What do you think of people adopting kids?

Well some ppl can't have kids of their own.
And some just want to help give a child a future that it wouldn't have in his or her country.

My sister would like to have one kid of her own and adopt one.
I would like to adopt children. Or foster children too.

Both of my parents are adopted and my moms parents adopted 4 other children and fostered several more. When my grandfather was overseas during the war he witness several children living on the streets. Hungry, cold, and sick. When he got home I think that was his biggest inspiration. So he and my grandmother took in over 30 kids. Not at the same time of course. A couple of their former foster children have stayed in contact.

They wanted to foster some more children in the late 80s. But they were in their 50s or Late 40s and they were told "they were too old" Maybe they were not the youngest people, but after taking care of 35+ children (they had 1 biological child) I think they know better then most..
Wow Amber Dawn, that is fantastic. What a loving thing for your grandparents to do.

I'm 21 now, but when I'm older I'd definitely like to adopt a child. Why? Simply to give a loving, stable home to someone who needs it. Whether from my country or abroad I don't know.
if I don't get married in the next 5 years or so - I'm almost 27 - I'm going to adopt I always wanted children to me life without children is senseless
I'd happily adopt a child.

I know people always talk about having a child that's their own...but in my eyes, even if you adopt a child, it's still your own. Obviously the downside is if something were to go wrong, then you wouldn't be a genetic match etc etc.

But I actually think I'd much rather adopt than bear a child. I have no idea why, I just always thought that way.

My mum...who was adopted actually...said "I don't care if you adopt, as long as I just get at least one grandchild!!" haha.

Plenty of beautiful children in this world who need love :)
I would love to adopt a child or two. It takes a lot of money though. A lot.
But yes, if I ever have that opportunity, I would adopt a child and do everything in my power to show them "the way" with lots of love.
if I don't get married in the next 5 years or so - I'm almost 27 - I'm going to adopt I always wanted children to me life without children is senseless

I'm in the same boat. My life would be totally incomplete without children, thats all I've ever wanted out of life. I dont know how certain groups feel about single parent adoption though it's probably 5x harder to do that then adopting as a couple.
if I don't get married in the next 5 years or so - I'm almost 27 - I'm going to adopt I always wanted children to me life without children is senseless

I agree. Someday I want to have children too.
Adoption is a good idea :yes:
They can make your life so much brighter.
I like to adopt some children when I'm older.
I have Klinefelter syndrome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klinefelter's_syndrome

I don't have enough testosterone as a male and so I can't create a baby with a woman.
My only option is to adopt a child. Not only will I have a child, but will the child grow up in a 'normal' environment.

( I just said I have the syndrome, only my mother, father and my brother knows this. It really testifies this is a real loving board where I can share this:) )
I don't think I've ever really thought about it. But, if somebody wants to make a childs life better then it's OK with me :D
I think it is wonderful that people adopt children. Some people can't have children and long to raise to kids themselves and others want to help the kids without a home or parents. As long as you're not adopting for a negative reason (which I can't see what that might be) then I think adoption is one of the greatest things somebody can do for a child.
I'd adopt a child or children and it doesn't matter if I have my own biological child/children or not.

I want to give a poor child a loving, stable home that every child deserves. Race or gender is not an issue.

We gotta make it a better place.
I have thought about adoption a lot and I would love to adopt at least one child. I just hope I have the money for it in the future.
I realized very early in my teens that I wanted to adopt children from around the world.

I learned about orphans that broke my heart born in third/developing nations. Ever since then I have wanted a LARGE family of children from all over the world (this was before Ms Jolie made it a cliche to adopt children from around the world~esp third/ developing nations) :hysterical:

The needs of your own child and a child you adopt are the same... they need love, security, food, clothing, etc.

When I am financially stable I hope to start building my own global family.

if I will ever end up in a situation where I have to adopt it will be for selfish reasons, it will be because I couldn't find someone to built a family with
but if I really want to help children I will donate and visit children in orphanages for ex, by adopting you can only help one or two children and that's it
but regardless of whether I will end up adopting or not I do want to help children especially orphans, I always had a weakness for orphans in fact I think everyone should do something for them and not just once or twice to make themselves feel better, but that could only happen in a perfect world
I'd love to adopt a child one day. Sometimes, it's just really, really, hard. I know a perfectly nice, and stable, couple who have been waiting years. They swear they've had more background checks than a presidential candidate :lol:
I would love to adopt a child or two. It takes a lot of money though. A lot.
But yes, if I ever have that opportunity, I would adopt a child and do everything in my power to show them "the way" with lots of love.

OK, will you just like, marry me or something? I don't think it's possible for you to get any sweeter!
They deserve my respect, would have done this myself if not some obstacles, but maybe one day I'll have luck having the possibilities to do that and to bring light to some little angels.
What do you think? Why do people adopt kids? What goes into doing this?

If I could, I would adopt all the children of the world who needed a parent (s) that way there would not be a need for orphanages any more..!

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
I think it is wonderfull to adopt kids if you have LOVE to give.
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I think it is wonderfull to adopt kids if you have LOVE to give. I think it is sad for people who don´t have enough socio-economical power to do so, to see their rights of giving LOVE denied... we see many people raised and grow poor, but they have the essencial: LOVE, something so rare and nutricional that no money can buy..... see... LOVE as the greatest strenght, LOVE can heal. You can die of sadness in this world. You can work for food, but you are lost if you don´t have a heart with LOVE.
I don´t know if I can have kids (I pray I can) because I have a problem that can affect fertility, but.. my dream since forever is to have children.... even if I don´t marry, even if I can have my own children, I would like to adopt. To give my contribution for LOVE... to someone born without it.
I work with children and I try to give them all my LOVE, but I don´t feel it´s enough. The heart should be a place with no limits.

That is so beautiful Wendy. Every word.
I wish you the best and hope there are no problems when the times comes for you to have children of your own (whether biologically or through adoption). You'd make an excellent mother and teacher of life. :)