What do you think of men


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
who have children with a bunch of women?
First of all I dont know which sane woman would knowingly choose to lay down with a man, who's got kids with several women .. and who doesnt provide for those kids
I mean why would u want to sleep with such a person and get pregnant by such an useless man in the first place? Those women who are dumb enough to do so, can blame no one but themselves

Men who have kids by several women and abandon those kids need to be castrated.
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there are always women who think that with them it will be different and they will be able to change their man. that they are his true love and he won't treat them like he did the previous women.

some women are just desperate and want to have a man by their side no matter what.
I think those men are not real men and I think that real men, gentlemen, are so precious and admirable and underrated.
there are always women who think that with them it will be different and they will be able to change their man. that they are his true love and he won't treat them like he did the previous women.

Depends on what story the man is telling her too. The guy could have told her that the child by another woman was an accident (protection failed), or that the woman never told him she was pregnant, the woman didn't want him involved in the child's life and drove him away, etc etc.
If it's with two women then that's passable but if it was more I probably wouldn't want to get involved with that guy if I was a woman.

Oh, and if he doesn't support the kids he knows about then it doesn't matter if he has children with one woman or a million; it's messed up.
Depends on the situation... Did his wives die? Did they divorce? How far between were the children conceived with separate women? Men who have children with other women while their current wives are pregnant with his other baby now that disturbs me.
its telling how many ppl avoid this thread
Obviously, I am not one of them!
Men who have kids by several women and abandon those kids need to be castrated.
But if you were to do that, you would be accused of advocating the genocide of the black community since most black males are not married. Being free of marital commitments, they often impregnate other women but their relatively low socioeconomic status means they often cannot afford to support the children they have fathered.
Illegitimacy among blacks today is 70 percent. Only 41 percent of black males 15 years and older are married, and only 36 percent of black children live in two-parent families. These and other indicators of family instability and its accompanying socioeconomic factors such as high crime, welfare dependency and poor educational achievement . . .

But black leaders such as Morris Jeff who headed the New Orleans Welfare Department does not want black males to curtail their high illegitimacy rates because it would reduce the black population and the community, like all communities, has a self-interest in maintaining its numbers where they are needed like at the ballot box.

who have children with a bunch of women?
First of all I dont know which sane woman would knowingly choose to lay down with a man, who's got kids with several women .. and who doesnt provide for those kids
I mean why would u want to sleep with such a person and get pregnant by such an useless man in the first place? Those women who are dumb enough to do so, can blame no one but themselves
University of Utah anthropologist Henry Harpending explained the choices of these women thus:

"Father-absent girls have higher rates of illegitimate pregnancy, earlier and more sex, higher divorce rates." He theorized that young women develop expectations about men from whether their father was a "dad or a cad." If their father was a faithful provider, they will tend to hold out for a man who lives up to that standard. When they do, that encourages young men to behave in socially responsible ways.

When young women fail to ask much of young men, Harpending argued, this in turn leads to antisocial behavior in not just their children, but in the kids' fathers as well.
this thread is not aimed at black men but men in general regardless of religion and ethnicity. please keep it that way cuz im damn tired of normal threads being turned into racial discussions thank you
there are always women who think that with them it will be different and they will be able to change their man. that they are his true love and he won't treat them like he did the previous women.

some women are just desperate and want to have a man by their side no matter what.

I agree with reasons JMie mentioned, both are very common, I think

Also sometimes people don´t know the past of their partners, as people with bad reputation usually try to hide it.
who have children with a bunch of women?
First of all I dont know which sane woman would knowingly choose to lay down with a man, who's got kids with several women .. and who doesnt provide for those kids
I mean why would u want to sleep with such a person and get pregnant by such an useless man in the first place? Those women who are dumb enough to do so, can blame no one but themselves

Men who have kids by several women and abandon those kids need to be castrated.

there are always women who think that with them it will be different and they will be able to change their man. that they are his true love and he won't treat them like he did the previous women.

some women are just desperate and want to have a man by their side no matter what.
that's true
Depends on what story the man is telling her too. The guy could have told her that the child by another woman was an accident (protection failed), or that the woman never told him she was pregnant, the woman didn't want him involved in the child's life and drove him away, etc etc.
Yes it also depends on the situation. But I think if a man has decided that he doesn't want to have kids, ever, he should get castrated. i don't know how it is elsewhere but in my country I've heard that you can have castration after you have 3 kids or after you've turned 30. It's a long time and I think it doesn't work.

I'm a daugter of a man who never married any of his gf's (he asked my mom to marry him but she said no). My dad had 3 kids by three different women. I was the one born in the middle so I have one big brother and one younger one. My dad also gave his oldest son up for adoption to the man who married the boy's mother, just so my dad wouldn't have to pay for alimony. Still I would say that my dad was a good, sweet man but he wasn't a provider. He was more of a father to his youngest son, they would keep in touch probably because they lived in the same small town. I would see my dad occasionally, 2 times a year or so.
The reason why my mom had me with him was because they had known each other since they were teenagers and they always loved each other, but even I know that their marriage would have never worked.

My older brother (the one adopted) sort of followed our father's footsteps. He had a daughter with a woman he only spent a weekend with. He didn't want kids but *sigh* IDK how these stories go... contraception fails or it wasn't used, girl lies to the guy "I'm on the pill" but she want's to get pregnant...
What is the point of this thread anyway.?? Excuse to spew anger, disclose way too much personal information? And attack the black community(Agent M)???
Wow. This is nice. Too bad nobody mentions the many women that sleep around.
this is not about sleeping around this is about abandoning children., interesting to see ur (obviously a male) interpretations of this thread. Besides if u wanna talk about women abandoning children make your own thread .
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Wow. This is nice. Too bad nobody mentions the many women that sleep around.

Your right.. Women are equally capable of doing this too. I've known someone who has several children from different men and she cannot take care of them. Lives with her elderly parents. Which are raising all of her children and they are 'messed up' in every way. They get into drugs, theft, violence, sex...... The youngest one was forced to lie about her father so the mom would get money from him she said her dad molested her. Which I don't beleive that was true.

Some people should not be parents male or female.. Both genders are capable of doing the same amount of damage to a child.
I feel the same about men and women have children with multiple people. For example I know a guy who is 21, and has children with 3 different girls...he has 2 with 2 of them and one with the third. Why those girls got themselves involved in all that is completely beyond me. Oh and one of the girls has children by another guy too. What a mess. I suppose that's a different thing though being as this is about supporting the children. I'm not sure what goes on there but I don't imagine he supports them.

Please don't turn this into a racial debate, totally uncalled for.
I just feel sorry for all the kids out there who weren't wanted and aren't properly taken care of because of abandonment of either parent. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with marrying more than once, or with having children inside a committed relationship without the piece of paper saying you are "married", or making the choice to be a single parent if you have the means, like MJ did of course... but people do need to think of their potential child's future when they choose to have unprotected sex (and be educated on how they can prevent unwanted pregnancy). My opinion! ;)