What everyday things remind of Michael Jackson?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What things in everyday life make you think of Michael Jackson? As for me umbrellas and children there is more but thats all i think of right now.
Almost everything, from sunshine to clouds, tree clothing home staging flowers, to playgrounds music birds well, you get the point, I can always relate something to Michael, and I have to admit it's pretty scary and only here I can say that, unless people would defo think I'm crazy if I was saying it to other people...
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Whenever I see nature, I think of Michael....:D :wub:
Literally everything lol


Today was my sister in law's baby shower and some of her friend brought her baby and started to hiccup. That reminded me the time when Mike had hiccup and it was so cute :doh:

how stupid is that :D
so i suppose everything reminds me of him :wub:
Practically every single thing that I see, hear, read, and do just tends to make me think about Michael in some way. It is really no wonder why I am still crying over him mostly every single day ever since that horrible June day. One of the things that I really L.O.V.E. is astronomy it is practically a major passion of mine. And whenever I go outside or to a window at night to look at the stars and the moon I just automatically start thinking about Michael. Most especially when I see the moon. And now any more I really can't enjoy looking at them for as long as I want to look at them. Only because I just tend to start crying over Michael again and I either have to go back in to the house or leave the window I am at to get a tissue. It is also like that for me whenever I look at the clouds long enough. It just makes me wonder and think what Michael is doing up there. And how much I wish I could be with him now. :sad: :boohoo:
^ :hug:

Pretty much everything. I can be thinking about the most random things, and then suddenly start thinking about him. He is always on my mind.
ide have to say everything to. when i look at the sky i think if michael espeacaily when its dark out bc of the stars and i think of michael's star and the time i saw a shooting star and michael was the very 1st thing that came to mind when i saw it. also anything that has to do with Peter Pan or E.T. bc those were his favorites and they are just so him. i can go on and on but everything makes me think of michael. not a day goes by that i dont think about him.
I agree...

especially trees...to climb

lakes, rivers, ocean...to swim

children, wildlife...to love
A lot of things....all day long there's things that remind me of Michael. Yesterday driving home from work, I saw a rainbow and imediatley thought of Michael singing 'Look for the rainbow in the sky' and it made me smile..

First thing I think about in the morning is Michael - he's on my mind all day.. :D
The nature, when the sun i shinning, or when it's raining.
The children, peter pan story.. hmm don't know what else
Children, trees, gloves, sunflowers (since the sunflower debacle) and rainbows. A couple of days after he died a bright, beautiful rainbow appeared across the sky and I thought of him. Actually I thought of him and Farrah as I was feeling sad for both of their losses. I took pictures of it as rainbows are pretty rare in Brooklyn.