what happend to REAL music?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
I am SICK of bands who try to be like The Beatles (U2 and Coldplay), use beatles Iconography, worship them like they are fucking god, and then do music "inspired" by the beatles, meaning it's shitty half assed generic rock with a lead singer with a sucky voice. What I hate about Bono and his stupid band, Coldplay, and idiots who think Paul is dead, worship John Lennon, have Ringo as their favorite because he has a weird name, constantly quote Yellow Submarine and Abby Road, and believe that Jesus is speaking to them in "Revolution 9".

The same goes with Michael Jackson; but I won't go there lol.

Anyone else feel the same? What happend to REAL MUSIC?

And more importantly; what's all this Indie shit going on now?
I don't seem to mind them both. Why do so many r&b artists today have to sound like Michael? Why do so many female pop artists today try to sound like Madonna in her early years? Everything in music right now has come from some older source from the past. Even the crazy wild indie/folk music copies off from older bands like The Band, Peter Paul and Mary, Jefferson Airplane, and The Doors.

Where did the organic-ness in music go? That would be a good question. I dunno. But I don't have a problem with whats going on right now either.
dont get my boyfriend started on this, he could go on for years! hopefully he wont spy the thread when he's on here haha.
Unfortunately, the industry seemed to have taken away the originality, creativity, and artistic abilities of Artist (s)...

It's all about what is "marketable"...

This might be kind of "off topic"- but I think that advanced technology might have something to do with this to.
People are sampling other peoples work all over. Instead of creating something from basic,they go the easy way.
Don`t get me wrong- I love a lot of modern technology- but some times I am thinking it makes us lazy, and less motivated to o and experiment and try out things, and invent.
And the less that are using their creativety and intelligence to innovate and explore- the less amount of brilliant new music, art, science etc.. will there be. because inventing something new has a lot to do with serendipty...............
Some times I wonder if a technological breakdown might do us some good........
It is because of the music of today which I absolutely hate. Is why I prefer these kinds of music now:

Michael Jackson
Bollywood and other Indian music
80s to mid 90s music

Along with some other kinds of music like Opera, classical, and polka. But mostly I love my Bollywood music which I listen to most of the time. I am listening to it right now. As for Michael I hadn't really felt like listening to him in months. In fact I can't even remember the last time I had listen to him. I still love him though. But it is always Bollywood music I want to hear now.
It just pisses me off sometimes, that is all.

I feel your pain!

Yea, the music as of late has become less creative and more filtered from older classics. I think it may be like this for awhile too. Hopefully not tho.

And you're right Sdeidjs, in saying that it's what's more marketable. But that is only the short end of a looooong tail of music that doesn't get around to many ears. You have to hunt for good music these days. And depending on your personal tastes, you can find some good stuff if you look in the right places.

And being a musician myself who writes songs, I feel for all the artists out there who are bearing their souls and hearts to the world and trying to be someone different or better. Trying to create something new.
I feel your pain!

Yea, the music as of late has become less creative and more filtered from older classics. I think it may be like this for awhile too. Hopefully not tho.

And you're right Sdeidjs, in saying that it's what's more marketable. But that is only the short end of a looooong tail of music that doesn't get around to many ears. You have to hunt for good music these days. And depending on your personal tastes, you can find some good stuff if you look in the right places.

And being a musician myself who writes songs, I feel for all the artists out there who are bearing their souls and hearts to the world and trying to be someone different or better. Trying to create something new.

Working in the industry, I see, hear, and learn everyday what goes on in the music industry...Most agents, agencies are so busy they do not have time to listen to every Artist (s), band (s) that send us promotional material...I for one review all of the promotional material that new artist (s) ect. send to our office...If I feel they have potential, I will have my boss John take a second look...and if he is impressed the Artist (s), Band (s) will be contacted for a potential gig...
I feel your pain!

Yea, the music as of late has become less creative and more filtered from older classics. I think it may be like this for awhile too. Hopefully not tho.

And you're right Sdeidjs, in saying that it's what's more marketable. But that is only the short end of a looooong tail of music that doesn't get around to many ears. You have to hunt for good music these days. And depending on your personal tastes, you can find some good stuff if you look in the right places.

And being a musician myself who writes songs, I feel for all the artists out there who are bearing their souls and hearts to the world and trying to be someone different or better. Trying to create something new.

This however is a perfect cover by Telsa (their very cool) of Zepplins
(Zepplin's definate favorite #2 with Mr.Jackson being #1) cover of "Thank You"...


I'm all about the music...can't really explain...for some reason its in bedded in my soul..

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Since when did U2 and Coldplay sound like The Beatles? :blink:

And real music is subjective. I'm a huge fan of U2 and Coldplay, and some indie bands. On the other hand, I can't stomach most current hip hop/rap/R&B artists, except for a few. I think there's good music in every genre: heavy metal, rock, indie rock, R&B, hip hop, etc, and then there's a lot of bad music as well. And what's one person's 'bad music' is another's 'good music.'

And George is my favorite Beatle, btw. ;) Although I love all four of them.
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