What Does Everyone Here Think of the "Christmas" Situation???


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I think its ridiculous that we all have to change and get everything so "policially correct" - Look, I respect ppl's cultures, values, etc... I do not praise nor preach anything. So please don't do that to me.

Sorry but I am not changing something just because it 'offends' ppl.

I am going to say "Merry Christmas" to everyone. My mother has decided not to shop at the stores that do not have Christmas decorations, that do not say "Merry Christmas" but instead, "Happy Holidays" ... Nothing Christmas is getting banned from my life. I am not preaching nor praising. Am I being self-ish??

Your thoughts????
I think its ridiculous that we all have to change and get everything so "policially correct" - Look, I respect ppl's cultures, values, etc... I do not praise nor preach anything. So please don't do that to me.

Sorry but I am not changing something just because it 'offends' ppl.

I am going to say "Merry Christmas" to everyone. My mother has decided not to shop at the stores that do not have Christmas decorations, that do not say "Merry Christmas" but instead, "Happy Holidays" ... Nothing Christmas is getting banned from my life. I am not preaching nor praising. Am I being self-ish??


Cannot and will not judge your mother or yourself. In the perfect world one's beliefs, religious preferences, etc., should be respected if the "giver" of such does so in a loving manner.

Tbh, I probably would be a bit cautious of what is said depending upon the community where it is said. Religious beliefs can be a really hot topic depending upon the situation is all I can say. Even though imo it should not be a divisive statement to say "Merry Christmas", my guess would be that some sectors would not embrace it as openly and acceptingly as others. Just as people of all faiths can and do respect other's, there are people of varying faiths that find it offensive or even heretic to acknowledge other beliefs. I've lived in environments where sometimes it's best to remain non-faith based in anything I say, and Christmas is something that can be construed as faith based even if it not meant to be so in the multifaceted society we live in.

Ultimately, I guess do what is in your heart to do, but do not be surprised if it is not received lovingly, it is what it is.
I have always said Merry Christmas. I feel like Happy Holidays is a bit vague. I remember being in Elementary School and we had a Jehovah Witness in my homeroom so we could not do ANY holiday related activities the ENTIRE year. The other classes watched Christmas movies, had Valentines parties, traded gifts, celebrated Birthdays, made Mothers Day cards and everything and we didn't do any of it. We could not even have Christmas music at our Christmas concert because ONE student didn't celebrate. Instead of her simply stepping back and maybe not attending or doing something different than everyone else, they instead took those things away from us all. It was 1 against 96. It was simply unfair.

Ever since that I am very irritated when I am told to say Happy Holidays because I may 'offend' someone. Well what about that someone who 'offends' me by wanting me to change my traditions for them.

I mean, c'mon. We had Jewish kids in our class whose parents happily let them take part in classroom Christmas parties and make Christmas cards and what not. Of course this was like, 12 years ago so I'm sure things have changed. But...whatever.
I think it's really dumb.

We didn't have a problem with this until a few years ago. It's ridiculous. Political correctness has gone too far, IMO.

YUP!!! Exactly right. This "issue" didn't start coming up until the past couple years.

And I do NOT care what ANYBODY thinks about it. It's Christmas time and I'm going to wish people a "Merry Christmas".

I have Jewish friends and they actually APPRECIATE it when I say this to them. This whole thing is a bunch of political B.S. and I for one am sick of it.

It's Christmas time. And I am going to shout it as loud as I possibly can!!!


I say that because this is a time of year set aside to rejoice and be happy and spread joy to your fellow man and woman regardless of their beliefs. Political correctness is destructive and it's only bringing contempt and combativeness into our society. It's ridiculous. Christmas is about PEACE amongst ALL races and ALL people. But some a-holes want to turn it political and make it a season of contempt.

My family and I....we reject that. We reject ALL attempts of political correctness this time of year. For me and my family, we're all about multi-colored lights decorated at the front of our house, and we're all about playing Bing Crosby songs like Silent Night.

And we're all about prominently displaying the nativity scene regardless of what of a few people feel. We shouldn't feel ashamed of our traditions. Our traditions are not hateful or unfeeling. Our traditions are BASED upon LOVE. That's what JESUS (the baby the entire holiday was based upon) was ALL about. Jesus was about LOVE. He came to tell people about the truth and the reason we were all created in the first place.

So no...I'm not even close to censoring Christ's message at Christmas. No WAY. Back in the 80's, I was raised with 2 major heroes (besides my Dad)....they were Jesus Christ (THE Messiah and Savior of all mankind) and Michael Jackson (the incredible and one and only king of pop who I became a fan of on my own after watching videos and hearing songs during the Thriller era).

