What If There Was Another Michael Jackson Video Game...Like An RPG?


Proud Member
May 11, 2012
I consider myself to be a big Gamer. I've played video games of all sorts of genres including my one of favorites, the RPG (Role Playing Game).

This leads me to wonder what if a Michael Jackson RPG existed?

One idea could be centered around Michael coming across or already having a device or machine that would allow him to travel to different times and dimensions. Maybe the reason is that several pieces of Neverland has somehow been scattered into these dimensions and he has to go get them back.

When Michael uses this device, he could be taken to this "Hub" of the dimensions. Think Kingdom Hearts. These worlds would be based off of his Short Films. For instance, one could be based off of Thriller while another could resemble Bad (This world could be called "1980's New York" or something of that nature). When Michael travels to a certain world, his appearance would change to one that represents that world (He would assume the gold Egyptian-inspired outfit in the Remember The Time world and in the world based on Smooth Criminal, the outfit he wore in Club 30).

The worlds themselves would be decently sized, not only including areas as seen in the Short Films but could also add new areas as well in order to expand the worlds.

The gameplay could be more on the lines of, again, Kingdom Hearts. Not only would he be visiting these dimensions to find a piece of Neverland but he would have to complete a few tasks as well. For instance, in the Thriller world, Michael (In his zombie appearance) could have to go throughout the world and find members of his zombie crew. In a level inspired by Scream, Michael could be controlled through a no-gravity area where he could collect some sort of items (like balls) from the air (it could be a mini-game).

The music would be a remix of the song the world is based on. The remixes (akin to dancemixes) would be using the same elements from the songs as released on his albums. When Michael is just walking around, the music would be a stripped down version of the song and when action kicks up, more layers/elements would be added to the song.

That's pretty much one idea as to what a Michael Jackson RPG could be. :)
Hahah Well that would be freakin awesome is what it would be.

There was a project called Planet Michael that was gonna be similar to that but I don't know...I think it got scrapped :( the website is still up though: http://www.planetmichael.com/
I wonder what happened to that project.

Sorta unrelated but I'm building a DIFFERENT type of RPG, its writing based - a forum RPG, and it'll be way less cool lol But its kinda funny cuz the concept of different dimensions definitely are used in it - and I think the 'plot' of each dimension holding something valuable would pretty cool (reminds me of Thor a little lol)! Do you mind me using that? The thread where I'm kinda brainstorming ideas is here.
I would like a virtual never land that you could go through looking at Michaels house and grounds. Go into the movie theatre and access his favourite films and his own short films, visit the music studio and listen to demos and make your own remixes and go to the games room to play his video games. You could also interact with virtual staff members like his chef to find out his favourite food and have water fights with MJ and his friends. Visit the library to read his favourite books. See the paintings he owned. Have racing games and funfair games and visit the zoo to feed and learn about his animals. You could even interact with other players.
That sounds like a pretty cool idea for a game. I think if there was another MJ game, it should be a sort-of spiritual sequel/remake of the Moonwalker game on Genesis/arcade. It would be an open-world game where you go around the city from the Smooth Criminal segment of the Moonwalker movie and do various missions. You can drive cars, beat up bad guys, develop relationships with various women, and would even have the ability to turn into the robot form. :D Not sure what the plot would be though... perhaps a retelling of the plot from the first game.
@J5master: I did actually come across your thread and I like what I see so far. I think it's pretty cool so keep up the good work and this could turn out to be a fantastic MJ RPG forum! If there are any elements in the idea I've posted in this thread that catches your fancy, you may feel free to use them in your written RPG. ;)

@Albion: That also sounds like a good idea. I like the sound of that music studio; it's too bad they haven't released anything that like to the public, a Michael Jackson song remixing program. I'm thinking it could be something like MTV Music Generator 3.

Amaya: Another great idea! I really enjoy open world games that provides endless possibilities!
Another idea would be a game like Heavy Rain with Quick Time Events, perfect for dancing segments.
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That game I think would be a pretty awesome idea! I think the closest the world ever got to seeing something even remotely close to being close was Michael's character in the Space Channel 5 series, lol
Ah yes, Space Channel 5! I do love both games in the series. I think Michael ought to have been in more video games.