what for tummy specailist today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
o.k today was my first time seeing tummy specailist today

when 11:00am came my tummy and my body was shaking and hurtting

my apartment is at 12:20pm so my dad what with me and we got there we what in and the erson see my health card and she give me papers to write in i say to myself come on five pages and i don't understand this all o.k how nice my dad doesn't help me at all with this o.k then she take me in and she take my prostion and then she ask me to stand on the thing to wright she say you wright 216 ooh no that's not good

ooh well

o.k i meet the doctor he is very nices he knows how to speck little croatia that's cool he was asking me some question to me and then he ask me to lay down that he can cheeck my tummy and he touch my tummy it hurt cause that's were it's hurt and he was asking how many time i go to the bath i say i don't ooh men my dad got mad at me when we got to the car i don't know i say how do i know how many times i go i was upset and
o.k so i have to go to do more others like blood test is different blood test is were you get your blood test done and then they give you something to drink and then you go to do more blood test i don't like this kind of test
and other is anyother test as so too is were you take a bag home and you have to poo in it ooh nices game

he also give me this paper for this other pill to take to help me gas i have is call Digesta i hear about this before i see it on t.v and on websites too
so i know is safe to take it
so my mom say she'll get it when we go out on saturday
then wahts is your problem is that when your stomach and tummi area looks very big like your pregnant ????i ve got that a lot its not funny and hurts
Did they test you for coelic disease? I have it. When you have coeliac disease you are allergic to gluten. Gluten is in wheat. When you digest gluten you get awful tummy pains and diarrorhea and sometimes constipation. Anytime I eat anything with gluten my stomach gets reaaaaaaaallly bloated.

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hi cass ooh really ooh how do you feel today

i think that is the coelec disease ooh i didn't know ooh thanks :)
quess what the doctor say that my test resorts say that everything was find and good he say that i have no problem with my tummy so he say to me o.k you don't see me anyone o.k and i say o.k and he say o.k bye :)

and he say that you'll tell my other doctor about too :yes: so everything is good ;)
thanks :)

the dotor say that anything is wrong about my tummy at all :yes: so look like my tummy is good :)
ooh you're so sweet and kind for praying for me :hug:

god will get me strong and well and keep on praying for me o.k :)
me too :) :yes: i'm so happy that is o.k know but i still have to take my pills everyday :yes: but that's good but i have to eat very carefull what i eat :yes:
my tummy is doing good is not giving me a hard times at all i'm feeling joy then i was in past years and feeling happy i think this christmas will be good cause last christmas i was so sick so this year looks like it will a good year for me :yes: :jump:

:yes: i have to still take all three of my pills everyday of mylife but i'll be much happyer this year and a new year for next year and i maybe will startin to lose wright next year and i'll be so happy and then my life will be joy :yes:
Im so happy to hear of your good news and that you are looking forward to a good Christmas and New Year.
I hope your health continues to improve and that you don't feel too much pain. Good luck with the weight loss, we shall have to do it together, its gonna be my New Years resolution.....again!!!! LOL
hey Lindac781 that's cool

i wish i can sing to everybody this call "Go Tell It On The Mountain" :yes: i wish i can sing that song :yes:
thank you :)

i wish i can sing this song go tell it on the mountain is one of my fav song i wish i can sing it and share it with everybody but i'm shy :yes: but someday i'll get there and :yes: i'll don't let no bullys say mean things to me :yes: i'll be stronge and i can do anything i what :yes: :jump:
(sorry about my spell i can't spell at all :no:)

i have bad news

on sunday i had ribs for dinner i didn't know it was spairy and babue too :yes: :cry: then at 11:00pm at night my tummy was shaking like hell and hurtting cause i have cold i can't test very well with food so i didn't know and smell it too cause of my cold so it'll going to take another week or mouths til my tummy get happy again i'm so mad at myself doing that put i didn't know that'll happen to me and i'm so :mat: at myself i didn't sleep will at all also i didn't sleep will at all too cause i can't sleep cause this changce was woking me up :yes: