What did you think of michael jackson amercian bandstand 2002 ?

I love it!
i know that some were disappointed that he didn't perform a more recent song from the invincible album but if it aint broke dont fix it !
I loved it. I wonder why he chose Dangerous. That seems random.
I was actually a new MJ fan at that point, so I enjoyed it a great deal. I didn't even count on MJ being there. I was channel surfing and I'm generally a sucker for live music shows, so I stopped. Then all of a sudden MJ is on there.

Being someone who became a fan while just channel surfing and catching the 30th Anniversary Show then seeing him at American Bandstand.. I was almost fooled into thinking he was a regular performer still :lol:
I think it's an ok performance. He looked as if he was having way too much KFC every day! He's dancing seemed to be a bit heavy, it didn't flow...

I thought he looked much better, agile and light at the BET Awards. He seemed to be in top form!

Are we talkign about the MSG thing? If you are then yeah, he still looked pretty hot, in my opinion.

The songs were nice to listen to with his voice again lol.
He was heavier then usual, but he still danced beautifully. On top of which he was having some health problems around then, but he was still a million times better then anyone else.
I was both excited and disappointed. Excited because he was actually performing and disappointed because it was Dangerous which as I've said before...most of them are exactly the same.

He didn't have to do something like Billie Jean but something else would have been nice. I wouldn't have minded You Rock My World which is what I think he should have done since Invincible was still new.
I think really the reason he didn't perform a new song is because of all the trouble going on with Sony at that time and he really didn't have anything new worked out or have time to work anything new out. Even with "YRMW" he was forced in to making the video and thus wasn't at all able to create or come up with anything distinctly new. He wanted to do "Unbreakable" as the first single and Sony said no and then gave him something like two weeks to do "YRMW", so it just wasn't the best time for Michael. In any other situation, I bet he would have done a new routine. Don't worry though, as soon as he's ready with his new album, he's gonna blow all our socks off.
That trouble with Sony wouldn't affect him performing an Invincible song though. That all relates to videos, singles, and such. He could have easily dome a new song. In 2001he did YRMW with pretty much no choreography and such, so by 2002 I'm sure he could have put something together rather than returning to a 10 year old dance routine.
Well I doubt he wanted to without something worked out, that's the point. Of course he could]/i] have performed a new song, but you know how Michael is, he want's to do everything big.
He was aight but due to his body language, he wasn't into it plus he was still in that "sick" phase that I saw him in during MSG 30.
That's it helena. He was trying his hardest. He even performed the routine twice because he hadn't been happy with the first take. So he did it completley over. Of course the audience at home didn't see that, but the fans packed in to the arena did.
I think it's a good performance, but I prefer the one from the Apollo theatre where Bill Clinton introduces him. :)
Although Mike was still in that "sick" phase and that step in the choegraphy he messed up, I think it was a bloody good performance and better than anything done at MSG. He sings live for a couple of seconds but he runs outta breath ,then they switch the Mic off again. ("you just, you just, just my baby") *mic goes back off* lol!
Although Mike was still in that "sick" phase and that step in the choegraphy he messed up, I think it was a bloody good performance and better than anything done at MSG. He sings live for a couple of seconds but he runs outta breath ,then they switch the Mic off again. ("you just, you just, just my baby") *mic goes back off* lol!

Yeah that was funny but at least he tried. :lol:
Well I thought it was good that some parts were sung live a bit, but he did mess up like putting up the wrong leg.

His voice wasn't very good either...

As for MSG. I don't want to get into his health, but I'll just say some people out there believe he got surgery before the concerts.
I love that performance too, I love it because it's not perfect. :) And about Michael being chunky at that time: he was so NOT, he looked way much better and he actually looked VERY sexy with more flesh on his body. I think he was looking better at that time then now.