What happened to the dear Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Like the moon would make a night sky so bright,
Like the sun would clear the cloudy haze
We hold our hands to your embrace
Knowing you are looking down on us today
There is a destiny that you lived,
Sometimes that was failed but ultimately fulfilled
Showing us love was the key to our hearts

We get caught up in the unsatisfactory circumstances
The ones in need are looking for a way out,
And the ones who see the light get swallowed

We try and help your soul live but they make it hard
We just want to know the truth, is that so hard to understand?
We forget what we should remember
And remember what we should forget
We stand as one but some fall back
The line is being jilted, in some are broken
The tears we cry are the tears of heartbreak
The smiles are the fighters trying to forget
Forget the agony they caused you
We were there from day one to the day you left

Help us understand why these people would bring you down,
The harsh truth is people will not accept the truth,
What happened to you that one cold night it seems no one will ever know
The one thing we have to face is that your soul has now to flown.

By Olivia Saunders.

27th August 2009