What I don't eat -- unhealthy meats from tortured animals


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Fast-food and supermarket meat disgusts me. Aside from the torture of animals, by the time that 'chicken' hits consumers' trays, it's so filled w/ chemicals, hormones, saturated fats, grease, cholesterol, etc, that it doesn't even qualify as an animal. If I want heart disease, obesity, diabetes, or oily/blemished skin, then the local Burger King or KFC is a great place to start. Red meat regardless of where it's cooked causes heart disease. NO THANKS.

The fact that people are served chickens that just go to the bathroom on one another and eat their own urine and feces all day is disgusting. If these animals weren't abused, then the meat would be healthier; therefore, people who eat abused animals reap what they sow by digesting all of the animal's diseases and chemicals. And buying these products condones both the abuse of animals and the decline of your health.

God gave me one body, so I'll take care of it. And no, I don't miss any of the aforementioned food that I used to eat; in fact, my body thanks me every day for it.
KFC is the only fast food I will eat...well I love Chinese food too..I dont know if some consider that fast food,
Fast-food and supermarket meat disgusts me. Aside from the torture of animals, by the time that 'chicken' hits consumers' trays, it's so filled w/ chemicals, hormones, saturated fats, grease, cholesterol, etc, that it doesn't even qualify as an animal. If I want heart disease, obesity, diabetes, or oily/blemished skin, then the local Burger King or KFC is a great place to start. Red meat regardless of where it's cooked causes heart disease. NO THANKS.

The fact that people are served chickens that just go to the bathroom on one another and eat their own urine and feces all day is disgusting. If these animals weren't abused, then the meat would be healthier; therefore, people who eat abused animals reap what they sow by digesting all of the animal's diseases and chemicals. And buying these products condones both the abuse of animals and the decline of your health.

God gave me one body, so I'll take care of it. And no, I don't miss any of the aforementioned food that I used to eat; in fact, my body thanks me every day for it.

So it's the treatment of the meat rather than the meat you have an actual problem with?
A cow wandering lonely as a cloud...... gets jumped by a pride of lions.

It's called the food chain,be thankful you're at the top of it.
yeah but..the calve is already cooked....yes??.....cuz if it is alive that means that it is STILL ALIVE

He/she used it for effect.It had nothing to add but thought " I eat baby calfs' was funny.

There is a recipe for it granted,but lets see if if it can google it.

Raw egg for a clue.
:excl: :huh:


All together now:girl_guitar: 'we are the worrrrrllddd, we are the chiilllrrren..'


[note: this was in reply to the argument that was going on here and has now been deleted, (not the OP).]
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Not only that some chickens are tortured. So many other animals that end up on our plate are subject to some kind of animal cruelty too. That is why I salute all those who are able to be a vegetarian. Still, eating meat is nothing wrong- just like how a Tiger would eat deers. But I choose to be selective in what I eat, for example, I will never eat rare animals like shark fin, turtles eggs, snakes. Some countries even eat dogs, cats, whales and dolphins! Gosh! Some people are so cruel!
Most meats I will not eat anymore. Because I know all about how the animals are treated before they are slaughter. I know because I have seen the hidden camera reports on tv. And I have spent the first 15 years of my life growing up on my grandfather's dairy farm. Where he had his own cows slaughter for us to eat. Ground up beef is the only red meat I still eat. But even that I would rather not eat that anymore. And eat ground up turkey instead. I already given up eating all pork products a good few years or so ago. And believe me I don't miss eating pork at all. I don't even like seeing some kind of pork product being cooked. And I find the smell of pork being cooked nauseating. The only meats I mostly prefer eating anymore is either chicken, turkey, shrimp, and fish. I used to love to eat meat well mainly pork and red meats. But when I started seeing how those poor animals are treated before they are slaughter. I began to feel really bad and sorry for them. Which is why I now only eat the meats that I eat now. Even though my late grandmother has said that God has put animals on Earth for people to eat. She may be right about that. But I just rather not eat them anymore.
I don't understand people who say they won't eat meat because of tortured animals, but at the same time wear leather, suede, silk, fur, ivory, etc. Some also use animal by products like honey, milk, cheese, bleached table sugar (processed with pig bones), Jello or gelatin (horse and cow hooves), and photographic film (horse hooves again) or cut up dead animals in science classes. I would refuse to do that and just take the bad grade.
I don't understand people who say they won't eat meat because of tortured animals, but at the same time wear leather, suede, silk, fur, ivory, etc. Some also use animal by products like honey, milk, cheese, bleached table sugar (processed with pig bones), Jello or gelatin (horse and cow hooves), and photographic film (horse hooves again) or cut up dead animals in science classes. I would refuse to do that and just take the bad grade.

