What if Michael got married at a young age (like 20, 21)?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
I remember reading somewhere that Michael regretted he didn't married young like his brothers did. Would his life been any different? Would he be more happier?
It's difficult to say... :thinking:

But if he had found the love of his life... he was married, being completely happy and completely loved and respected by his wife, she was caring for him and be strong like Michael, maybe Michael had had more children and much more... :heart: and obviously, NOW... we would not be living this nightmare (June 25). :cry:
His life would have been completely different, that's for sure.
It's difficult to say... :thinking:

But if he had found the love of his life... he was married, being completely happy and completely loved and respected by his wife, she was caring for him and be strong like Michael, maybe Michael had had more children and much more... :heart: and obviously, NOW... we would not be living this nightmare (June 25). :cry:

I know. :(
I've always said if he had a loving and caring wife/family he would still be here today. His wife would not have allowed some rogue doctor to inject her husband with anesthesia as a sleep aid that's for sure
His career was his everything. With his run away ambition to be numero uno, marrying young would have been a disaster. And i agree with Debbie Rowe, MJ was too huge. Attaining riches and fame at such a young age happiness was bound to elude him. Who among us are really happy any way.?
Even if he had married young, that would have been no guarantee that he would have stayed married, either. And he had been married twice, I grinned when he was shifting in his seat saying he tried that twice....but who knows, lol. And it's rather difficult being married to a man who says that he's rather difficult to tie down. Honestly, you wanna be with someone, not have to fight to tie anyone down, unless it's for VERY specific purposes, *cough*.

I hope he had someone there who's not known, but yes, I tend to think that many things might have been different in a stable relationship- but then again, all that is a two way street. I can't even begin to fathom what's it's like to deal with his entourage.
And lets face it, the longer you live by yourself, the more difficult it will be to adjust from that. Many people deal with that.
I'm sorry but I don't think Michael was a person who would let someone tell him what to do and what not...
But I do think that he could be happier with a person who loved him. Then again I have to agree with max000 who is really happy?
I think being married to Michael Jackson puts a lot of demand on the woman he married. He got married twice, yet neither relationship lasted long. There's a lot of give-and-take necessary in a relationship and with someone as high caliber as Michael, that could be difficult. Especially when he would be gone a lot performing. I just think he put performing before anything else. He was married to his work, so I can't really imagine it any other way. He'd have to be a different person. And if he was a different person and decided to settle down with that special someone at a young age, I doubt he would become the huge superstar he is today.

At that age of course before Thriller he wasn't at his peak yet. It would have been nice if he could have a wife then, but like I said, I believe his career might fade more in the background, and Michael just wasn't that kind of person to put marriage ahead of career.
I remember reading an interview where Michael said that he had things that he wanted to accomplish career wise before he had children. Maybe it was the same with marriage. Maybe if he had found the right woman later in life she would have became his priority, it certainly appears that after he had children they became his main priority.
I'm sorry but I don't think Michael was a person who would let someone tell him what to do and what not...

Well, it is not told what to do and what not to do. But warn Michael, open his eyes and make him see more clearly the people around him and all these things. Michael seems to have been a magnet to attract for bad people in his life. :( *big sigh*
His life would've been different, and if the marriage would've lasted I think he could've been happier. But I think he wasn't ready to "settle down" back then, so I think it would've probably been better if he had had that lasting relationship when he was older... if only :(
I hope there was someone there that we will never know about. His kids made him very happy. But if he had married young his life would have been so different. Like some already said, I think he would have had kids at a younger age and probably more kids. You can never say it it would have lasted. Going through all those crazy years you would have to be one strong woman to endure that.
I hope there was someone there that we will never know about. His kids made him very happy. But if he had married young his life would have been so different. Like some already said, I think he would have had kids at a younger age and probably more kids. You can never say it it would have lasted. Going through all those crazy years you would have to be one strong woman to endure that.

Well in love, you have to make sacrifices and if his wife loved him, she would have been there for him all the time no matter whatever the circumstances are.
I wish he had somebody. Someone who truly loved and understood him and would be strong enough to cope with his lifestyle. I think with such a woman on his side he would have been a lot less vulnerable to a lot of things.
I asked the same question on a different MJ Forum and I totally agree with this answer:
Michael was such a brilliant man in a lot of aspects, BUT he also left himself open to a lot of different ideas. What I mean is, it didn't seem to hard for him to be convinced of certain things by certain people. What this means as it relates to your question, for me, is that Michael's Mother and Sister LaToya (and maybe others) were instrumental in telling him that he needed a woman of a certain status to settle down with. I remember reading that in Katherine Jackson's book and I also recall LaToya saying the same thing. They did him (and he did himself) a great disservice by adhering to that advice. Instead of selecting someone that he may have truly vibed with, he waited for a 'type' -effectively eliminating a hell of a lot of great possibilities (including Stephanie Mills). To say "he'll marry when he finds someone of equal status or greater" places him in a bracket of loneliness in my opinion because his options are severely limited.

Of course his religion played a great part in that too because I read somewhere that Jehovah's Witnesses only date when they believe it's leading to marriage. He was career-oriented and had major goals that he wanted to accomplish, but unlike some of the other commentors -I think he would have still accomplished those goals had he married an understanding and supportive woman at an earlier age. I think he would have still been the larger than life Superstar that we came to know, but he would have had the added element of a happy home life and the stability that a familial support system brings.

I think there was only one woman that he wanted to marry at that age. I also think with them being in the same field, she would have been understanding and supportive of his career goals. From what I've read and seen of her, she's a nurturer who could and would have given him the family life (wife and children) that he desired had they taken the leap regardless of what naysayers/critics had to say. Personally, I don't see anyone else measuring up to her in his eyes at the time and I think he may have been holding out hope that she would eventually come around. *sigh*

I know I went all 'round the corner' on this, but I hope my answer was clear (in there somewhere ). I think marriage and settling down sooner would have produced a different outcome. He would have still been the same generous, loving person who opened his heart and home. However; with his own wife/children to love and care for, perhaps there would not have been any leeches lurking about and springing the traps for him to fall into which ultimately destroyed him.
I asked the same question on a different MJ Forum and I totally agree with this answer:

I think there was only one woman that he wanted to marry at that age. I also think with them being in the same field, she would have been understanding and supportive of his career goals. From what I've read and seen of her, she's a nurturer who could and would have given him the family life (wife and children) that he desired had they taken the leap regardless of what naysayers/critics had to say. Personally, I don't see anyone else measuring up to her in his eyes at the time and I think he may have been holding out hope that she would eventually come around. *sigh*

Who is she? :thinking:
His biggest problem was his personality.

So doesn't matter if he did marry at age of 20 or not. It's something that even he himself couldn't confront.

and don't start with "you don't know him personaly" and stuff. that was the obstacle in his life.
His biggest problem was his personality.

So doesn't matter if he did marry at age of 20 or not. It's something that even he himself couldn't confront.

and don't start with "you don't know him personaly" and stuff. that was the obstacle in his life.

In my opinion, no. :fear: When you truly love someone, no matter what will happen along the way, obstacles will appear on the road or whatever.... you will be there for the person, always. People are made of defects and qualities, and when you truly love, you will always try to understand the person. I know that some people look at Michael as a complicated person or whatever .... I do not know why... I do not really understand this. :unsure:

What I feel is that Michael never felt completely/truly loved by no woman. It really hurts to see that everything had to be so difficult and complicated in Michael's life, he did not deserve. :( But you know, he was too good. :cry:
Twenty, 21 is too young to get married, especially when this was just a few years before he would explode into superstardom. It's good he waited. He just chose the wrong people.