What do you love most about our Michael?!

What do you love most about our Michael?!

  • His dancing/singing?

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • His fashion sense?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • His empathy for others?

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • His mystique?

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hi I want to know what we all love most about our mikey!
Please vote!
If i could, i'd pick all of them. Seeing as i pretty much love everything about him. But i chose dancing/singing, as it's what he's most best at :D
lol oh god... no one has hit fashion sense yet... I picked his mystique... there is just something about him that you can't quite see or touch, but it's incredibly attractive
haha yah. i guesss he has great and unique fashion sense but the other options sorta overshadow it. plus, loving someone solely on fashion sense is kinda a shallow sorta love.

i picked the man's mystique as it is prominent in anything he does. be it dancing or singing or showcasing his sensitivity for children around the world or even chosing the type of clothes to wear!
definitely his empathy for others he just has such a big heart I totally love him for that these days kindness is a much underrated quality
Thats a really tough one because I really like he's dancing..

But I choose: The empathy for others.

Michael Jackson is such a wonderfull person (at least that is what I conclude from where I see him) and he inspires me so much. I really listen to the words he say when he speaks about love and life in general. The way he expresses emotion is also very inspirering.
All of the above, but i'm a fan mainly due to his music, dancing, video's,etc.