Don't forget glue. :(

I wouldn't dissect animals either. Luckily I was never faced with that situation.
I just became a vegetrian today.

Good luck honey. Do lots of researching :)

I very occasionally eat meat, I am only okay with seafood really. I have replaced milk with soy milk which I am really happy about but I still sometimes eat dairy yogurt, ice cream etc, so I need to find more replacements. I am all for finding alternative businesses that advocate for the humane treatment of animals instead of consuming products that support cheap companies that aren't humane. It is very worrying what is going into food these days. It is getting further away from as nature intended and more about chemicals and additives. It's scary.
I don't eat meat, only fish but very rarely. And I avoid endangered fish species like tuna and only take those with an official seal "Marine Stewardship Council" (MSC) or organic fish. - There is so much other food - vegetables and fruits - available so I don't miss meat at all.

BTW, it was just in the news that more and more German grocery chains actually are taking rabbit meat :)puke: don't tell this my rabbits!) out of their assortment :)clapping:) because not long ago it came to light that there are big issues with the animal protection in this field.
Their is also fake meat which is practically the same as real onyl a bit different (quorn and linda mccartney has a company)

Yeah, I tried vegetarian Schnitzel (escalope) made from vegetables, it's delicious! :yes: You can find them in Natural Foods Stores but also even in supermarkets.
We apologise for these images but they speak more eloquently than any politician of the plight of Zimbabwe's starving people

For us it is a saddening sight - a magnificent bull elephant struck down in his old age.

But for the starving of Zimbabwe, it was little short of a miracle.

The carcass provided a vital source of food, and hundreds of desperate villagers in the Gonarezhou National Park descended on the dead animal within minutes of its discovery.

Using machetes, axes and knives made from tin cans they set upon the six-ton carcass, which was found deep in scrubland.

Fallen giant: The corpse of the bull elephant lies undisturbed in deep scrubland in Gonarezhou National Park

The desperate descend: Within minutes, starving villagers arrive at the carcass

Fights broke out as villagers battled to strip chunks of flesh from the animal and drag them away to feed their families.

It took just one hour and 47 minutes for the 13ft-tall elephant to be reduced to a skeleton. Every part was used for food, even the trunk and ears.

The bones of the 70-year-old animal were taken to boil for soup and within 24 hours nothing was left but a blood-stained patch of earth.

The images are undeniably shocking. But they illustrate the terrible lengths to which Zimbabweans are forced to go just to survive under Robert Mugabe.

Yesterday, the Red Cross warned the situation in the former British colony is 'critical' with 2.17million - one in four of the population - requiring urgent food aid.

Battle begins: Soon, the villagers are fighting to get the urgently-needed meat

Audience: People gather on a hill a short distance away to watch village men get to work

Emma Kundishora, of the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society, said: 'In some parts of the country, the food situation is as bad as many of our volunteers and staff have ever seen.'

Conditions are expected to deteriorate further this year following the collapse of agriculture caused by President Mugabe's violent seizures of thousands of white-owned farms since 2000.

Erratic rain has also damaged crops of corn. Harvests could produce just 500,000-tons this year, less than a third of the amount required to feed the nation.

Photographer David Chancellor said: 'Just after dawn a villager spotted the carcass as he passed on a bicycle.

'It was in the middle of nowhere, but within 15 minutes hundreds of people had arrived from all directions.

