What does Mike think of cover versions of his songs?

Mike P.

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Florida, United States
Has MJ ever given his opinion on covers of his songs like Alien Ant Farm's cover of Smooth Criminal or Fall Out Boy's cover of Beat It?
yes he hates them all :p

lol just kidding.
i dont rlly know what he thinks officially but knowing michael if he were asked he would just be shy and nice.
Who wouldn't feel somewhat, flattered if after all those years of having recorded such iconic songs a new group who were in the process of becoming as big as the man himself decided to do a cover of it? I think Michael must appreciate it because at the end of the day, surely people will buy the orginal as well as the cover?

I remember FOB's version of Beat it was in the charts for ages, here in the UK and I would love listening to it on the radio because the presenters would talk about Michael and how he's changed the world :proud:

I've also heard that Eoghan Quigg will be including his version of Ben in his forthcoming album.
I'm sure he's very flattered by it, but what he thinks of them i'm not sure. Personally i thought Alien Ant Farm's 'Smooth Criminal' was really good - it wasn't a copy, more their take on the song. Brilliant.
Well Alien Ant Farm said that MJ told them that he liked their version of the song. Mike is really nice though and I don't think he would come straight out and say that he didn't like a version of one of his own songs. I'm sure he is flattered though when people want to do their own versions of his songs, I mean it is a compliment really as it shows they appreciate your work.
When Alien Ant Farm's version of Smooth Criminal was out, I remember seeing a clip in which the members said they asked Michael for his permission as they didn't want him to be offended by the humour in their video. They said he saw their video and gave them his blessing.
When Alien Ant Farm's version of Smooth Criminal was out, I remember seeing a clip in which the members said they asked Michael for his permission as they didn't want him to be offended by the humour in their video. They said he saw their video and gave them his blessing.

I remember seeing that clip too.
Speaking of covers, I have to wonder what he thinks of the latest cover. Rock musician Chris Cornell covered "Billie Jean" and took all the funk out of it and turned it into more of an unplugged slow grunge song...

personally I'm not impressed

check it out for yourself....