What do your friends/family think of 'Michael' the album?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Many of us purchased additional copies of 'Michael' the album as gifts for family and friends. As some of the gift recipients may not be as obsessed with Michael Jackson as we are, I am very curious to hear any feedback you have received regarding your gift. Do the recipients enjoy the album? Do they play it often? Have they told others about it? Do they feel it is as good as other MJ album's?

In addition to the friends and family for whom you purchased gifts, do you also have friends and family who are MJ fans but decided not to purchase the album? If so, why did they decide not to buy it?

Based on the sizable week over week sales drops in the US and the UK, I'm very curious about the "word of mouth" the album is receiving in the general public.
Many of us purchased additional copies of 'Michael' the album as gifts for family and friends. As some of the gift recipients may not be as obsessed with Michael Jackson as we are, I am very curious to hear any feedback you have received regarding your gift. Do the recipients enjoy the album? Do they play it often? Have they told others about it? Do they feel it is as good as other MJ album's?

In addition to the friends and family for whom you purchased gifts, do you also have friends and family who are MJ fans but decided not to purchase the album? If so, why did they decide not to buy it?

Based on the sizable week over week sales drops in the US and the UK, I'm very curious about the "word of mouth" the album is receiving in the general public.
my family like it :yes:
None of my friends even heard about the album, the promotion is just that good =/
but my mom loves it, except cascio songs which she deleted from her player
I can't help but thinking about this:) :
Once the album came out, there was this controversy talk, it came even on the media here. My Grandpa, who is 75 and since 1996 when I saw Michael in concert we didn't talk about it (my mom ordered, after June 2009 none of my family members was allowed to talk with me about Michael, unless I started the conversation...) So, my I was driving him home and he's asking me: What's going on with this new Jackson album? Is he's singing or not? And how the hell he's releasing something now?
I thought it was sweet of him to ask, even if he had no idea, just basing his questions on few words in the news. Anyway, I played him "Much too soon" and he loved it.
My sister loves "Hold my hand", my brother thought it was solely sung by Akon... So... You know, if someone isn't interested in, they just don't know about the album.
The thing is... even myself I do not play it so much now, for me the time kinda stopped.
Well, when I was in Art class and I brought the new MJ CD in; my teacher liked Much Too Soon and Hollywood Tonight, she didn't like Hold My Hand very much as she said it was mainly just Akon and it seemed like MJ was just singing the background vocals... I sort of agreed with her, however; I like the song :D.

My other friend isn't a big MJ fan but he loved 'Behind the Mask'.

So thumbs up yes, but my Mum likes the Cascio tracks as do I, but lately I just skip them.

Next album: They need to do it right, no Cascio tracks, good vocals and MJ; and some of the leaked songs need to be on there: Slave to the Rhythm and Blue Gangster.
My whole family are MJ fans, because of me, but they are only casual really. My dad LOVES Hollywood Tonight, he still hasn't stopped saying 'I bet this is gonna be a number one', my sister bought the album and loves all the songs, my mums only really heard Hold My Hand and she seemed to like it, lots of my friends loved Hold My Hand and were posting it on their Facebook walls :)
My family have never been too keen on MJ, but even they don't think it is him singing Hollywood Tonight. I disagree with them, though. :/
My brother is a big MJ fan. However, he didn't buy the album because he feels like it is cashing in on Michael's name. I bought the album but do not listen to it as often as I did when I first got it. Although I really like most of the songs, it is difficult for me to get into them now that Michael is gone. It's also strange to know that several of these songs were completed without his final stamp of approval. I'm hoping that the upcoming videos for HT and BTM will restore my excitement.
One of my long-time friends who is not a huge fan (liked thriller and bad but that's about it) has told me he is on the road to conversion because of the new album and is even listening to some of the other stuff he previously didn't bother with.
Only my mum has heard a few songs from it but not the whole thing but what I did play for her she absolutely loved. She said it didn't sound like him on Breaking News but she loved Another Day and Behind The Mask, those two songs are my favourites on the whole album.

Now I also purchased the album for a friend for Christmas who is a big MJ fan like me and she has barely mentioned it. She said she liked what she heard but she never discusses songs from it and I thought she would play it on her car CD player but she still plays the History album.
My husband likes Another Day, and he almost cried when watching the video of Hold My Hand. He would never admit to that though. And he's sick of the album because I play it so much. I played my mom Much Too Soon and Behind The Mask and she didn't seem to be too impressed.
My friend Joe and I were at the record store and him and I were taking turns listeing to the album on the speakers.
My younger sister bought it and raved about it. She didn't seem to mind the "questionable" songs like I do. I gave the CD to my mother for Christmas but I also gave her another set of CD's called "The Fabulous 50's". She's 77 years old. Guess which one I hear more about? LOL. She loves Michael but she loves her golden oldies more.
My wife is appalled and I don't let my son listen to it.
my mom kinda hates michael jacksons music.. but she said that she liked the lost children the other night. So im hoping that when i put hold my hand in her list of music she will like that too..

Im not bothered anymore about the cascio songs.. so im not the one telling my fam about it.. so i played monster for my mothers boyfriend, but he liked hollywood tonight more.. *both are soo great*

Im hoping the next albums in the future will be as exiting as this one, and then im hoping to let my mom here more new stuff :D
My significant other loves the album and doesn't even mind the questionable songs. I bought the album for a friend of ours. And she loves it as well.
I bought several copies on release as X-mas gifts for friends and family. They all love it.
My brother has Hold My Hand on his phone MP3 player and he was playing it in the car, singing along loudly :lol: So yeah, I guess he likes it. But all my family likes Michael so.. :)
Their's mixed emotions, One of my friends loves Hold My Hand, and My constant playing of Behind The Mask and Best Of Joy, has gotten positive feedback from friends, (I play it every two seconds,) But no one believes the Cascio tracks are sung by Michael! (Ive done my job!)
My younger sister bought it and raved about it. She didn't seem to mind the "questionable" songs like I do. I gave the CD to my mother for Christmas but I also gave her another set of CD's called "The Fabulous 50's". She's 77 years old. Guess which one I hear more about? LOL. She loves Michael but she loves her golden oldies more.

My mother woke up. I guess she gave the Fabulous 50's CD a rest and finally listened to "Michael" because I talked to her on the phone today and she told me she thinks some of those songs don't sound like him. Better late than never. :doh:
Yeah, well, my little brother had troubles understanding how there could be any 'new' songs:D but besides that, I think my family (except my other brother, who is just too 'cool' to like Michael, which is pretty pathetic IMO especially considering his age) enjoys it. Excluding BN, 'cos none of us think it's Michael... Monster and KYHU go allright with the others, but I just don't trust 'em 'cos they sound like BN.
I don't have any friends where I live except for me, my old fat cat, any of my Sims, and my dolls, teddy bears, and other stuffed animals. But as for my family I don't think most of them know that the album even exist much less heard it. And even if they did knew about the album they wouldn't like it because it is Michael Jackson. And my family hates Michael Jackson. I have the only copy of that album in my family and it still has the original shrink wrap on it. I just can't bring myself to want to listen to that album. And I had it since December.