What is a good Introduction for a new fan?

Mike P.

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Florida, United States
Both of my best friends Birthdays are coming up this month and I've decided to get them both an MJ CD. I know one of them already wants Blood on the Dance Floor but my other friend is new to MJ, She really likes his music but has only heard the really big hits and doesn't own anything of his. I'm also not sure whether to get her a Greatest His CD or an original album.

Any suggestions?

BTW, Her #1 favorite song is You Are Not Alone.
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Perhaps HIStory? It has the hits and good new material.
I'd get her The Essential. You really can't go wrong with it, it's an amazing collection of songs and a great intro to Michael's and the J5's music!
I say get either History, cuz its the best of both world's, or Dangerous cuz its amazing.
I'd go with Dangerous, it was my introduction to him when I was 6. It's been my favorite every since. Otherwise I'd say History since it's got new and classic stuff.
I love them all.. my first MJ album was the History one. :)
i think its only right if u buy her thriller. shes a douche if she doesnt have it already tho.
OFF THE WALL!!! When I was new to MJ, I just decided to buy Off The Wall with low expectations and I was blown away!! This album is amazing, you should give her an album with songs she hasnt heard before.. Thriller everyone has heard, whether you're a fan or not.. Because its got those classics.. Id give her Off The Wall! She will have low expectations til she goes through the songs.. :D

But seriously, Invincible was my introduction (after the big hits). I'd go with an album rather than hits cos you get insight into his art, how all his songs work together - you get a complete message of sort :)

Off The Wall (like MichaelMySoul) cos I'm biased and it's my favourite, or Dangerous :) But maybe try and find out which style of his she's more into (ballads etc) :) :)
Essential is a great introduction and will have her craving for more. HIStory is also an excellent choice as it has her favourite song on it, songs like Stranger In Moscow and Earth song which she's bound to love, as well as a greatest hits CD of the main stuff.

I wouldn't recommend Dangerous, the first 6 songs might put her off if she's new to Mike, the good stuff is on the second half of the album. Off The Wall is far too DISCO, and Thriller.. well she'll probably get it later anyway.
I'd get her The Essential. You really can't go wrong with it, it's an amazing collection of songs and a great intro to Michael's and the J5's music!

I've been thinking about this, and I'm wondering whether a compilation would be the right thing after all.
Although The Essential is amazing I think I'd choose Dangerous if she was looking to delve a bit deeper.