What do you think of horror films?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When i started to listen to Michael's song ''Who Is It'', i started to think about horror/thriller films such as ''Halloween'' and ''Psycho'' which those two are my favorite horror films. And i wanted to ask you all what do you guys think about this genre ''Horror''?

There are so many scary movies i have seen such as The Shining (the one with my two favorite actors Jack Nicholson and Scatman Crothers), Black Christmas, Terror Train, The Exorcist and many more. I really hate horror movies which involve christmas. It scares me to think Santa Claus is a very scary evil man.

Which horror films do you love or hate? And which film from this genre bring back memories and what are your favorites?
I love love luuuuuv Horror movies for the same reasons, I love roller coasters:
Every now and then, I like to get all shook up and have something scare me half to death.

I've seen most of the Halloween movies, Friday the 13th movies, Elm Street..,
I like: "The Shining", "Psycho", "The Exorcist", "The Grudge" (scary noises lol), "28 Days Later","The Ring". "Dawn of the dead", "The Amityville Horror" is okay..
There are more, but I can't seem to remember them right now.

If I see another horror movie with an ending that has the female stay behind (having to die) to 'mother' a child spirit, I'll SCREAM!
Not cause I'm scared, but because I've seen it too often. After seeing 3 movies like that..it's gets old REAL fast. Maybe it's all been done??

I rarely get surprised anymore, (cause I've seen so many), but I still like a good story, and the thrill of a good 'chase'. You know, there's always a chase in there somewhere :cheeky:

I can't stand the 'cheap solution' horror movies, where you can tell the whole story, from beginning till end, within the first 3 min. of the movie.
Give me some twists and turns!
If it can't provide that.. It should, at the very Least! Be able to make my head turn in disgust :bugeyed LOL!
i love horror especially the old onws like nightmare on elmstreet frightnight the howling one and two evil dead well the oldies sadly enough i saw all of them over and over agasn so if anyone has tips for other oldies elt me know
I love Horror Movies!!!! Especially the cheesy ones haha. No but I do love the Halloween, George A. Romero trilogy. Night,Dawn,Day of the dead movies. I have a thing for zombie movies.

I love many more ,but I can't remember the names right now. But yes I am a huge Horror fan.
I have always been such a huge horror movie lover. Have ever since I was 6 years old and saw Freddy Krueger on tv. I thought he was just so funny. I love all sorts of horror movies but my absolute favorite ones will have to be the ones from Stephen King. He is definitely the greatest when it comes to horror movies. But the one horror movie series I had always hated is Jaws. That shark just looks way too fake. I think the movie would have been a lot more better if they had used a more realistic looking shark.
I love Horror Movies :D

I love the work that goes into special effects like make up etc

I like horror movies that much I'm at Horror Vision (which is in my signature yes yes shameless plug :lol: ) and there's a lot of MJ fans from here over there too ^_^

I love pyschological thrillers, and the campy funny horrors :lol:
I don't like horror films at all. :no:

The only one I like is Thriller :lol:
I love Horror movies. ;) I'm a big fan of Stephen King, and I also love the Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday The 13th, and Halloween movies.
i'm actually a very huge fan of the Halloween movies with the infamous white-masked madman Michael Myers and also most of all: The Psycho Movies with Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates. Actually Michael Myers and Norman Bates are my favorite horror icons. What's your favorite horror icons, folks?
I actually grew up with horror movies like they were cartoons. My childhood heroes, except Mike, we're in the likes of Freddy, Myers and Voorhees. And I've been collecting horror movies to the same degree I've been collecting remixes - I always look out after rare cuts and out of print type of horror movies.

Can't really say I have any favorite movie, I tend to find something good in almost everything I see, but I have to say that the Elm Street series has always been close at heart. Sadly the horror industry has gone in to this weird remake craze which I can't stand, so finding good horror now days is harder than ever. I do however recommend a whole lot of indepenent horror flicks that's been out for the past 8 years, like Dog Soldiers and Ginger Snaps - and most recent european movies - Haute Tension, Rec, À l'intérieur and the Decsent.. I can go on and on on this topic so I should stop now :D

Anyone out there into special FX make up?
Horror movies are my faveourite generue of film, i love such classics as " An American Wearwolf in London, "The Omen", "Nightmare On Elm Street" e.t.c really great legendry films
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL ME NOW! :toofunny: :toofunny: :lol:
all you horror movie fans and yet none of you are over at Horror Vision with me :(

I knew I was scary, I just didn't know how scary :wild: