What did you like about Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What did you like about Michael and why well I think he was a brilliant singer and he made people smile all around the world I just loved him just post what you think about this amazing person and his soul still lives on
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Don't even start me on this. It is one of the hardest questions to answer quite simply because I loved EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. His personality, His music, His looks, His mind etc. Everything you can think of.
There isn't a thing i didn't like about Michael.
I Love EVERYTHING about Michael. He doesn't have a bad bone in his body.....
Well maybe he has a BAD bone... ...oh i can't even joke without feeling sad:(
I'm devastated:cry:
he's music,genius,dance, and he truth, charity
What I liked about Michael Jackson

His music

His streamlined and versitial vocals

His Dancing, and not just the moves but the way he moved his body is such fulid, powerful, beautiful and slick way.

The fact Michael wasn't just a singer and dancer, but also wrote/ composed/ arranged and co-produced/ produced the majority of his iconic songs. And just a multi-talented genius.

Michael being a fearless innovator.

Michael being a perfectionist.

I loved the way he looked, and his style.

I loved his aura which was calm, enegetic and powerful.

The fact that despite his enormous fame and being a living legend, Michael was still a humble man, well mannared and very polite.

And one thing that very few people mention because many people point out his fragile nature, is that Michael was also a very mentally very strong. The abusive media etc that Michael should never of had to put up with would have caused some stars to commit suicide or just give up. But Michael kept on fighting right up till the end, and he was on his way to beating the media again as he often did on his comebacks. Michael strength and of charcater, and him not being afraid to be an indvidual are two of the many things about Michael that have inspired me.
His music, dance moves, video clips etc... give me escapism, excitment , gr8 entertainment. His work makes me reach some kind of trance sometimes, i mean a mental one. That's why i won't stop enjoying his work 'til i get enough (i'll never get enough)
His heart, his soul, his mind, his spirit, his talent, his voice, his music, his dancing, his smile, his eyes, his laugh, his hair, his beauty, his generosity, his intelligence, his kindness, his sensitivity, his grace, his caring and loving and childlike nature, his gentleness, his dedication, his attitude, his openness, his strength, his innocence, his humbleness...

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His music, his passion, his love, not caring what other people thought about him, just did his own thing.
the mix of being so angelic, so sensitive, intelligent, always wanting to learn, so charitable AND his unbelievable talent that outshined every other entertainer.

and those beautiful eyes, gorgeous face, his style, the way he moved, always changing, never boring. i'll never get tired of his music and never will.

like Jermaine once said about his music "Michael is in his own stratosphere."
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I loved his music, how he danced. I love that he was an entertainer in every way there was. He was by far the greatest entertainer and it's going to be a long time before we see anyone as great as he.
Jeez that's a good question. I like the wording of the question, too. I mean, everyone is a Michael Jackson fan. The whole world watched him grow up and grew up with him. Everyone has heard a Michael Jackson song and has a favorite. His cultural relevance has never waned.

But I like Michael Jackson the person because he's unique. He always went against the grain despite the possibilty or reality of criticism. He was always real with himself and didn't care what people thought. if it made him happy he was gunna do it.

I like Michael Jackson because he came across as kind and charming and sweet. Every fan on this board knows this. In his interviews he's always sweet and the laugh and smile has always been there. Always the gentlemen, he never spoke ill of another human being, not even Eminem though he had the oppurtunity to do so.

I like Michael Jackson because he was a hard worker and a positive role model for youth, especially minority youth. He was a great philanthropist and devoted himself to helping others through charity and making others rejoice and unite through dance and music.

But most of all I think what mosts attracted me to Michael is that he seemed like a fun guy to be with. Always joking and pranking, who doesn't like a person like that? He never quite grew up, but that was part of his charm.

He was largely misunderstood, probably even by us fans, but he was a beautiful person.
He was so beautiful , kind , sweet, funny and brillant talent

I loved his sense of humor... he always made me smile
His personality - fun, sweet, loving, kind, compassionate, funny, generous, considerate, appreciative and intelligent. He always showed his fans so much respect, love, and appreciation for everything. I loved how he looked at the world, seeing magic and wonderment in things, I loved how he wanted to help everyone and everything in the world. Also, I loved his singing, his beautiful voice, his songwriting, his dancing, his performing. I loved his beautiful eyes and smile and how he walked and talked and his laugh. Everything.
Besides the obvious - And this is gonna sound corny as hell, but I felt that he was the only one that could understand me, and the only one I could relate to.
He was like a brother I never had, that I grew up with looking up to.
He was, and still is, my escape.
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