What do you guys normally do on the computer?


Proud Member
Sep 11, 2009
Most of us get a chance to get on the computer everyday...what do you guys do on it besides getting on MJ forums?
shop, shop, shop. I am a news junkie, so i check out credible news outlets around the world. Also take a peek at what jealous folks are saying about my 27th times WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK YANKEES.
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I talk on msn, check my emails, listen to music, have a look on ebay and see what interests me and if there is anything I like I look at purchasing it

I also jump on Myspace, Facebook & Myyearbook and play a few online games, other then that I'm on here or on MJJB
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Cycle between Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7, do lots of things on the internet and play games like Starcraft, Half-Life: Source, Half-Life 2 and Unreal Tournament 2k4 because it can't handle anything better. That'll be resolved when I get my gaming rig in the next few days.

But that's about it.
I go on facebook, msn, youtube, my email and just look round some sites.
I have several online businesses. I also work for a web host. I blog and read blogs that I follow. I have a few other (non-MJ) communities that I belong to. And I do email. Those are the things I do everyday on the computer. I also am on Twitter and FB, but I don't do those things everyday.
Well for me I usually just spend most of the day playing one of my Sims games on my laptop. I do go on other sites like

my tv listings site
some news sites
you tube
some online shopping sites sometimes
and some of my favorite porn sites

I do have a liking for porn well I am old enough to be looking at that kind of stuff. But I don't go in them all of the time though. Well I try not too any way.
A Number of things, I'm addicted to playing Microsoft Flight Simulator but i mainly go on, Facebook, Here, Youtube & Last FM.
Nothing clever really.

I'm just here or on fb and every now and then check my e-mails.
I use the internet, come here, visit other message boards like one for SAW & nightmare on elm street, I sometimes google stars, check my email, go on twitter to see if my crush amy paffrath is online or talk to other people, go on youtube, download movies either on stagevu.com or bittorrent.
I spend most time drawing in Ps with my graphic tablet.. besides that I wisit dA, facebook, michaeljacksonart.com, youtube and here :)
Go on other artist forum that i like stay on facebook sometimes myspace, talk some MJ fans on yahoomessenger and youtube, gossip sites just to laugh at all them sad rumors about celebs. I finally joined Lipstickally MJ forum I back down because they were to much for my cup of tea they go to hard lol. But other then that I work and go to school so I rarly have time on the internet but when i do get on i check my e-mail first and start lurking on MJJcommunity Just to see what u all are talking about lol...
Check my emails, go on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube
spend time on sites like tripadvisor looking at houses for sale overseas etc
Besides come here, once in a while I check out what's happening on Facebook or Twitter. I'm a frequent Googler (it's my second brain). I also check the lastest news and topics on AOL. I read and write email. Do some online window shopping (I browse more than I actually buy these days), check out specific subjects on youtube or just browse the web hoping to find something interesting. Sometimes I program my DVR remotely from Optimum.net (if I'm at work and can't get home in time). I read a few NYC/Brooklyn related message boards and websites. When I'm working out I log onto wowy.com which is a fitness site that allows you to workout with others.

Things I don't do on my computer:

Blog (Nothing to blog about)
Watch porn (no interest)
Chat (tried it, don't like it)
Skype (tried it, hate it)