What Do You Do?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was just wondering what people are doing to signify Michael in their lives, and/or keep him around them every day. Or even what people do to find comfort.

I have purchased a silver peace sign necklace that I am going to wear every day. It reminds me of the peace that I need to find, and the peace and the love that Michael worked his entire life to achieve, not only for himself but for everyone.

I also purchased a rubber bracelet like the 'livestrong' bracelets that has his name on it that I will try to wear, but I have a feeling it will be too large for my wrist!

Anyways, what are you planning on doing, if anything?

(Sorry if there is a thread like this already, I searched but nothing came up like I am asking.)
I will be getting a tattoo with an uplifting quote from MJ as soon as I can afford it... to remind me of the spark he had for life and unconditional love he had for people...something that we all should carry.
Oh lovely idea, that peace sign necklace!

I'm trying to keep him around everyday in listening music, wearing my shirt with a print of him, buying the tribute mags and so on.
But I wanted something to last longer....I decided to get myself a tattoo from a music note, don't exactly know how it will look though, but I really want it. Just because I love music and I will do this for Michael too...so that this tattoo will remind me of him forever.:)
I made a ring myself. I wear it on my left thumb. I think wearing a ring on the left hand makes it closer to your heart.

A tattoo is a beautiful idea but I'm too scared. haha. I hope to get one later on though.
Oh lovely idea, that peace sign necklace!

I'm trying to keep him around everyday in listening music, wearing my shirt with a print of him, buying the tribute mags and so on.
But I wanted something to last longer....I decided to get myself a tattoo from a music note, don't exactly know how it will look though, but I really want it. Just because I love music and I will do this for Michael too...so that this tattoo will remind me of him forever.:)

I'm planning to get a heart with a music note through it instead of an arrow, i'm thinking my ankle but supposed to be quite painful there as on the bone *ouch*

For comfort since he died I've had my copy of Moon Walk on my bed next to my pillow and its still there, I like to just randomly open it and read little bits.
For me I am always wearing one of my MJ t-shirts. Even before Michael's death I was still always wearing one of my many MJ t-shirts. For 24 hours a day. Ever since the memorial service I have been wearing my MJ glove necklace. I only take it off if I absolutely have to. Like to take a shower or to wash my hair. Other than that the necklace stays on. I even go to bed wearing that necklace. On my bed I have my 3 MJ cloth posters that I keep there. As well as I keep my 2 MJ pillow cases on 2 of my 4 pillows. I am planning on making 2 more MJ pillow cases. And even though I am a little rusty I am going to make a friendship bracelet that saids I ♥ MJ on it done in Michael's favorite colors red and black. I would so love to get a MJ tatoo but my mother for some strange reason won't let me get one.
Aw, I love all of our ideas. The are beautiful!

I have been tossing around the idea of a tattoo that says Heal The World with a peace sign and a heart around it somewhere. That would mean so much more to me than just being for Michael, so I would really love it and cherish it.

I am also going to try my hand at creating jewelry. I want a braceletor anklet that reminds me of him that I KNOW I will be able to wear. I am making a trip to my a Hobby Lobby tomorrow to find some unique beads and such...I have never made jewlery before so it will be interesting! LOL I will take pictures and let you guys know how it turns out....
I will be getting a tattoo dedicated to him and i talk to him every day...
I also started to write...
The biggest thing that signifies Michael in my life everyday though, has just become my actions. Because of his example, my everyday life has changed drastically in the way I look at things, and the way I react to people and situations. I also don't take things so seriously anymore. I admit that over the years I had really become one of those people who was just angry with everything. Nothing fun was anymore. I lost that place in my heart full of innocence, joy, overflowing love and a zest for life. Michael has awakened that in me again. I catch myself multiple times a day...changing my actions and thoughts for the better, because of what I have learned from him. This is how he is always with me.