It's CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!! It's not just "holiday time". It's "CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!" And I will proudly proclaim that until I'm dead. And like I said before, I have many Jewish friends who have NO problem with me saying that. This whole issue is about ridiculous POLITICS and not about the real lives of REAL people across the globe.

BTW: Santa already bought my 9 year old daughter a 1984 Michael Jackson doll. My daughter (of course) doesn't know it yet, but she's going to be the HAPPIEST little girl in the world when she opens that. She's been asking for it for MONTHS. She didn't get it for her birthday in Sept. because she was disobedient to Mom and Dad a few too many times, but if she's good then Santa will bring her the 1984 AMA Awards Michael Jackson doll she's been wanting for sooooo long. :)

My daughter wants this MJ "Ken" doll so bad. She's gonna get it this Christmas no matter what, but I did keep it from her in Sept. on her birthday due to bad behavior. ;) Anyway, this is going to be her BIG present...the one thing she's been asking for more than anything else, and she's going to get it no matter what. I held out on her in September for a few reasons, but I'm pretty sure that no matter what, she's gonna get it for this Christmas. :)


Well it is the holiday season, Christmas isnt the only thing that happens and not everyone is a Christian. So why not be universally welcoming and just say "Happy Holidays"? By the way, I am a Catholic and I have no problem with saying "Happy Holidays". That said, I have NEVER encountered anyone of another religion who is offended by being told Merry Christmas. It must vary.

In my opinion it is mostly people who want a completely secular society who oppose Christmas decorations NOT other religions. That's just my own experience however.
I am not religious, but America and the UK were originally countries of Christian faith...

I wouldnt expect to Live in a country of muslim origin and they say 'Happy Holidays' to each other during Ramadan.
No way am I changing. I'm still going to say "Merry Christmas". I'm sorry for those who I may "offend" but I'm not going to be ashamed of Christ and my religion. If it wasn't for Christ, there would be no Christmas. Even people who are atheist celebrate Christmas in their own way and maybe even say "Merry Christmas". But for religious reasons I'm not going to change.
Now I KNOW this will come up. That Michael encouraged religious tolerance. Okay so maybe he did. But he didn't encourage jumping on the bandwagon and doing what everyone else does and he also did encourage to stand up for one's beliefs. So that's what I'm doing. This is so stupid and ridiculous. Christmas hasn't changed from what it was before and there has always been people of other religions so whoever is trying to get this changed doesn't have a leg to stand on, no reason for this!
what christmas situation?

Some people in this country(US) trying to do away with us saying "Merry Christmas" and replacing it with "Happy Holidays" in order to be PC. I've heard of children getting in trouble for saying and writing Merry Christmas. That kind of thing. They want political correctness.
Not from me are they getting it.
Exactly. This is CHRISTMAS!!!!

If people don't like it, then please...in the name of free speech...leave the rest of us alone. We are going to celebrate just as we have for hundreds and hundreds of years regardless of all this politcal bullcrap.

This is NOT what Christmas is about. Christmas is about LOVE....PEACE...HARMONY....everything Christ taught us about in the first place. If some of yall don't like LOVE PEACE and HARMONY and you want to make a stink about Christmas, I think you need to take another look at your beliefs and your religion.

BTW: If not pure politics, why else would Christmas be seen as a "problem" by these Scrooges now after all these years of tradition (which by the way has been nothing but purity, generosity, love, peace, harmony, equality, and all things good as God intended)?

Why are these things (generosity, love, peace, harmony, equality, etc.) now seen as bad? Other than politics I can see no reason.

Yes I hear people saying "well the Jewish community". Well, to that I bring you a personal story. I am a GERMAN man, but I have many pure ethnic JEWISH friends who worship God through Hannukah. I respect them and they respect my Christmas tree and they have NEVER had any issue with Christmas symbols in the public square, such as a Christmas tree downtown. No problem at all. The whole problem is political. And not only that, my Jewish friends even bitch about the A.C.L.U., who is usually the Scroogist organization to initiate these ridiculous lawsuits attempting to tear down long-standing traditional Christmas displays.

It's ALL political, folks. It's NOT about regular folks like you and me (whether you be black, white, oriental, hispanic, indian, arab, purple, blue, pink, etc). It's ALL political.

