What games did Michael like to play?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles
Besides water games and hide and go seek! we're having my godson a michael party, he's so in love with michael, its so cute. he'll be turning 2. its too cold for water games and we'd like to play games michael enjoyed :)

of course we'll have a pinata! i was thinking a hat or better yet a glove. any suggestions would be really helpful!
I remember reading an interview with the makeup artist michael had during filming of "the wiz" about that! heres the quote:

"He said that he and his brothers and sisters sometimes played a game to fight boredom: One of them would draw a few abstract lines on a piece of paper, give it to another sibling and say, “OK, now make a fire engine out of this, or a tree,” etcetera, and the other sibling had to complete the drawing in a certain amount of time."
Well we know he loved to play pranks on people.....

we also know he loved video games...but i'm not sure which ones!!!