What if?


Consulting detective
Jul 3, 2010
Hey! here's a new game...haven't seen one like this around so...here it goes:

I ask a question that starts with "what if" and the next person answers and asks another question and so on.

it's a very good imagination exercise :lol:

What if you could take a little bit of a cloud?
I'd go back in time :p

what if you had four arms?
I'd buy myself a laptop and donate what's left to sth :p

what if you became famous?
I don't know :unsure: ... I would promote michael as much as I could :yes:
what if you could fly for a day ?
I'd make the best of it :D

what if you woke up in a bowl? lol
cooooooooool :D I'd keep it to myself :p

what if you were 10 feet tall?
I'd get everything I like :p

what if you'd know everything?
I'd be the perfect spy

what is it rained with cookies?
:bugeyed I'd be a man :lol:

what if you could breathe underwater?
I'd go see Michael :wub:

what if you had wings?
it would be easy to clean my room

what if you were a movie star?
I'd fly haha

what if you could talk to animals?
it would not bother me that much :no: but mum has got it and sometimes shes naughty :lol:
what if you wasnt allowed to go to the toilet for 2 days ?:bugeyed