What I loved about Neverland.. was..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
What I loved about Neverland was not only the fact that Michael created a land of fantasy for himself and children who came to visit his home, but the inside of Neverland was more than just a big mansion.. If you've seen CRIBS on MTV, you'll see bling-bling mansions with really expensive furnitures and the latest high tech equipments, but lacking that home-feeling... Its so steril when you see celebrity houses. Michaels home was warm and inviting, with so many family photographs on the walls, lots of toys, unusual and unique artwork and huge collections of books, video tapes and other stuff. Michaels bedroom and home wasnt what you might see on CRIBS, it wasnt styled by some arcitect and stripped down to just cold furnishing and the latest stuff.. It was personal.. His house collected his legacy.. Ive always believed in the first impression, what you see is what you get... Michaels home was full of memories, photographs, personal belongings.. It shows exactly what was the most important to him.. Just looking at how Neverland was on the inside tells you alot about who Michael Jackson was. Compare his home with some of the CRIBS houses you see on MTV. Sure their homes may look really nice, but its nothing compared to the family-feeling in Neverland.
I remember the picture of his bedroom in a magazine. He wasn't one for picking up after himself. lol Neither am I!! Made me feel better about letting stuff pile up.
I've always thought his home was so much cooler cause it's beautiful. It's not all clean and neat. It's like a normal home.
I know, I want to buy it :) I would just love to have the house the exact same as Michael had it. Oh and yes there will be Supersoaker water fights ;).