PLEASE...for the sake of your country and your children....REJECT all idiots trying to change Christmas and diminish it into something less than it should be. Christmas is THE holiday and please try to remember what it meant to you as a kid. Let's pass that on to OUR kids. Let's not let the a-holes pervert it and diminish it into a nothing-holiday.

I say Merry Christmas and if a person says I don't celebrate Christmas but I celebrate Hanukkah then I'd say Happy Hanukkah. I say Happy Holidays too.
Exactly, Maria. Same here. I'm respectful of other cultures, but at the same time, I'm proud of my our Christmas heritage and I'm not about to change it for politics. F politics. Tradition is where it's at. Politics sucks. I know because I spent about 7 years of my life in politics. It's crap. Tradition is where it's at. Ignore the politics of talking about how we can't have the nativity scene in front of whatever place. That's CRAP. It's ALL politics. Reject that.

Please please please people.....stand up for tradition and reject this "political correctness" crap telling us we can't say "Merry Christmas" because "Christ" is mentioned. Well DUH!! Christ is the entire BASIS of the holiday. Christmas was formed because of Christ's birth! That's the entire reason for all of the good feelings of peace and kindness and all that associated with Christmas. If we reject THAT, than what does that say about our "Modern" society? Seriously?!!? We reject peace and love and harmony?!!?!?! Come on now.

To everybody (regardless of race or religious or political preference) I want to wish each and every one of you a very......

I think it's really dumb.

We didn't have a problem with this until a few years ago. It's ridiculous. Political correctness has gone too far, IMO.

thank you. I totally agree polical correctness has gone too far. taking away ppl's rights & freedoms...

& thank you to everyone else who agree wtih me & see it too ; not everyone sees it. thats ok.
christmas shouldn't be "political correct" ..it shouln't be political at all. Christmas is a celebration of love. got it ? LOVE... if there's any love left in the world we should embrace it and say merry christmas to everyone. the only thing i hate about christmas is that everyone seems to do everything to get as much money out of it. and that is real sad .... love comes from your heart not from a shop. at least that's how it should be. i think of all those kids outthere that will not have a christmas tree and will not get any presents not because they were naughty but because no one can give them...if only $ 1 from all those boring christmas comercials and shops around the world, that take this holiday and promote it so damn well would go to those kids then maybe this christmas would start meaning what it should mean.
I agree. Politically correctness has gone way too far. I still call it Christmas. That's what it is. And I'm not a Christian. Actually, the fact that I'm secular is why I love Christmas. It's become so secularised with Santa Claus and all that. It's also become so commercialised which I also love because I'm a capitalist pig. It really is my favourite day of the year. It's a secular, capitalist distortion of a once religious holiday. I absolutely love that.
i agree its daft to ban Merry/Happy Christmas. theres even some places here that are not putting decorations up in the streets in case it offends or others because its against health ans safety rules :doh:
my decs went up yesterday.
A very Merry Christmas to you all HO HO HO! :santa:
If people don't like it, then please...in the name of free speech...leave the rest of us alone. We are going to celebrate just as we have for hundreds and hundreds of years regardless of all this politcal bullcrap.

This is NOT what Christmas is about. Christmas is about LOVE....PEACE...HARMONY....
This post seems mainly all about SEMANTICS, which is a little silly. I mean I understand everyone's religion and beliefs are different, but Christmas isn't about religion...as defdave stated above. It's more about LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY than anything else. Coming together...family...friends....this is what the "Christmas spirit" fully encompasses. And that's why I personally, LOVE Christmas. I'm not a Christian...I don't belong to any religion, but I celebrate this holiday for the fun, the joy and the magic it brings into my life. Why be so offended/annoyed/whatever...about people basking in their own joyous holiday...? To me that's just choosing to focus on all the wrong things... because what it all boils down to is love...whether packaged in Buddhist, Jewish or Christian boxes....it's all love.
politics,okay.... peace ,love and happiness that we say ''happy holidays'' to count everyone in, not only one group of people. and with the many decorations i see, i doubt many people are told not to put any christmas lights, trees as far the eye can see. so how is mr. christmas getting denied this time? christmas already lasts 3 months.

i say ''Happy holidays'' because there is more than one holiday for different cultures/religions during this time of year besides only Christmas through November/December. muslims i believe have one, jewish, and theres also kwanzaa. Here in the United states, Thanksgiving here starts counting as ''Happy holiday(s) '' plural, during this season.

