What do you do when people talk bad about Michael?

Jan 17, 2004
Pardon my french, lol. But i'm kinda annoyed at the moment...

Last week when i was at my (temporary) job, my dad called me to tell me the good news about how he had gotten tickets for MJ @ O2.
So of course i couldn't keep quiet about that all day.....so i just told one guy there about it. His reply was pretty normal...until when the break started, lunchtime.

And all the sudden the dude said...'His legs or arms will probably fall off when he's performing,haha' stupid nonsense like that. So alittle later on one of the co-workers says 'Yo, so i heard you are fan of Michael Jackson?' So i said..hell yeah, and i'm going to one of his shows.

Then he goes 'Yeah well, i used to like his music in the early days, but i just can't do that now anymore..not after the stuff he pulled with those children. Trust me....when there's smoke, there's fire. He didn't make himself more beloved by dangling his baby and all that...sleeping with kids, touchy here, touchy there' ....

I was thinking to myself ' I could be wrong...but did i even ask ONCE for your goddamn opinion on MJ?, hell no' He could have said...yo man, that's great that you are going there, hope you have a great time...nah....instead they give their opinion on him to you...why do people always feel the need to expres their opinion on Mike?...i do not give a rat's ass, friend.

Today he said more stupid crap. "So you rather listen to a fake nose, than to real music? (which in his opinion was crappy dutch music....palingpop, the dutchies amongst here will know what i mean)
He also said ' Without a good studio, he wouldn't have been big at all, trust me on that. I would love to go into discussion with these dumb f***s and prove them wrong...the thing is, i only got started working there for two weeks now, i want to keep the atmosphere nice. Also..i am not a big talker, so maybe i couldn't even 'beat' him, or prove him wrong. So i just said....'doesn't that count for practically any artist? If the beat is no good, the music is no good'

It just annoys me alot.....why must people always judge, look at yourself...are you perfect? Sigh.....i also remember my ex-girlfriend, who at certain point flat out yelled 'MJ raped kids, did ya'll know?' ..which was when we were at her sister's house, her mom was there ..etc.and she DID know that i was a big fan and supporter of MJ. Pretty ****ty of her, that's for sure.

That's why it's gonna be AWESOME when we are going to London...all four of us (well,my bro and friend definitely,not sure about my bro's gf yet,lol) wearing MJ shirts, and just not giving a damn about what any people might say....the fact that we'll be seeing and talking to alot of fans is great, very very nice.
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I either say nothing, or roll my eyes, or walk away from the conversation. Rarely will i do a bunch of defending because these people already have their minds made up what they want to think. They say those things to get a rise out of you. it seems you fell straight into their trap. Once they see I don't say a thing about it, they typically shut up pretty quickly. Don't show your anger about it all. You already know in your heart how you feel about Michael, and that's what Michael appreciates most. People will slam all they want, but if they see that it doesn't affect you, it's not worth it for them to do it anymore.
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I either say nothing, or roll my eyes, or walk away from the conversation. Rarely will i do a bunch of defending because these people already have their minds made up what they want to think. They say those things to get a rise out of you. it seems you fell straight into their trap. Once they see I don't say a thing about it, they typically shut up pretty quickly. Don't show your anger about it all. You already know in your heart how you feel about Michael, and that's what Michael appreciates most. People will slam all they want, but if they see that it doesn't affect you, it's not worth it for them to do it anymore.

Well , i didn't really fell into their trap...i didn't get angry at all...i actually pretty much avoided a discussion..but in my head i was like 'dude just stfu'. Like i said....i was happy and showed my enthusiasm about how i got tickets...no reason AT ALL for that dude to start saying what he thinks of MJ...still he thought it was nessecary...i DO get mad on certain forums when they talk smack about MJ...cause i can then show them facts and sites on how they are wrong...not that it helps much, but still.

I realise that alot of people believe everything the media says, well pretty much everything the media says is nonsense...ah well, just as long as we fans know best, right? :p
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I batter them to the ground and force feed them tabloid bull s*it!
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

Just ignore them. I've come to realise that no matter how many facts you tell people about Michael some people just won't listen to you because they're heads are to far up their own asses to say three simple words ''I was wrong''
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I give them a friendly smile and say "yes theres so many conspiracy theories.."
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

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Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I say, "You are so deprived, poor little asswhole." and walk away ^_^
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

Zulke mensen zijn zo triest he .. Ik ken er een heleboel, gewoon niet op in gaan.
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I'd smack him upside the head and say "Dude is in better shape than YOU - ya donut head! And, since when did he ever get tried and convicted of anything other than what's in your own mind??"
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I don't pay any attention to them.

