husband and I still go sometimes by ourselves now the kids have grown-up. I love going to the fair and chasing waves on the beach and listen to my music really loud whilst dancing. Whatever happens in your life and however old you are never loose that ability to have fun.

I think you need to get out and off that computer, enjoy life outside your home, start to work towards your goals. Doing that will help you to feel as if you are in charge of your life and not just letting it slide by and it can also be fun cuz you are doing something that you want to pursue....but don't forget to have free time when you can have a different kind of fun and let of steam, not nesecerily in front of the computer.
Hope this helps and all the best, xx
I think eventually in your life you will come to it and say now its time for me to be more grown? right now enjoy your youth but you can still be productive and do those things as well? Find something of your interests and go with it? You are only twenty most are still living at home at that age? Try a part time job to help out with your family? Or to pay for your own expenses? its a step in some sort of direction and they will see youre trying to be more grown? still enjoy your youth though ...trust me it dont last forever! LOL Good luck with it all! always pursue your dreams though. Nobody can fulfill them but you? :) Have a good day ...only my view and opinion on it.....some of us mature more faster than others?
OK, So I've been recently thinking about life. I am 20 years old and I still sit at home infront of the computer and I do not know what I want out of life and by that I mean what kind of occupation I want..

I am still extremely childish (I still wach Disney movies - especially Pocahontas which is my faveourite) and I loove sitting around on MJ forums reading fanfics and writing about Michael and just wante my life that way. You can call me a hedonist.

I still love waterballoon fights and doesn't wanna work. I feel like staying with my mum for the rest of my life. So what is really expected of you? Are you supposed to have a job and a boyfriend and an own car or apartment and live all by yourself and have a job that expects you to work all the time so you just can't fool around anymore?

I don't wanna stop fooling around anymore. I just wanna goof off all the time. But on the same time I have plans for the future in the back of my head which I really want to pursue..

Am I wierd? An I the only one?

:eek: you sound so much like how I feel inside! I live by myself, but I would love to live with my mother forever Explanation: It's totally ok to live with your mother!, but only if it is not a burdon to her :)
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let's see when I was 20 yrs old... i was a junior in college and while i didn't work during the school year b/c i had a very demanding major, I had a full-time job when school was out....

i had a career that I was pursuing (tho my career has changed since then)
i had a boyfriend too

i think at 20, you should at least be starting to find your way in the world. Just remember the longer you sit at home on the computer, the longer before your life really starts...

the world has a lot to offer and by sitting at home on the computer all day you're missing it! I'm not saying you need to KNOW anything but you should at least try to start figuring stuff out ;) Take some courses that your interested in... take up a hobby that DOESN'T involve the computer so you can meet ppl...

no one says you have to give up being and acting youthful but your not going to change or grow doing the same thing/routine every single day ;)
Well, what is expected is probably a cultural thing...

When I was 20 I was working as a full-time nanny in the US, and when I came back home to Denmark, I got a full-time job at Lego.

I have to echo what the others say... You might want to figure out what direction you would like for your life to take. If you love games and playing, maybe something with children? If you like Children, that is...

I'm now 28, and while I've certainly done alot with my life, I still do sometimes regret not completing any education yet. I graduate as a social worker in Januar 2010, so I'm getting there. But time slips away to quickly!
I'm 26 and I still don't know what I want out of life. There's no set age limit to figure everything out.
^ thats it exactly not everyone is the same its all in
what you want and how you want to do it?
some do things earlier in life and some seem to have to wait?
everyones not the same.....thats for sure.
and I noticed that its because with some young people
that the parents dont mind and some make them do things
earlier on? that plays a big factor in it as well? :)
Hard question for me. In my family it was just an unspoken expectation that I would get an education and career, as had all my family members. But that's not to say I had no fun or couldn't do things that interested me outside of what I was studying.

It was also expected that I would earn my spending money, there was no open discussion of any other options. But my basic needs were taken care of, home/food/etc.

Maybe because I am older I would tend to say it may be time to start thinking a touch more goal oriented. Doesn't mean a person has to jump into just anything, but maybe think about where you want to be say, in 5 years.

Not trying to be a hard a** here, but first my thought would be to get off the computer a little more. Or, if the computer really is a major component in your life, think about learning something that could lead to a job/career that is computer oriented.

At some point in time things may change for you, ie, not having a home or parents that will provide for you. Hard words to say or think about, but life can throw some major blows at people.

10 yrs from now you may say "why didn't I do this or do that", it happens to all of us. By taking even just one step towards making some sort of plan, no matter how small, certainly can't hurt. And you can still have fun, be reasonably carefree, but also be headed in some direction.

JMO, and best wishes in whatever way life takes you.
When I was 20 years old: I was sick of living with my mom and grandmom in her house. Finnishing my high school, graduating (finally). Didn't know what I wanted, but out of there. So I spent time on meaningless courses and tried to look for a job in a small town that didn't have almost any jobs for someone just finnishing high school. So I searched the internet and found a job elsewhere and moved away from home. I lived with a room mate for about 8 months and then alone.
Now I'm unemployed and again on a meaningless course and I'm seriously thinking of just finding a man, with a job and a house and getting married, maybe even with kids. Working is not really that much fun unless you do something you love.
wow just like me except i'm a 21 year old moy(no longer a boy, not yet a man)
lol oh sheeeesh I started learning my first job when I was 16!
It was honestly not that much fun more hard work but I soooo wanted to get independent from at home and be able to afford whatever I decided to be important for myself and THAT WAS FUN! lol
I moved out I think when I was 21.
Well with 23 I decided for a job change cuz the first one got boring. So I started evening school aside from that job... well I didn't want to go back into dependancy of my parents again so I decided to do it the hard way. To be free in decision about my own life. To always earn my own money. That has been always the biggest fun to me.
A bit later with 28 I did change again started to study at University as I said always also working in jobs aside from that... that was indeed also hard work but the fun aside from it was somewhat also the best lol.
This is now already almost 14 years ago and was the best decision of my life as I have a wonderful job now and am very happy aside from that I'm still financially independant and can even help friends with money at times when it's needed the most.
I don't care that much about money. Ppl are blaming me often for giving it away too easy. But it gives a great feeling when you actually can help instead that you have to ask for it.
So that were my priorities since I was 20 or even younger.
Honestly I don't expect anything from anyone who's young than maybe that they do care for their very own happiness.
But it has advantages when you think early in life what it is you want and what your priorities are in life. We do have a saying here in germany, if you don't plan for your future you shouldn't wonder if you don't really have one. Then again it's all up to you, I really think! Make your choices, life is full of those when you're young. lol but let me be a pain in the a** smartas* and let me tell you, chances do decrease with age... please know this. It's all meant well! ;) You are free to do as you like still, I just had to tell.
Nothing is expected of you, you make your own life what it is and what it can be.
Yeah I really think the question is more of what and how you expect your life to be.
Don't worry, I'm 25 and still don't have a job;) (still studying) I've just started giving English lessons and that's it;) And I like childlike stuff too, like building snowmen in winter or going to theme parks all the time:D It's fun;)
u do what you wanna do theres no set rule on how u must act at a certain age