What has reminded you of Michael lately?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I find when I'm reminded of Michael in everyday life, though I'm sad, it gives me a sense of peace, and closeness with Michael.

I ate KFC for the first time in years at the weekend, and thought of Michael. :)
On the same day "Earth Song" was playing in a shopping centre I was in.
For some strange reason, many 80s movies. I saw the DVD for Goonies the other day and reminded me of Michael!
Oh man, I walked out of my work the other night and they were playing The Way You Make Me Feel, which made me smile. The girl I was working with knows that I love MJ and she was like OH Casey! They are playing Michael!! So I sang along with it to my car, and then he was playing in my car too, of course!

And something else happened, but now I can not remember it =[
Gosh, alot of things. Star Wars is on tv now & it makes me think of him (the story about Carrie Fisher meeting him & his kids). Ben Kenobi vs. Vader made me think of the Remember the Time video.
A lot of things. Just looking at the car radio does because I'm thinking, "I hope they play Michael soon." haha. Also, for some reason, looking at the sky reminds me of him.