What do you think of makeup on guys?


Proud Member
Sep 17, 2007
What do you think of makeup on guys? Besides using regular stuff such as face wash and aftershave, I do use it sometimes. Not regularly, but if I'm going to a party or out on town and such. Some discreet eyeliner, foundation and powder. And I do pluck my eyebrows on a regular basis. Well, that's about it. :mello: But what do you think of it? Girls, do you like it when guys wear makeup? And guys, what kind of products do you wear? Discuss :clapping:
i think it looks good, but it's kind of wierd. michael wears makeup for more than one reason. he hides his spotty skin and i think also because he is always being watched like in a fish bowl. he is always "on stage"-if you know what i mean. he is a performer and gives 100% all the time. it's good to look your best any time, so if you want to swap make up tips sometime, let me know.
I'm not one to pass judgment on those who I don't know or care about, like random people I come across. But for those who I do know, it's definitely something I don't like... at all.
I don't personally know any guys that wear makeup.

All TV Personalities wear something...well most do anyway. But your average guy looks...odd with it on. I don't do anything to my face but shave but other than that, its all natural for me.
I personally love it. But that just me probably. Urmm i dunno whether i can give you any tips though.
Well however you like... it's fine with me.

The beauty of a person to me is often more the 'aura' around that person... it's not to be seen in the perfect make up or in the perfect purity of some skin. So to me it's much more saying if a person seems to be happy and in peace with themselves also about their look.

I'm not even doing make up on myself cuz I very much like it the natural way. And I am who I am... also I'm not the hiding type lol not even hiding a pimpel so to say.
However I am using some skin caring products if you want so to help it develope it's natural beauty and don't get hurt or suffer too much cuz of work etc.
it's hard to generalize...but if he's a beautiful man and he does it for artistic reasons like a musician or an actor then I find it very tantalizing :shifty:
Male stars wear Make-up all the time for work even the local news folks(male and female) have make-up artist who do their make-up, if you look at the credits at end of program you'd see; for those who didn't know.

I personally do not prefer a regular guy( not in the entertainement business) to wear make-up.

If my husband got up in the morning to apply make-up on; I'd snap! And "F" his a$$ up!

Please don't be offended, I won't divorce him but I will hurt him, lol.
It's not my business and doesn't make a difference to me, but I won't lie: If it's noticeable, I probably think it looks stupid. Normal rules don't apply to Michael Jackson, however.

I'm a guy, though, in case you were only looking for a women's perspective on how it looks.
What do you think of makeup on guys? Besides using regular stuff such as face wash and aftershave, I do use it sometimes. Not regularly, but if I'm going to a party or out on town and such. Some discreet eyeliner, foundation and powder. And I do pluck my eyebrows on a regular basis. Well, that's about it. :mello: But what do you think of it? Girls, do you like it when guys wear makeup? And guys, what kind of products do you wear? Discuss :clapping:
I say whatever floats your boat...who cares what anyone else thinks...do what makes YOU happy...

I use eyeliner, mascara, blush, lip colour, eyeshadow depending how dressed up I need to be...
Depends on the guy.

Yup! I agree totally. Some guys look soo hot with it (melllting!) but others would just look weird! My brother's ex tried putting eyeliner and mascara on him (he has brown eyes and really long lashes) and it just looked silly! I think it's the pretty men, not the handsome ones, who can pull it off generally.
i wear it. i believe it's called 'being metrosexual'.

and when i was appearing to play the piano on a tv show, someone applied it to my face, too. so..i guess it's ok. lol
male stars wear make-up all the time for work even the local news folks(male and female) have make-up artist who do their make-up, if you look at the credits at end of program you'd see; for those who didn't know.

I personally do not prefer a regular guy( not in the entertainement business) to wear make-up.

if my husband got up in the morning to apply make-up on; i'd snap! And "f" his a$$ up!

Please don't be offended, i won't divorce him but i will hurt him, lol.


guyliner is ok ONLY if u can pull it off...mj, pete wentz, benji and joel madden just a few that can rawk it and look cute....

jared leto, totally NOT!
Guys can wear makeup but not in the same way as the ladies. You wear it minimally with the right amount. Hence you can still look macho and manly even with dabs of cake on your face.

But few guys overly done it by putting a lot of blushes for an example.

Like previously being said, some guys can pull it off and some don't. You just need to know how to apply it.

As for me, no. I don't wear makeup. I pamper my face with vitamin E oil and extra olive oil at home but nothing when I'm outside.
If girls can wear make up on, without it being ridiculous, it should also be possible for the boys to wear make up. It's just a matter of self-esteem... and if some boys feels good the make-up on, let them. Personally, I think it may be fine with a little touch of make up, to some boys .. IF they can put a tidy make up, so it looks nice, without being too much - same for girls.
who said only women can wear makeup.. why should only females have to right to bare powder?

in the animal kingdom males are the colorful ones and females are plain. why in humans should it be so opposite? and color is natures makeup.

makeup is unisex as far as im concerned.
cant beat eyeliner on a bloke :wild:
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I sometimes wear guyliner and if I had a spot then I'd put some concealer on. Lipstick and blush would be too far, you don't want to go around like a drag queen.
as for gender stereotypes - i think wearing make-up doesn’t make you less of a man just as not wearing it doesn't make a woman less of a woman. it’s an individual preference imo. i don't really pay attention if it isn't too noticable.

personally i can’t stand it, especially liquid foundation kind of stuff feels as if i had a plaster on my face, eyeliner isn't comfortable either.. if i wear it (on a rare occasion) i can’t wait to wash it off lol.

apart from that i’ve never actually understood what is the point of wearing make-up. it can be cool for fun or artistic purposes but on daily basis? tbh i can’t help but laugh when i see someone with a face covered in 3 layers of make-up trying to look all serious… it makes them look so fake.
but probably that's just me, lol.
Yup! I agree totally. Some guys look soo hot with it (melllting!) but others would just look weird! My brother's ex tried putting eyeliner and mascara on him (he has brown eyes and really long lashes) and it just looked silly! I think it's the pretty men, not the handsome ones, who can pull it off generally.

exactly. the guy has to be a pretty guy. i usually just like guyliner and mascara on guys. Davey Havock from AFI wears eyeshadow(well..he did not sure about now)and sometimes it looked breathtaking..at other times i was like :bugeyed: so it also depends on how you apply it ;)

if its just guyliner and mascara im usually cool with it..on most guys..i think its hot. :swoon:

Oh dear, if only I got a penny for all the times I've been told I have a thing for guys who wear make-up... :rofl:

I have no problem with it whatsoever. I agree that it would be completely unfair to say that only women have the right to wear make-up. It's like saying that only men should wear pants, lol.
So no, I wouldn't throw weird looks at a guy wearing make-up, nor would I say he's gay or transsexual, lol.

I do have to say though (like others have pointed out in the previous posts) that make-up doesn't look good on any guy. Indeed, he'd have to be beautiful, not the muscular, macho type. That is, if the purpose is to look good ;)
I think eye-liner looks good on almost anybody, same for concealers. Can't say the same about lipstick or mascara. Bottom line, you have to know what suits you. And that goes for both men and women, if you ask me^^

@ Chihiro: heavy make-up will make anyone look fake, maybe even ridiculous... Unless we're talking about an artistic event - be it music, film or whatever - , I think people (regardless of gender) should only use make-up to add a speck of colour, or correct certain physical aspects (like acne). If you want to draw attention, then you can use it in larger quantities, or you can choose extravagant colours, but even that can be done in a way that makes you look good.

There's a difference between looking artistic and looking like a clown, lol :lol: