What if.....would you...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
Okay so we all know that Omer Bhatti is not MJ's biological son but that he was very close to him like a son. Since he does look a lot like Michael though facially and in terms of body type, and the fact that he can also dance like him 'pretty well', would you pay too see him if he did a tribute concert where he just performed all of MJ's famous dance routines to MJ's vocals? Here is a link of him dancing for those who havent seen. He does the Billie Jean dance with the hat, jacket and all near the end.

Personally No he doesn't matter to me But its nice that he pays tribute to Michael cause michael care for him
No I wouldn't. I am not interested in paying to see impersonaters.
He's very talented and probably a good guy, but...no.
If I can't see Michael doing his dance routines then I don't need to see anyone.
Tributes for Michael are ok, but I think it might be better for Omer to do his own thing anyway :)