What do you find the most cutest thing?


Proud Member
May 25, 2008
What do you find the most cutest thing? You can name anything, animals, babies, couples, fluffness, cartoons, anything you think is the most cutest. Remember, anything you want finding the cutest.

Here's what I find the cutest:

NaruHina(Naruto x Hinata)


I love the moment, when Naruto found Hinata where Naruto first trained and officially named "Genin". It's when they discussed about when Hinata fought in a preminilary match with her cousin Neji and when she improved herself by Naruto's support. The best part is when Naruto told her he likes "People like you".

NaruHina Hug! Yeeah!

This an unofficial NaruHina doujinshi, it's cute and funny. Poor Naruto is in the hosptial and Hinata came to visit him. Awww.

I'm a huge fan of NaruHina, believed to be the most popular Naruto couple and maybe the entire anime. I know may have said too much, but I just can't help myself when it comes to NaruHina. They're one of the things that makes me happy.
To see a bond between two animals for me is the cutest thing. I love to see them interact, to see the relation they can have, the way they understand each other and show their affection.
For me Pomeranians are the cutest things ever.



Especially Poms in Black and Tan. :wub:
I think that I look for the same thing in girls as some of you look in Michael.
You know, that awareness in the eyes, that purity and sincere look in the eyes.
That kind of look that makes you aware of that it's a good person before you've even said a word to her.
It very rare to stumble across a person like that now days.
I think that is the cutest thing ever.

But I love puppies and stuff also :)

This sloth is quite cute:
I agree with cleopatra09 and baderasexy!!!!:yes: Michael's smile is the cutest thing!!!!:wub:
Awwwww and the collage is awesome!!!! Thnxxxx for posting it!!!!:D

you're welcome,i made that when he first left us, be a bit happier. was my computer background for a while.
By the looks of the collage BadEraSexy, you like Michael in his Bad Era don't ya?
My pitbull in her Halloween costume, she's a turtle this year. :wub: :lol:
By the looks of the collage BadEraSexy, you like Michael in his Bad Era don't ya?

:lol: the name, siggy didn't give that away?

:girl_whistle: hey hey, i made the smile collage diverse!! just counted, 4 bad era pics, 4 thriller, one kid,one capt eo, 2 dangerous. i was being fair ;)
Oh, well that's a very nice collage anyway.

cute lambs in a field by my house :) i do live in wales after all lol
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^^ AWW all the pics above so cute!!!! :wub:

"But the kid is not my son" :heart:
Michael, just Michael, especially when he's smiling. :3

Oh and my stuffed animal, whom I named Anderson Cooper. He's a fox, just like Andy. xD Oh, the real Anderson Cooper is cute as well.

Alexander Hamilton is pretty cute too.