What has Michael Jackson taught you?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson led an incredible life and achieved many amazing things in his short time here on earth, how has his life personally affected you? What have you learned about life and love and other people from the examples of this amazing human being? I invite you to share your thoughts..

As for me, Michael taught me the true value of childhood and children, of embracing one's inner child and not being afraid to goof off some of the time. I'm 23 but sometimes act like a child, I love to climb trees and splash in puddles and make silly games and play around. I especially love children too and I am touched by the acts of charity Michael did for kids all his life, he is a true inspiration. Even if he wasn't a master song writer and dancer and performer, he would've been someone to be admired just from the way he lived his life, and never gave up on the things he cared about. I'm going to miss him greatly.. and I really find it tragic that the media and so many people were willing to believe the worst about him without any proof when he was alive. Such a kind and thoughtful human being not to mention incredibly talented did not deserve that kind of treatment :(
i became a fan of michael when i was about 11. from that moment on, i worked hard at school, i valued the innocence of childhood ... i cant even begin to start on how MJ affected me. to sum up though.. im a better person

thank you michael
it,s too early for me to think about that. when i do, i will all let you knwo.
One thing i know for sure.
we all need to heal the world.
i learned to just be loving and nice to people. and believe me, it is a big accomplishment and goal i have. thank you Michael.
One thing Michael taught me was that I CAN make a difference. If everybody did their part, no matter how big or small, the world really would be a better place. That is something that I pass on to my children. We don't have a lot of money, but there is always something we can do, there is always someone with less.
The importance of creativity, originality
The value of hard work and dedication

and most of all...kindness
How the love of the money is the root of all evil and how evil people Can be against Michael when he was so nice and kindhearted towards people. It is amazing and pathetic how people have used every measures against Michael from focusing on his career. Sony, Tommy Mottola, Gloria Allred, Chandlers, Arvizos, Sneddon, Bashir, Geller, Stuart Backerman, AGE, Raymone Bain, Schaffel, Wiesner, Stacy Brown, Diane Diamond. In order for them to make their career on their own. We would see much more products from Michael if it werent for those people he had to struggle with.
Love, giving, Healing the world, not judging people, Humanity, humility, humbleness, care, believing in myself and others, giving, wishing on starts, everything is possible!

The list goes on!:wub:
He has thought me to be strong and never lose your vulnerability or softness. He showed me how powerful sensitivity and creativity is and that you have to hold on to what you believe and never let anyone get you down.

I really felt for him, he was so brave ! I could go on and on..
To be kind and believe in the kindness of others, not to judge but have understanding and to love unconditionally
To not trust media, not judge others and always try to push myself to become better.
it's got me more worried than ever about my sister. she too abuses prescription drugs.
he taught me how to love ,how to give and forgive.
To love others and that life is to short or quickly ended to hold crudges against anyone.
To think about the world. - His lyrics are so strongs he's influneced me to start reading the bible. :)

Thank you Michael xxx
As an artist: God is the creator of the work, you are the vessel through which He shows the world His Love. Be an original and be the best. Give everything 100%.

As a person: Just keep living.

As a Humanitarian: Every human being is worthy of love and understanding. There is a reason behind everyone's actions, words, behaviors. No one is inherently evil.

Physically speaking: Don't be afraid to change it up a little bit! You're an artist for Christ's sake.

You are NOT a color and that is never an excuse for not trying. If the rules are interfering with your progress, change them!

Always give God the glory---through the good and the bad.

Razzle Dazzle 'em!

I could go on...
To be yourself, people are always going to have something to say. Whether good or bad.
This is a good question, thank you.:clapping:

Michael has taught me to love my fellow man, to care about the world and most of all, to believe!
Never give up.

These three words can sum up so many things he taught me. Thank you Michael.

Props to the threadstarter. This is a beautiful thread.
Michael has taught me that the human spirit can work wonders when channeled towards positivity and he has taught me to try to be strong in the face of adversity.

Thank you Michael
Michael has also taught me how to love. Especially to animals and other creatures that are on this Earth. Because of him I can't even kill an insect. I remember I once killed a fly and I was really upset about it. Because that fly had every right to live and breathe as I do. And even now I still regret on killing that fly.
To stay true to yourself whatever is thrown at you in life and however hard it is.

When I was little 'Man in the Mirror' made me think about helping others too, something 21 years later I still make sure I do. Even when people throw it back in your face, move on from them as there are others to help.
ive always listened and liked michaels music, and the man himself and i think that if it werent for michael and being a huge fan of his i wouldnt be the person i am today.

michael & his music has made a huge contribution as to who i am, to be kind, be strong, be giving, give love, dont judge people, needing to be child like sometimes... i could go on... lol

and for that I LOVE YOU MICHAEL!
Michael taught me, its okay to be a very sensative person, which I am. People always tell me that Im very sensative, but always say it in a way thats bad. So Im constantly trying to change that about me or put up a front. Also, Michael taught me to listen, and observe, have a good work ethic, and a clean vocabulary.

I ♥ you Michael