What do I see when I look at your face?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
What do I see when I look at your face?
I see love and innocence and a child-like grace.
I look into your eyes, when I look at your face
for your eyes are the window to your soul.

What do I see when I look at your face?
I see beauty, tenderness, intelligence and love.
Have I said 'love' already?..........
then I'll say it again......
I see cheekiness, playfulness,
with a sense of fun.
I see deep deep pride for your daughter and sons.

What do I see when I look at your face?
I see a reflection of a giving heart,
Michael I'm so very sad that you had to part.
Man judges by appearance,
but God looks at the heart.

I see many things when I gaze upon your face,
I see a tender man, and a strong man,
who did so much for this place.

( Michael's changing face has always been a topic for media discussion, and no doubt always will be. We who love him see his smile and his eyes, a reflection of a beautiful soul, thats all that really counts. ) :yes: :agree:
beautiful poem.^^
i like it, it's so touching,
And of course makes me remind Michael
right now when you look at my face....you see tears of sadness because I just read the Michael is laid to rest thread. :(.......wwwaaaaahhhhh :(
right now when you look at my face....you see tears of sadness because I just read the Michael is laid to rest thread. :(.......wwwaaaaahhhhh :(

awww sweetheart thunder. :(
It's so totally unbelievable that the King of Pop OUR Michael has been laid to rest..............:(

I would have seen him tonight.............last night...Monday 10th August I had tickets for the O2 :(

Have totally struggled through today/yesterday.................I've been like a Zombie since 25th June at 11.16pm when I heard those awful words..............

Love to you................
Really touching and beautiful.
Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing :)
Such a beautiful poem!!!!
Thank you for posting it!

And I agree with you! All that really matters are his eyes and his smile which are a reflection of his beautiful, kind and generous soul!
I see alot of things when I look into Michael's face. Happiness, sadness, love, hurt...

But now, I just see peace when I look at him.