That's beautiful :) Michael has inspired me to go after things I've been putting off for awhile b/c I've finally realized that tomorrow is not promised, so I've decided to do start living and stop simply existing. I listen to his music constantly for motivation toward my side work.
The biggest thing that signifies Michael in my life everyday though, has just become my actions. Because of his example, my everyday life has changed drastically in the way I look at things, and the way I react to people and situations. I also don't take things so seriously anymore. I admit that over the years I had really become one of those people who was just angry with everything. Nothing fun was anymore. I lost that place in my heart full of innocence, joy, overflowing love and a zest for life. Michael has awakened that in me again. I catch myself multiple times a day...changing my actions and thoughts for the better, because of what I have learned from him. This is how he is always with me.

I am the same way. Michael has inspired me in a way that nobody has before. I can't describe exactly but he just really inspired me to become a better person than I was before. I'm a lot more willing to help others than I ever was and I'm much more understanding towards people who really need to be understood. There were times where I really couldn't stand children but he made me look at them in a whole different way.

I've been listening to his music so much lately. I really don't want to go back to school. I don't know how I'll handle it. ha.
i were a tiny key on my neckless it reminds me of michael
when michael i fainly faith in things
i went to write some poams i enjoy michael's music more ( it has messages in them)
sometimes i think michael watch me while i lost something michael helps me find it ?
i fainly figer out how to use my gift for? ( as you know i got a gift of some kind i can talk to dead persons) im going to help other persons that want get a message from dead person
michael made a better person i give money charties
if a person ask me qussion while im out about i won't act so shy i will try to answer their qussion
My tattoo I got last Tuesday is a reminder of the entertainment side of him. I listen to his music everyday as I always have and the greatest gift from Michael to me is my personality. I've adopted so many of his mannerisms and ideals :) I will also be carrying on with my annual charity cycle rides that I've been doing since 2006. I've done rides for Cancer Research UK, CLIC Sargeant, The British Heart Foundation & The Stroke Association. I hope to do one for the NSPCC this year as well :)
I am the same way. Michael has inspired me in a way that nobody has before. I can't describe exactly but he just really inspired me to become a better person than I was before. I'm a lot more willing to help others than I ever was and I'm much more understanding towards people who really need to be understood. There were times where I really couldn't stand children but he made me look at them in a whole different way.
I've been listening to his music so much lately. I really don't want to go back to school. I don't know how I'll handle it. ha.

I am with so with you there, particularly about children. I have a child of my own and I love her to death, but I initially didn't plan on having kids because I just couldn't stand them! And even though I have loved my daughter I still couldn't stand to be around other children. I think a big part of that was because I lost my own inner child. Michael helped...and is still helping, to bring me back to that. And it's because of that that I am able to see children in a different light. Suddenly I see that they are the true and innocent version of our own selves, that we just left behind as years went by. This has helped me not only with other kids but with the relationship I have with my daughter.
I have decided to sell some pieces of jewlery I created. All proceed after materials and shipping and handling are paid for, will go to the Heal the World charity. I have made a thread about it in the general discussion area.
I do many things.

I have personal items that allow me to relive cherished memories on a daily basis. sometimes that can be painful but right now I feel i need to do it.

If you have read a post of mine titled 'thankyou' you will know that i owe my life to michael and i remind myself every day how lucky and grateful I am for that gift, and make sure that from now on I live a good life and do my upmost to be a good person.

I plan to carry on michaels mission to heal the world, and as of next year i will be spending at least one month every year volunteering at an orphange in uganda... and i am currently in the legal and financial planning stages of setting up a children charity.
im still feeling drianed out ? i just i miss michael too much
its 9 august today ( australia time) its my birthday
im not sure what i will doing yet on 31st birthday
I have my tattoo

I listen to his music every day

I visit 2300 Jackson street regularly

Im planning a convention to be held every year in Gary, IN where us fans can come together every year and celebrate michael and everything that he loved.

I wear my MJ pins every time i go somewhere

I continue to live by his message (always have and thats never going to change) LOVE