What if Michael Jackson wore his hairstyle like this today?

he wore his hair in a ponytail in '02?
He's always looked good in a ponytail, even tho generally I don't care much for long hair on guys. The hair he had in 2001 looked kinda weird on him, in my opinion. I prefer his curls, myself.
that would be nice

i hope he dont wear it like in 2001
ugh that was so ugly!!!!!!!

i hope he cuts it all off!!!!!!
I think he should go back to having his hair in the gothic style from the msg performances! :drool:
His hair in 01' was not a good look for the dude. Since I don't think he's getting rid of his long hair EVER, i'd wanna see him put it back in a ponytail. His hair would be madd crazy if he kept it down while performing, he'd look like a wild man haha.

To this day i'd rather see it chopped off and go with a nice grown man cut, or get his long locks braided. I still think that shit'd look tight in cornrows!!
The funny thing is, it'd be cool if MJ brought the jheri curl back. But if any other human being wore it, it'd prob look wack hahaha. He could bring back the curl from the 95' VMA's and that would be cool too.
pic please ^_^

I love his hair in this video:


and here's some piccies from the MSG performances haha, his hair looks so cool.


soz couldn't find anymore :laugh:
But yeah, I adore the gothic hairstyle he's had during Invincible, I think it really suited him.
I "love" the long hair (Rocker look), curls, and pony tail...

Very Hansome, Sexy, and certainly drives the ladies absolutely wild..!

Michael is an artist and change is part of it. The visual can never the same. In each new phase ... a new look and that is the essence of an artist: to be always changing. For me no matter what is your new haircut, which the new style of clothes ... Michael is great anyway ... ever!