What does being a fan or just listening to his music mean to you?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
To me it means a few things. Michael was most of my life more an image then a real person. Mostly because I grew up with him, and as a child you often view MTV, pop stars and their performing as entertainment as you did with cartoons and toys. But as I reached the age of 11-14 I started becoming more interested in the art itself. This is 1991 to 1994 so Michael is still much relevant to the pop charts. My general growth in musical interest always led back to Michael. If I grew an interest for something I often looked at skills. Michael always danced better, sang better and made better albums, videos, concerts. I still was not getting the message he had, only vaguely. It became more clear after I had passed 18. At 15 I turned my focus onto dance. The natural choice of inspiration was Michael. And I wanted to dance like he did. All other dances were boring in comparison.

I don't think I would have become interested in dancing if Michael had not existed.

I have off course turned my attention to other artists and bands and other aspects of music.

But I like when music kicks ass, when videos are just so good it makes the rest look pale. When the artist who sings so good, dances better then everyone else while singing better then anyone else. That was also Michael's curse. He reached the limit of what anyone could do, and he had to outdo himself. He died for that. I learned something from that.

Everyone can do what they want to do if they have the willpower to make yourself do it. That's the trick, you don't convince yourself it is possible, you make yourself believe it.

Michael taught me that, but he has now taught me something else. Don't forget to live because life is short.

And I can still put on his records and turn my stereo to full power. Life is good when you can do that:)
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Being a fan and just listening to his music to me are two different things.
Listening to the music is partially engaging with the artist. When i am intrigued or enjoying an artists work, it is absolutely necessary for me to probe and become a part of the artists life itself. In other words, i need to be as close to them as possible.

Being a fan for me ( Im not going to speak for anybody else incase i sound like im generalizing ) means holding the artist as close to me as a friend or a family member. When i get involved with artists whether it be musicians, authors, or visual artists, i take them on as part of my sixth sense.
I use their work as an extension to how i organize and experience life.
Michael has stirred things so deep and dark inside of me that it is impossible to ignore him. I didn't think anyone would be able to stir these kinds of emotions and feelings, hence why he is a part of me forever.

I am a fan. Not just a listener of his music.
I will always try and get as close to the artist as possible if i feel like there is something there.
Just listening to music means actually nothing to me...

But a Fan is someone who loves MJ with all his heart, supports him, defends him, when people get rude...and waits for the day he can meet his idol...:(
I don't know how if someone likes a song, a story or a peice of artwork, then they don't feel some powerful urge to study and research the artist? Never really understood this since whenever i am compelled by artwork ( music, books etc ) i feel like i need to quickly become as intimate as possible with the artists work aesthetic and concepts.
See I can kind of relate them to each other.

Listening to his music, is when I feel he's speaking to me, and through that I feel like I *know* him. It's difficult to explain. But songs like 'Childhood' I feel deep within me. Of course there are songs to just dance to like Billie Jean/you rock my world etc. But the ones with a message Man in the mirror, heal the world, black and white etc...speak to me too. They're the type of songs I wish I could write if only I had one iota of his talent.

As a fan, I always cared and loved him. He was the only one I could relate to properly. He was the person that taught me, it's okay to love, and it's okay to want for a better future, it's okay to act like a child and there's nothing wrong with that. It's the rest of the world that's f*&^%£ up. Not me, not him. The way I felt, Michael and I shared the same needs/wants for the future, for our planet, for the disgrace the world has become. No one else ever really came close to how passionate I feel about it, and I honestly felt he was the only one.

Michael taught me, you can't trust everyone, but there is still *some* good in the world and love is the most important thing. It's just a shame the world has a lot less good in it now Michael is gone :'(