Last week we had a conversation in my classroom about Michael, because it was big news that he would go perform again.
So they all said he only does it for the money and his tickets are about $1000. I kept my mouth, because they are not worth the truth.

@ Gfresh, we are not speaking dutch here:p
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I would laugh and tell them they are real party poopers:doh:

But if I meet people that drag all that into discussion, I usually ask them what they base their opinion on ( witch usually is a mix of all the stories that has popped up through the years), and ask them if they realy think I would be a fan of someone i thougth was guilty. And I would be very clear about taking that as a personal offence if they thought it didn\t matter to me.
I would also say that if they had done the effort to read about the case, they would propably come to the same conclusion that I have.
And then I would say that whatever they may think of him as an artist is their choice, but that people in general look stupid if they assume that what they read in the gossip section is real. Everyone knows that is pure fabrication.
A fine point is that within a few weeks Michael has gone from being eaten up by a super bug and being on his death bed, to doing 50 shows. That is something that just shows how utterly stupid it is to believe in anything written about him that taste of scandal.
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

I'd smack him upside the head and say "Dude is in better shape than YOU - ya donut head! And, since when did he ever get tried and convicted of anything other than what's in your own mind??"

YES! Thats so perfectly said!
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

i slay they asses lol. i DO NOT PLAY NOR DO I STAND 4 ANY MJ DISREPSPECT, if sum1 disrespects mj in fornt of me i have no problem @ all tellin them about theyselves,just ask those pple @ my church lol
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

i slay they asses lol. i DO NOT PLAY NOR DO I STAND 4 ANY MJ DISREPSPECT, if sum1 disrespects mj in fornt of me i have no problem @ all tellin them about theyselves,just ask those pple @ my church lol

i'm not surprised. there are people in church who think he needs help, and people outside of church who think he's wacky. he can't seem to win in those circles, either way. both sides oughta look in the mirror.

man..when people bang on MJ i have done everything from getting into physical fights to getting threatening letters sent to me, for 'disturbing the peace' on usa today message boards, tho both that paper and the haters were initiating the same hate speech they accused me of. so i have no trouble confronting those hypocrites, and telling them stuff that shuts them up, ultimately.
i fantasize about what i do to them, but all they see is a glare. mostly i imagine ripping off their heads and (i can't say it here) down their necks.
I usually say to people that they are speaking from a position of extreme ignorance and misinformation (for which they have my pity) and if at any time they wish to learn the facts THEN we can have a discussion.
I try to ignore them. I´ve made the experience that if you stop talking about MJ - they´ll also stop to speak about MJ. Because it´s not interesting anymore for them.

If they won´t stop - I just go elsewhere to don´t listen to them.
I would just back off and think to myself "what stupid people, don't know what they're talking about.."
My best friend says alot of shit about MJ, I just defend MJ as much as I can and by annoying him, I played the start Thriller voice over session where Michael says "Hi, This is Michael Jackson" to him and he freaked out :).
Re: What do you do when people talk shit on Michael?

i'm not surprised. there are people in church who think he needs help, and people outside of church who think he's wacky. he can't seem to win in those circles, either way. both sides oughta look in the mirror.

man..when people bang on MJ i have done everything from getting into physical fights to getting threatening letters sent to me, for 'disturbing the peace' on usa today message boards, tho both that paper and the haters were initiating the same hate speech they accused me of. so i have no trouble confronting those hypocrites, and telling them stuff that shuts them up, ultimately.

right it was the MIDDLE of service and i surely stood up and went off lol. it resulted in me standing on top of a table lookin down on eevry1 in the room yellin and slayin each and evry1 of them. they havent said a thing since lol. and i was kick off of myspace a while back 4 "disturbung the peace" when i cursed out some dude 4 leaving a nasty comment on an mj pic,i was reported on youtube 2 lol,and not 2mention when i was in highschool the numerous altercations that occured with me winding up suspended lol
i don't know must people i know long enough know that i'm strong on my morals and based on that i think it helps my point of view and others to see.

that's not to say that i don't have a few comebacks for those who are idiots, lol.

i normally say "you can have an opinion on his music because that's art (no right or wrong) but the other stuff is crap and there is no opinion there, lol.

To talk about Michael Jackson and not mention his art is not only a disrespect to him but to all art in general, it shows you value gossip/trash over art. Michael said it best "But you know what's funny, why is that so important? That's not important to me. I'm a great fan of art. I love Michaelangelo, if I had a chance to talk to him or read about him I would want to know what inspired him to become who he is, the anatomy of his craftsmanship, not about who he went out with last night....what's wrong with....I mean that's what is important to me."