what has happened to *Billie Jean *?


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hello just wondering if anybody knows what has happened to *Billie Jean*. I am really worried about her. I really hope she is alright and has not harmed herself. I can't stop thinking of her. Anybody got anywhere tracking her down?
:hug: to all.x
I have been thinking this too, i keep trying to message her but her mail box is full. How long since she's been here? Its so unlike her to not log in.
Please Fran, if you come in please let us know your ok hunny :heart: :better:
I've tried to PM her as well and got the same message. Fran please check in!
We are all worried about her. Maybe she is having health problems again or maybe she decided to take a break.. I really hope she's ok and knows how many people love and support her here. She is truly an amazing person with such a beautiful soul. I miss her.
I miss her too. She's usually online whenever I am. We write to each other sometimes. God, please let her be okay :pray:.. Fran, please come back to us soon.
Has anyone tried emailing her or finding her on AIM? I see she has both options on her profile.

Hope you are okay, Fran! :heart:
I really hope she is ok 'cause it isn't usual of her to be offline for so many days. Lets pray all together for her. :angel: :heart:
She's ok. She's here with us again. See our favourite corner, the Goodnight thread.
She's been a bit ill :( but she is with us again, thanks God.