Brutally effective: Nothing goes to waste, with the skin, trunk and ears all removed

Starving: Zimbabweans grapple with each other as they set upon the elephant to get meat

Stripped: After less than two hours, only bones remain. Even these will later be taken

Desperate: A blood-spattered villager and, right, the spot where the bull elephant lay is completely cleared just 24 hours after it was found

'The women formed a ring around the elephant and the men stood inside, fighting and stabbing each other to get to the meat.'

He added: 'The meat was taken back to homes. Some was eaten immediately but most was dried on washing lines and stored to eat later.

'There were celebrations in the surrounding villages for the next two nights.'

We apologise for these images but they speak more eloquently than any politician of the plight of Zimbabwe's starving people

For us it is a saddening sight - a magnificent bull elephant struck down in his old age.

But for the starving of Zimbabwe, it was little short of a miracle.

The carcass provided a vital source of food, and hundreds of desperate villagers in the Gonarezhou National Park descended on the dead animal within minutes of its discovery.

Using machetes, axes and knives made from tin cans they set upon the six-ton carcass, which was found deep in scrubland.

Fallen giant: The corpse of the bull elephant lies undisturbed in deep scrubland in Gonarezhou National Park

The desperate descend: Within minutes, starving villagers arrive at the carcass

Fights broke out as villagers battled to strip chunks of flesh from the animal and drag them away to feed their families.

It took just one hour and 47 minutes for the 13ft-tall elephant to be reduced to a skeleton. Every part was used for food, even the trunk and ears.

The bones of the 70-year-old animal were taken to boil for soup and within 24 hours nothing was left but a blood-stained patch of earth.

The images are undeniably shocking. But they illustrate the terrible lengths to which Zimbabweans are forced to go just to survive under Robert Mugabe.

Yesterday, the Red Cross warned the situation in the former British colony is 'critical' with 2.17million - one in four of the population - requiring urgent food aid.

Battle begins: Soon, the villagers are fighting to get the urgently-needed meat

Audience: People gather on a hill a short distance away to watch village men get to work

Emma Kundishora, of the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society, said: 'In some parts of the country, the food situation is as bad as many of our volunteers and staff have ever seen.'

Conditions are expected to deteriorate further this year following the collapse of agriculture caused by President Mugabe's violent seizures of thousands of white-owned farms since 2000.

Erratic rain has also damaged crops of corn. Harvests could produce just 500,000-tons this year, less than a third of the amount required to feed the nation.

Photographer David Chancellor said: 'Just after dawn a villager spotted the carcass as he passed on a bicycle.

'It was in the middle of nowhere, but within 15 minutes hundreds of people had arrived from all directions.

Brutally effective: Nothing goes to waste, with the skin, trunk and ears all removed

Starving: Zimbabweans grapple with each other as they set upon the elephant to get meat

Stripped: After less than two hours, only bones remain. Even these will later be taken

Desperate: A blood-spattered villager and, right, the spot where the bull elephant lay is completely cleared just 24 hours after it was found

'The women formed a ring around the elephant and the men stood inside, fighting and stabbing each other to get to the meat.'

He added: 'The meat was taken back to homes. Some was eaten immediately but most was dried on washing lines and stored to eat later.

'There were celebrations in the surrounding villages for the next two nights.'


This is so unbelievable and so sad. :(
Poor people, they have no choice they have to eat what they find.
How can someone starve his own people?
Of course there are problems when there is no rain and the harvest gets bad, but you can do something about it.
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Im vegetarian since I can remember, but would like to be vegan.

But DuranDuran is right.
Take milk for example: What do they do if a cow doesn`t produce "enough" milk anymore. They will slaughter it after about 3 years. Even though naturally, she will live like 20 years.

So, by drinking milk for example, you (me too, at the moment:() support the bad treatment of animals. (At least if you buy it in a supermarket and not from a farmer who has like one cow)

And who says we even have the right to exploit them like that? I don´t think we have.

All the talk about god has given us animals to eat is BS.

But I understand if you have no choice but to eat animals like people in africa that have to survive....