What Do You Think of The MJ Parodies?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Over the years, shows like MadTV & In Living Color have parodied MJ. And the key is to not take it to heart and don't take it personally. Most of the parodies, IMO are funny- but of course to a certain limit. (The ones that I have seen anyway)

If its in good taste then theres nothing wrong with it. Now, though because hes gone I wouldnt like to see any parodies of MJ

what do you think of the parodies of them "making fun" of MJ throughout the past years???
well I have never been a big fan of things like that...my problem is ..I do take it to heart...I guess maybe because there has been so much negative things said about Michael that I even hate when people try to do it in what they would call..good taste...this is just my opinion.
I don't mind them if they're obviously not trying to make fun of him, and they may even be fans of him. I came across a parody on YouTube a little while ago that Fry and Laurie did. It was in the 1990s of course, but I found it hilarious. I think Michael himself even wouldn't mind this sort of humor, and get a kick out of it.

Obviously, there are some I don't like to watch because they're deliberately offensive.
I've seen the Fry & Laurie one! It's so silly! Haha.

Most of the parodies I've seen have just been horrible, cheap digs at Michael. I hate them. I'm very defensive.
If they're done in good taste and are not disrespectful then I don't have a problem (like Weird Al's or Chris Tucker) but I rarely see ones like that :(
Most are stupid/crude, but I liked the "Action Jackson" parody from MadTV (Michael and Liz are crime-fighters), and the one where La Toya, Mike, Janet, and Tito kick Jay Leno's ass. I just can't help but laugh when Michael comes from behind Leno with the baseball bat.

I've also enjoyed the skits from the comedians who were friends with him--Steve Harvey, Eddie Murphy, and Chris Tucker.
well I have never been a big fan of things like that...my problem is ..I do take it to heart...I guess maybe because there has been so much negative things said about Michael that I even hate when people try to do it in what they would call..good taste...this is just my opinion.

Me too. I feel so stupid being so sensitive about it, but I can't help it. I wish I could lighten up a little, 'cause I know (if done tastefully and respectfully) there's nothing wrong with it and these people love him just like I do. I think it's just because he's gone, because there was some stuff I was able to laugh at before, not a lot, but some. He just seems more vulnerable, more defenseless now. I feel like he can't stand up for himself anymore, so it's not okay. =( I went to a John Oliver show last night and one of the guys opening made a disrespectful joke about MJ that really got to me. I was all flushed and my heart was pounding, I was seriously close to tears. It ruined his whole act for me which sucks for him, because I liked him before that. Anyway, the thing is, I have tried and tried, but I honestly can't remember what it was he said...did I block it out? LoL. All I remember is him saying Joe looked like an evil California raisin...which I did kind of chuckle at... But MJ is my baby. No hits at him. He's off limits. =(
Steve Martin's Billie Jean parody (from SNL) was (and is) great, but that isn't really a parody of MJ - rather the silliness of having Steve Martin do those moves in his inimitable (self-parodying) way; he's a great physical comedian.
Hit and miss really. The Fry and Laurie one was hillarious as it wasn't mean to MJ but Jay Leno's parodies were just cruel.
It depends. I can have a laugh but I REALLY get mad when they take it too far or make fun of the child molestation thing. That's not something to be made fun of imo. It's just not cool. Jay Leno and Chris Rock, I am looking at YOU
Me too. I feel so stupid being so sensitive about it, but I can't help it. I wish I could lighten up a little, 'cause I know (if done tastefully and respectfully) there's nothing wrong with it and these people love him just like I do. I think it's just because he's gone, because there was some stuff I was able to laugh at before, not a lot, but some. He just seems more vulnerable, more defenseless now. I feel like he can't stand up for himself anymore, so it's not okay. =( I went to a John Oliver show last night and one of the guys opening made a disrespectful joke about MJ that really got to me. I was all flushed and my heart was pounding, I was seriously close to tears. It ruined his whole act for me which sucks for him, because I liked him before that. Anyway, the thing is, I have tried and tried, but I honestly can't remember what it was he said...did I block it out? LoL. All I remember is him saying Joe looked like an evil California raisin...which I did kind of chuckle at... But MJ is my baby. No hits at him. He's off limits. =(

Don't feel stupid about feeling sensitive towards it. I know because I get sensitive when I hear ppl saying that MJ was just "wierd" when theyre the ones who are judging too quickly. And besides, IMO, we are not laughing at MJ, were simply laughing with MJ.. Of course depending on what it is.
Alot of parodies of ppl: Elvis, Ozzy, Kurt- all are done out of respect for them but :agree: now that MJ's gone I can't imagine anyone doing anymore parodies now.
Yeah, in good taste is all part of getting roasted as a celeb, but I 100% agree, I absolutely detest it when they parody the extortion case of child molestation. Aside from the fact that they're inappropriate and disrespectful, any of the ones I've seen are so forced and pointless that they stop being parodies and start becoming fictional attacks...
My feeling is that since MJ was a joker/prankster I think he would have gotten a kick out of many of them and I have a collection of jokes, cartoons and photos but I realize that some may find them offensive.

Here is a link to a non-MJ parody I like - no one should find it offensive since the artist is himself involved.

Weird Al Yankovic did the best Michael Jackson parodies of 'Bad' (Fat) and 'Beat It' (Eat It)

There's the brilliant Simpsons episode (featuring Michael Jackson) that is about a man who thinks he is Michael Jackson.

Also Eddie Murphy did some good jokes about without insulting him........

Most of all the other jokes were insulting and created by jealous idiots