if anything.... nowadays we admit theres atleast more than only a Christian holiday to celebrate. because in the end its a religion, its not only about lights and rodolph the red nose reindeer and happiness for a split second, its also about jesus as a son, which not everyone believes in.
you know back in the day you wouldn't get freedom of celebrating different cutures in the States. everything was only about being christian in public. my parents grew up in a sh*t time, where everything was only one way. im finally actually seeing a Muslim holiday on a American calender, i dont remember seeing that before. Happy holidays is more universal and says everything in one sweep. so if you work in a place of buisness and someone is celebrating something else besides christmas, why not say happy holidays?

why do people think its only a code word for christmas...it goes further than that. if you want to say merry christmas, why cant you say it to friends and people you know...i dont remember getting arrested for saying merry christmas to someone. Again, christmas is not the only holiday this time of year or hanukkah for that matter. think about it, Isn't it enough that only christian holidays get the most hype? personally, i dont see anything to worry about, buds. its not like we cant celebrate together saying happy holidays, it creates one holiday together. i mean, there always needs to be some problem. not everyone celebrates christmas.
I'm almost tempted to say "Merry Christmas" just because it does offend ppl - thats how ridiculous this issue is; it shouldn't even be an issue. If ppl do get offended, thats too bad. I'm not changing for that.
Exactly. This is CHRISTMAS!!!!

Why are these things (generosity, love, peace, harmony, equality, etc.) now seen as bad? Other than politics I can see no reason.

I can think of a reason Dave. Because what Christ said is happening. That people will see good as evil and evil as good.
thought americans always used happy holidays anyway. i dont say either anyway. its a stupid statement cause u do nothing at xmas but sit around anyway unless sock horror u are actually a christian and celebrate it for the real reason
LOL Wow, didn't realize this was going to turn in to such a touchy subject when I posted yesterday!

It seems like you can't make people happy either way. If you say Happy Holidays you will upset the people who say Merry Christmas and vice versa.

I work in retail and I tell everyone I come to Merry Christmas. I have never had anyone be offended or anything like that. Considering I don't celebrate Hannukah or Kwanaza the only other Holiday that is ever in my mind is JUST Christmas...hence why I chose to say Merry Christmas.

Call it closed minded or whatever you want, I'm just extremely laid back. I wouldn't be pissed off and ready to flip out on someone if a Jewish girl told me Happy Hannukah at the check out counter. You just smile and nod. Being kind, courteous, loving and nice is what the holidays are all about anyway.
either way ...i don't think this christmas will be merry for anyone here ... we'll probably cry our ass off over being 6 months since we lost michael ... so merry happy christmas holiday to whoever feels like ...not for me anyway ...:(
what annoys me is when ppl say are u ready for xmas? im like ready for what. one day where u sit about doing nothing. and then it starts with happy new year urghhhhhh. i hate xmas and this years its gonnaa be even worse.
No way am I changing. I'm still going to say "Merry Christmas". I'm sorry for those who I may "offend" but I'm not going to be ashamed of Christ and my religion.

''If anyone is ashamed of me ( and my words ) in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."
Have people forgotten the TRUE MEANING of Christmas?

Why it's even celebrated in the first place..?

Christmas was made to celebrate the birth of Jesus... It's a Christian celebration...

Also, others don't have to greet using 'Christams' if they do not agree. They can stick to 'Happy Holidays..'

But as for us believers, let us be.. -_-

I'm sorry but I'm sticking with, "Merry Christmas."
I would never want to say anything to offend anyone...My neighbor is Jewish..I say Happy Hanukkah to her......but...I refuse to stop saying Merry Christmas.....I dont really find people take offense if I say Merry Christmas...I guess I have just never ran into anyone who cared enough to correct me..I live in a very multicultural neighborhood and we all respect each other....With that being said all I can say is.."Merry Christmas"...:D
Ah, the annual "Christmas is ALL about Christ and Love and I HATE everybody who thinks otherwise'" Festival.

Christmas is about Christ to some, it's about a more ancient pagan tradition to others... to nontheist naturalists like me it's a celebration of family and the change of seasons, and it's a secular lapsed-Christian cultural tradition to others still. This annual complaining about some huge nonexistent "war on Christmas" is getting old, making a big fuss just because there are a few isolated cases where church-state separation needs to be enforced. So much religious divisiveness. People need to accept that various holidays mean different things to different people, and need to get over demanding that others have the "correct" interpretation of it.

If the "correct" interpretation weren't shoved at so many so rudely, perhaps everyone might feel more comfortable about accepting it as a diverse national cultural tradition and happily wish "Merry Christmas" to all, whether to Jews, Muslims, atheists, or Christians...